Master's Way: Partners! (In what senses?) (LEMON) [Episode 101761]


Nabiki hugged herself. Ranma was.. she simply could *not* stop thinking of him! This wasn't that claiming routine Akane and the other Fiancees did, it was more her giving than anything else.

She was very rational about it, and knew she should be angry, or defensive, or even in denial, but she simply wasn't. Moreover, when he passed a note to her whilst walking by her to his favored eating place, she just HAD to read it.

Now here she was, on the roof at 3 AM in a heavy robe.. and nothing else, as the note asked. She'd even turned in early so she'd not lose any rest. Ranma's so nice to consider things like that.. Why am I so so obedeint though? Hell, I don't care, is the only reason I care. Yeah, like that makes sense. Nabs no Baka.

She heard the approach only as he just reached her. Knowing Ranma was hoping she'd be there, she said noithing, then sighed in satisfaction as she sensed the breath and felt his frame behind her. "Hello, Nabiki." Ranma's voice was the only thing that mattered when they were alone, it was actually.. kinda nice, even if this was NOT how she usually behaved.

Nabiki simply sat as instructed, as Ranam followed his note's stated actions, stroking her all over and feeling inside her robe. "Nabiki, you're not only shaved, wet, you smell like you've bathed five times and still smell like, you've been eager for a long long while. What gives?"

Nabiki didn't even hesitate in answering "I've been getting hornier and more mellow at the same time all week, it feels like it's natural to me. The cause? I don't know for sure, but.." She paused as she rode against his fingers. Nabiki liked him doing anything he liked with her. This was very odd to her, as she still felt completely normal towards everyoner else.

Ranma brushed a thumb up and down her clithood as he told her "Tell me your suspicions on the matter." The commanding tone was a bit new for him too, she noted, as she spilled all.

"I have grown totally open, unable to deny anything about me to myself.. or to you, Ranma." She had a tone of devotion in her voice she only expected to hear in cheesy romance shows. It sounded good to her. "I am totally unable to say No to you, I'm utterly obedient. Essentially, I'm your toy." She was as surprised at her pussy dampening even more saying that as she was at hearing hisreply.

"Umm. I see. I should tell you then, since I can make you forget it at will. I did this. I took over."

Nabiki's eyes widened, as did her vaginal opening, practically engulfing his fingers as they tried to get his fingers in her, in their entirety. "Really? That's so unlike you.. Masterr-r-r!" She was teasing in saying the 'M' word, but they both got a bit shocked at the sudden Multiple climax she had. Even in the midst of it, she was attentive enough to him to note his shock, as well. "uh, uh.. u-uouhhhh.. That.. wasn't your doing." She had a bit of a shocked mannerism, even as she settled down and as Ranma prodiuced a book out of midair and flipped thru certain sections.

"Hang on, Nabiki, I didn't think that there was anything beyond openess and compliance in the effects of that.."

Nabiki had a flash of insight. "The Incense? That wonderful stuff was a mind-fixater of some kind? Hang on, my sisters haven't changed a bit! I know Cleopatra Akane's still Queen of Denial.."

"Well, I didn't use this formula in theirs.. and I wasn't trying for anything in particular, just.." Nabiki interrupted gently with a kiss to his lips, thinking That will always silence that dear dear man to herself, then said "I know, you detailed what that was meant to do, Master. And it worked. I'm your toy because you haven't told me not to be, and.. well.. I;m into control, Ranma, Big Time. You have it. You're worthy of me. You deserve me. You have me. Any way you want. No Strings." Nabiki was blinking a bit, then smiling more and more contentedly, as she felt like something in her was melting into a big hot sexy puddle, just over her womb.

"Kami, Nabs. You're looking like a poster child for Opium--the Breakfast of Porno Queens!" Ranma was grinning as he said that, Nabiki was sure of that from his body language. She also noted the Wild Horse's saddle pommel was rather significant as the middle Tendo settled against him, so she was certain he liked it, despite his initial worries.

"So, Master Saotome, sweet Lord, any ideas why i'm getting wet by being Yours? I mean, even teasing you with it feels like.. like love itself, I think. And I *am* thinking straight, I know that." Nabiki was, too, maybe she was wrong, but she was certain.

"Well..? ..well, if the Master's Way here is correct, it sounds like you have a fixation of control. Having it, and Having it over you in the case of your Lover. Tell you what. If it were.. Daisuke doing this, having thgis power, what would you do?"

