“Oh, gods damn it,” The NurseJoy thought. She had been looking SO forward to get to know this Momoko. She had a feeling the pink-haired girl would be another NurseJoy, and that would have meant she herself would have had more free time if there were TWO NurseJoys working the Greenpeace PokéCenter instead of one.
But now it seems that Ranma Sextome had unintentionally gotten himself another pokégirl. “Gods, if Momoko keeps sucking him off like that, she’s going to take off his foreskin,” the Greenpeace NurseJoy thought in amazement as she continued to watch the spectacle of Sextome receive a blowjob...
...And blush as she began to realize just HOW big he really was. Holy hell, she didn’t know he had the Blood Gift of ‘Horse Hung’.
Shaking her head, the Greenpeace NurseJoy realized she still had a larger problem. She had to keep Ranma from taking away the new NurseJoy so she could get some help around the PokéCenter for a change.
But how could she do that? It was obvious to her that a superficial Bond had been placed over Ranma and Momoko. Superficial because they had yet to do the actual deed, yet there was sexual contact between the two. The Greenpeace NurseJoy would have to be stupid not to realize that Momoko would be inclined to want to follow Ranma around. And damn it, while the Greenpeace NurseJoy wanted that new NurseJoy working alongside her, she couldn’t deny poor Momoko the chance to be on the road with a real Tamer.
“Damn, damn, DAMN!” The Greenpeace NurseJoy mentally cursed. There had to be something she could do with this to satisfy herself at Momoko. Damn, but it wasn’t like she could just go out there for a little bit to get some real-life experience...
...Or could she?
Smiling, the NurseJoy of Greenpeace walked over to the pigtailed Tamer who was still getting his pole polished by a rather enthusiastic pink-haired pokégirl. “Oh, Mr. Sextome,” the NurseJoy began sweetly. “Can I have a word with you?”
Ranma just stood there, moaning a little.
Blinking her eyes, the NurseJoy once again asked, “Mr. Sextome?”
“Uh, excuse me, NurseJoy,” Mitsuko spoke up. “But I think you, might want to ask Master later. He’s enjoying the treatment this little NurseJoy is giving him to care about much else right now.”
As if adding more weight to the Vixxen’s statement, Ranma just continued to moan a bit more, his eyes literally rolled to the back of his head.
Her eye twitching a little bit, the NurseJoy of Greenpeace thought that perhaps she should send them back to Sextome’s Taming Room for now. No, it wasn’t uncommon for rather horny pokégirls to not be able to hold out before they could be taken to a Taming Room, but COME ON!
“An internship?” Ranma asked as he stood before the Greenpeace NurseJoy’s desk.
“Yes,” the NurseJoy answered as she nodded her head. “Because of your... Accident with your Vixxen...”
“Sorry,” Mitsuko cut in, feeling really bad.
Nodding her head to that, the NurseJoy repeated, “Well, considering your accident with your Vixxen, you unintentionally acted as a catalyst for Momoko there. She was going through Threshold, and it seems she would have been a NurseJoy like myself.”
Ranma nodded his head, understanding this so far. “So, what does that have to do with me?”
“Well, Sextome,” The NurseJoy began, cracking her knuckles to relieve pressure; all that tping was getting to her. “Usually, a NurseJoy is fated to be at a PokéCenter, helping ion the healing process of Tamers and their pokégirls. Its just part of our nature you see.” She then sighed. “However, you interrupted it.”
Ranma blinked his eyes. Something about this NurseJoy’s tone of voice just told him he screwed up. “Er, I did?”
“Yes, you did,” The NurseJoy answered.
Frowning a little, Mitsuko was not going ot let this NurseJoy say ANYTHING bad about her Tamer. “Hey! It’s not Master’s fault!” Mitsuko spoke up. “It’s my fault,” She whimpered. “I was a bad pokégirl and hurt Master.”
“Aw, Mitsuko,” Ranma groaned. Damn. He hated seeing these girls look so down. Gently wrapping his arms around her from behind, he told her, “Now come on Mitsuko, I forgive you already. Besides, it was an accident.”
