NerimaPC: Ranma to the rescue

Unending BE - episode 102029

Before Akane could seal Kasumi's fate, suddenly the computer shot from her grasp and landed several yards away, smoking and dead. Furious Akane whirled around and saw Ranma sanding there. The girl had obviously just Moko Takabisha'd the laptop.

"How dare you!" Akane roared and stormed towards Ranma, who coolly evaded. Nabiki watched in puzzlement. Her mind was so slow now, but eventually she caught on to what was happening. Ranma was weak now, but he still had his chi techniques. Including the one that he had learned specifically to deal with weakness the last time. Akane should have noticed Ranma leading her in a spiral, but she was too blind with rage to use any of her martial arts knowledge. Only when she heard the words "Hiryu Shoten Ha!", she realized what had happened - but by that time she was already borne to the stratosphere by the force of the hurricane that her own chi had helped create.

Ranma turned to Nabiki. "Hello kitty. Akane did something to you, didn't she?"

Nabiki nodded and mewled sobbingly. Akane was gone, but so was the laptop - her only chance of regaining her old life. She would be locked like this forever. Illiterate, speechless, clanless, unable to operate anything but the simplest tools and plagued by rampant horniness.

Ranma approached her and started to pet her soothingly. "There there, miss kitty. It's going to be all right." She looked at her. "Were you someone I knew? I can't remember you, but if Akane did this, I feel responsible. I'll take care of you."

The petting and the soothing words were working. Nabiki slowly calmed down and let Ranma continue to pet her. Soon she started nuzzling Ranma's chest, then her crotch. To her delight she found that Ranma was in hermaphrodite form, and she started scrabbling at her pants until she had managed to pull them down. She started licking Ranma to erection.

"My, you're one horny little kitty. Is this your way of saying thank you?" Ranma asked, amused. Nabiki just mewled and continued slurping until Ranma was fully erect, then turned and presented her dripping snatch. Ranma didn't need any more invitation, and soon Nabiki's yowls of pleasure were ringing out, as she got the first fucking of her new life.

After wards, Ranma tried to take her home, but soon found that Nabiki couldn't stay in the Tendo home. She built a shelter for her in a vacant lot near the Tendo home, gave her a basket and blanket to sleep in, and put a collar on her, so that Animal Control wouldn't take her away. At first she tried to bring Nabiki food, but soon found that Nabiki couldn't eat anything except the contents of a garbage can. From there on Ranma made sure to throw away something nice for her every day. She visited Nabiki often, petting her, fucking her, if she needed it, or just talking to her.

Nabiki slowly settled into this life. But she still had something that kept her occupied - she had taken the laptop with her. For days she pawed at it uselessly, but just couldn't make her hands operate anything as complicated as a computer. Until she realized that she didn't have to use her hands. She was able to push the "on" button with her nose - and the computer whirred to life! The display was damaged on one side and only showed flat greyness, but the other half still worked.

Now Nabiki was faced with another problem - even if she could type with her nose, she couldn't read or write! It was bad enough that she took so long to grasp things now, but even if she could think up a way to fix herself, she couldn't tell the program. Finally she settled on getting Ranma to help her. When Ranma next visited, she would show her the computer, trying to get her to understand that the machine could fix her.

  1. *Ranma caught on quickly and was able to restore Nabiki.
  2. *Ranma caught on, but was tempted by the power of the program.
  3. Ranma didn't get it. The kitty wanted to give her this broken computer? Well, cats sometimes give you dead mice, perhaps catgirls give you dead appliances. She'd just thank the kitty and dispose of the thing somewhere later.
  4. Ranma did understand, but more than just the display had been damaged. The impact had created bad sectors on the hard disk, and the manipulation program was broken.
  5. Before Nabiki could execute her plan, Akane turned up. She had survived, but had been carried far away.
  6. Something else happened.
Go back - Go to the parent episode.

Rat Bastard

Mon Sep 18 23:34:29 2000