Nabiki blinked, then felt about in her heart, then reasoned it. Then she threw the verbiage out and told her first impulse. "I'd obey him and be wet, but It'd be sexual need alone, not love slavery like with you. The trust, it just isn't there, you see."

Ranma nodded. "I'm glad you trust me, I'll try to not be a idiot about this. Okay. Here's a idea. I'm gonna count to three."

Ranma thought of his phrasing, then continued "On three, you're gonna be as you always have been, unaffected by the incense, unless you put my hand to your throat. You will remember all that has happened to bring this about. One. When you do that on your own and without any coersion, you will be exactly like this again, utterly Obedient and open to me and completely unable to hide from yourself again just as now. two. One last thing. If you spit at me instead, you are free of all this, forever. Three!"

Nabiki blinked, then blushed and knocked his hand from her pussy.. and blushed harder as she stayed aroused. "Holy Shit, Saotome, do you know what a chance you've taken here? I could literally have your head for this!" Nabiki felt like she was on a precipice.

"I know, and you know why. Nabiki, all I want is for all to be happy. I know it's impossible, but not trying makes everyone even more fucked up." Ranma stood, pacing a bit as Nabiki turned around on the roof, letting her robe fall open, much to her own amazement.. but not any real surprise. not now. "I don't even care about honor anymore, aside from the only real honor, you know, personal stuff. But I can't go breaking their hearts. Yours either. I had to.. let you make this choice yourself. It's the only way I could show you you matter." Ranma was sounding a lot more coherent than usual, Nabiki noted, but then the bulge in his pants showed her why quite clearly. He wanted her.

Nabiki looked in his eyes and saw a man that wanted to give everyone happiness, somehow, but who had seen his own desire for another as well. Still.. "Ranma, I can say no, so I'm asking you now. Do You Want Me?" The question wasn't loaded. It didn't have to be, she knew, as they both shuddered from the sheer import of it. He was redder than Ranma-chan's hair, but he finally nodded, then looked her in the eyes as he uttered "Yes." in a tone indicative of having thrown the dice on a million-dollar pot in Vegas.

Nabiki took his hand in hers, taking her body language maskjing to new levels in her staying neutral until she revealed her choice. THE choice, really. "Ranma, you have given me a choice between asserting myself beyond any level known.. and giving myself to my own fantasy, my truest need. You realise this?"

He nodded again, and Nabiki's gaze locked with his. She had a light in her eyes, and Ranma was fairly sure she'd push him off the roof if he looked away for a second, a instant even. He couldn't help his cock lurching in a downright violent surge, when she brought it up to her neck, then grasped his fingers to her throat.

Her eyes didn't really change, but her mannerisms.. She simply melted into that light contact, then purred "I choose to let you choose for me when you like.. Master. I do have a request though, even if we both know you can tell me to forget it, from here on out."

While Nabiki purred and simply reveled in the feeling of her very own Master, Ranma grinned at the feel of her, aura and otherwise.. then he asked seriously "Well, I like a smart girl. Go on, ask."

"Well, Ranma.. As your lover/toy/whatever, I'd like to survive. Think you could use that.." Nabiki indicated the Master's Way "to settle the other girls? I don't care how, really, long as you keep me."

"Umm.. that's a tall order, and I want to not let this thing fall into the wrong hands. You're gonna help me, you realise?" Ranma blinked at his words, then sighed with a light blush as Nabiki cuddled close, saying "Anything I can do, I will, my Lord. Your orders are to be Obeyed, far as I'm concerned!" With that and a wink, Nabiki indicated the ladder. "Shall we sleep on it?"

Ranma decided she liked one controller, but being her usual self. He acted accordingly. "Of course, Pet. But we daren't show the new shape of things between us publicly, or the Dads will try to take my book, and we do *not* want that!" Nabiki shuddered mid-climb down the ladder (after Ranma jumped down, so she could show him herself from above), agreeing heartily.

"you know it, Love. Umm. If I may.. why haven't you..?" Nabiki couldn't help but ask, as she stood about 4' up, pussy juice trickling to about knee level now..

"Ohh, I just want you to.. percolate for a while. Don't blow your cover, but don't cool off sexually or cum. I'll say when you can do those." Ranma had a smile on his lips, but looked like a teasing-stern teacher. "You've teased me a long time now. I think that much is deserved."

Nabiki shivered in with-held desire and some very real satisfaction at being played with, as she saluted Ranma and went to bed. Well, hell! The man actually remembered our 'engagement'. I have a disciplinary Master.. Nabiki practically drooled Below Decks for the rest of the night just knowing that.

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(Posted Mon, 10 May 2004 06:23)

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