Nabiki’s eyes sparked lightning. Bad enough to be placed in this position, half stripped, and molested, but the old-lady jokes were getting a bit tiresome.
“Yea, I’m down here,” Ryouga called out. “You’re going to like this.” As he said this, Ryouga stepped around behind Nabiki, and then reached around her body to cup her breasts with his hands, but doing nothing to conceal their ripe charms. Nabiki tried a back-kick to the nuts, but only bruised her heel on Ryouga’s shin.
“What you . . . Whoa!’ Ranma exclaimed in surprise, as if he hadn’t already seen it, Nabiki thought in disgust.
She blinked as Ranma lifted a camera and a flash went off. Pictures, of course, how predicable, she thought with derision. Her thoughts broke off as she gasped in mixed pain/pleasure from Ryouga pinching her erect nipples.
“So, who’s the cutey?” Ranma asked, earning a look of disbelief from Nabiki.
Don’t tell me they’re still playing that stupid game! She thought. Strangely, there was a touch of envy in her thoughts. It had been a very, very long time, since Nabiki had indulged in make-believe. The world was a harsh place, and there was no place for dreamers. She’d elected to be a schemer instead. Of course, now, that was looking like a poor career choice as well. Trapped in a basement with one horny, and very strong, thug, and a crazy boy who also happened to be one of the best martial artists in the world.
“She’s child-welfare, wants to take Yoiko away,” Ryouga said, twiddling her nipples like the knobs on a radio. He had moved in closer to her, and she could feel his erection pressing the fabric of her shorts into the crack of her ass. The head, complete with pre-cum, brushed against the small of her back. Nabiki’s mind flashed into lightning mode.
“bastard’s!” Ranma swore. “They chased me and Pop all over Japan. I bet he’d never have taken us to China if not for them.”
“Yea, they were always trying to put me into foster homes, and then claiming I ran away and trying to put me into a half-way home instead.” Ryouga said. Clearly both boys had grudges, which did not bode well for Nabiki in this fantasy they’d concocted.
But, Nabiki had lost focus with the outside world as the clinical part of her mind was analyzing her situation with cold pure logic.
1: She was trapped, helpless. In the hands of two boys who had her so badly outgunned on the physical front that it was not even worth considering that avenue of resistance.
2: Her usual blackmail tactics were not working. They believed they could silence her by revealing what was going to happen to her here.
3: They were right. The consequences, from her point of view, would be far worse for her, than for them. “They must have stiffed her on the bill,” Nabiki could hear the words in her mind. She was sure a dozen character witnesses would swear that Ranma would never do something like that, and on the reverse, swear that it was just the sort of lie she’d tell.
4: She was screwed, figuratively, and quite possibly laterally.
5: Was that a bad thing?
Nabiki considered the last point. Despite rumors spread by ex-dates, she was not frigid, did not hate men and was not, she didn’t thing, a lesbian.. She was a virgin. But, not out of any morality or fear. It was a simple fact that a girl who put out lost power in school society. Her bank book and supply of free food could not stand the loss of that status. This stand was not without a cost.
The truth was, Nabiki had all the normal urges, and then some. She masturbated most nights, had wet-dreams and a very vivid-fantasy life. She’d even plotted out the loss of her virginity to Kuno. She’d been sure he would not indulge in bedroom boasting, and a lot of the stigma attached to non-virgins did not apply to the girlfriend of the big man on campus. That plan had crashed and burned, mainly because Kuno was an idiot. So, Nabiki had retreated to her fantasies. Ane a lot of those fantasies in the last while had centered around Ranma, with an occasional Ryouga day-dream tossed in for good measure. She had disdain for Ranma’s weak willed behavior around girls and his and her father, but she was very aware of his superb body, and more than superb endowments.
Shortly after Ranma had arrived, Nabiki made a point to discover what had freaked out Akane so badly in the bath that day. It wasn’t that hard to find a peep-hole into the furo. She’d been a bit freaked herself. Ranma was huge, way out of proportion for his size. Nabiki was privately convinced that Genma was somehow responsible, a magical device or spell of some sort to help Ranma meet Nodoka’s requirement, normal boys, and men, just weren’t that big. Or so she’d thought till she’d peeked at Ryouga.. He looked smaller than Ranma, but only because his body was more muscular, and it screwed the proportions. Nabiki was willing to bet there was only a fraction of an inch between them. More than once she’d wished they’d find some backbone, and create the possibility of her actually getting some from a guy who would not only be honorable enough to respect her afterwards, but who would never talk behind her back about it.
Which brought Nabiki back to the thought, Was this situation a bad thing? If the wetness between her legs was any evidence, the answer was no. There were flies in the ointment, however. For one thing, How could she be sure these two would not broadcast her behavior far and why. Well, if she didn’t have enough leverage to stop events in the basement, she did have enough to make it very hard on them if they talked. For one thing they could forget their little games. That left one last thing. If they raped her, they’d won. Nabiki made Ranma look like a toddler when it came to giving in and admitting defeat.
But, she’d already calculated the odds of resisting at nill. That left only one thing to do. Change the rules of the game. Right now, she was the victim of two powerful boys holding grudges, and sporting big cocks. She had no problem with the cocks, and grudges were meat and potatoes to her, that left the victim part.
While Nabiki’s mind had been away, the boys had continued to talk. “I tell you,” Ranma said. “Those CWA, guys were such a pain in the ass, it’s going to be a pleasure to return the favor.”
Nabiki directed a stern look at Ranma, but directed her words to Ryouga, who was still standing behind her, fondling her bare breasts. “Mr Hibiki. You are not doing you, or your sister any good with this behavior. Release me at once, and I may allow you supervised visitation by your sister in whatever prison the courts sentence you to. Continue, and I will see you locked in the deepest darkest vault in the country.”
Nabiki was looking right at Ranma, and saw his expression change. Pleasure, and genuine fondness replaced the fake facade he’d been wearing, and seeing the real thing, Nabiki had to wonder how she’d been fooled all these months by the mask Ranma wore. The difference was night and day, and she was suddenly sure that she’d not only made the best decision for this situation, but maybe the best for her life as a whole as well.
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(Posted Fri, 04 Jun 2004 00:44)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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