“But still, I should have had better control,” She whimpered.
Ranma shrugged. “Can’t really say. It’s my luck. Shit happens.”
Nodding her head, the NurseJoy said, “Yes, it seems with you shit does indeed happen,” She said with a sigh. “I’m not upset as I should be, since you’ve already done so much for Greenpeace, but you’ve got to realize you’ve disrupted the Threshold transformation of a NurseJoy.”
Ranma nodded his head. “You mentioned that before. But just how did I disrupt it?”
“Well, Ranma,” The NurseJoy started slowly, trying to think of how to word this so he would understand. “Normally, a pokégirl can have a Bond placed on her with a Tamer. You understand this, right?”
“Yeah, I know,” Ranma said. He’d been making A LOT of Bonds lately.
“Well, there are three species of pokégirls that are supposed to be near unbondable,” The NurseJoy said. “My species, the NurseJoy, then there’s the OfficerJennies, and then there’s the third species, the MaidYvettes,” The Greenpeace NurseJoy eyed Ranma critically. “You, however, managed to place a superficial Bond onto Momoko here, who is a NurseJoy.”
“Superficial Bond?” Ranma repeated, wondering what the hell that meant.
“Yes, Mr. Sextome,” The NurseJoy said seriously. “It is a temporary Bond that will fade with time, but it is, nonetheless, a Bond,” She said in an utmost-serious fashion. “Momoko will have gained a wanderlust from the Bond, something NurseJoys don’t have.” She then sighed. “She’ll want to travel around with a Tamer as long as her Bond is in place.”
Ranma blinked. “Meaning I got myself a new pokégirl?”
“Yes, for some time anyway,” The NurseJoy admitted. “Since Momoko here IS a NurseJoy, I don’t think that Bond will last forever.” She then looked serious. “However, as long as it’s there, she’s going to need to follow her instincts on it. So you’re going to have to let her follow you around until that Bond dissipates.”
Hearing that, Ranma nodded. “Sounds fair enough, but...” Ranma scratched the back of his head. “But what about after the Bond wears off?”
“When the Bond wears off, Momoko will want to help people more than ever,” The NurseJoy explained. “So she’ll be very likely to try and find a PokéCenter with which to try and confine herself in, as she’ll be sure to have lots of patients and people who will need help.”
Ranma nodded. “So basically, you want me to tire he out on traveling, so she’ll get to the point where she’ll get tired of going back and forth and just want to stay in one place to help people?”
Nodding her head, the NurseJoy answered, “In a nutshell, yes.”
Scratching his chin, Ranma had to think about it. “Well, I don’t know. This is really-”
“Sure!” Mitsuko interrupted again. “We’ll help!”
“Eh?” Ranma asked, looking at his Vixxen.
Smiling at her master, Mitsuko explained, “Don’t you see? This way we’ll have a better chance to heal all our aches and pains while on the road... At least for a little while.”
Hearing that, Ranma nodded his head. It was true enough. “I guess we can help her out then...”
“Thank you,” the NurseJoy said. “Just think of this as an internship for her. Momoko will brush up on her skills healing before settling down at a PokéCenter.” Smirking she added, “Come on. You know she’ll be helpful. Besides, I can set it up so she doesn’t waste a pokégirl slot on your PokéDex.”
“Internship, huh?” Ranma asked. He shook his head. “Whatever. So we have another set of hands on the road without having to take up space...” He then smiled a little. “Actually that might not be so bad.”
“So you’ll take her then?” The NurseJoy asked.
“Sure!” Ranma said. Smirking a little he said, “She’ll come in handy if Mitsuko gets too ‘handy’ again.”
Blushing a bit, Mitsuko whined, “Maaaasteeeerrr...”
“I’m sorry, master! The Force was too strong with that one!”
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See other episodes by Red Priest of the 17th Order
(Posted Thu, 27 May 2004 03:31)
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