Ranma's pride: Ami takes charge

Unending BE - episode 103860

Due to the fact she'd been more exposed to the program's influence, Nabiki was far more horny than Ami. A fact Ami took advantage of as she started to finger Nabiki's slit. Nabiki began rubbing against Ami and purring estaticly as Ami played with her, Ami's other hand was typing comands into the computer.

[All catgirls (ith the exception of Ami Muzino) will be come submissive to the catgirl Ami Muzino. This will be applied to all catgirls, werecats and feline morphs both currently active and those who become one of these types later. All subjects will consider Ami to be their natural superior and will be quite loyal and infatuated with her. Ranma will accept Ami as his first (and most important) wife and will love her more than any of the others.]

"Now than, what shall I do next?" purred Ami as she guided Nabiki's head down to her dripping pussy. "I could change the rest of the Sailors over to werecats, it's for their own good after all. Or I can have some fun with some of the locals, Akane had some rather inter- interesting ideas. Maybe I'll make some changes to my slave-sister-wives? Or maybe someone else?"

  1. She changes the Sailors.
  2. She alters the Nerima gang.
  3. She modifies some of the other member of Ranma's Pride
  4. She toys with some one else (supporting cast from either show, or characters from a different show entirely?)
  5. *She decides to do something else.
Go back - Go to the parent episode.

Enchanter Tim

Mon Oct 2 16:08:13 2000