Raising her head, Britanny panted as she saw her master awake.
Ranma blinked, his ears already picking up the sounds of heave breathing.
The Cheetit was so turned on that she couldn’t stand it. She was whimpering and moaning as she struggled against her bonds.
Raising his head, Ranma blinked at the sight. “Britanny?”
The Cheetit gave out a pathetic sounding whimper.
Ranma got off from the bed gently, as to not wake the still-sleeping Lupina. “Britanny? What’s wrong?” He asked as he got close to her.
Sweating a bit, Britanny moaned and looked at him pleadingly. “Please, mMster.... Tame me. I got so hot and bothered last night. Please? Just this once? You don’t have to tame me after this for a few days, I promise!”
At her words, Ranma nodded his head. He felt so bad, seeing how Brit was looking. Grabbing her right shackle, he undid the lock, freeing her wrist. He kissed it gently.
Britanny whimpered, she NEEDED him badly.
Ranma felt a sting of guilt go up his spine at the sound of the whimper. It wasn’t his fault, he knew it wasn’t. But it made him felt bad to hear it. “Poor Brit,” He mumbled as he went and undid the lock on the other shackle that helped chain Brit to the wall.
As soon as she was free, Britanny pounced on her master, purring as she rubbed her body against his. She NEEDED to be tamed and loved.
Though he was surprised to be on his back all of a sudden, Ranma calmed down easily. He hugged Britanny to him tightly and kissed her on the lips.
The Cheetit purred into the kiss, her hands were moving of their own accord and started to fondle his manhood.
Moaning into the kiss, Ranma could already feel himself becoming hard in the Cheetit’s grasp.
Britanny smiled as she felt her master becoming hard. She desperately needed him in her, to scratch the itch that she was feeling.
Breaking the kiss, Ranma smiled a little shyly at his Cheetit. “How do you want it, Britanny?” He reached back with one hand and grabbed one of the errant balls of yarn still on the floor. Lifting it to Britanny he asked, “Would you like this as well?”
Britanny stared at the yarn, drooling a bit. “WEE! YARN!” She used one hand and grabbed it out of her master’s hand and put it in her mouth where she started gnawing on it. As soon as she did that, she felt Ranma completely hard, so she spread her legs and lowered herself onto her master’s generous tool.
Surprising Britanny, Ranma grabbed onto her ass and just thrust his erection into her. He was kissing her neck as he did that.
Britanny yowled a bit into the yarn that was in her mouth as she started to lift herself up and down on her master’s rod.
Moaning in pleasure as Britanny lifted herself up and down on his shaft, Ranma groped her spotted ass quite a bit, kneading the fleshy, furry orbs in his hands.
Britanny purred as her master did that. She continued to gnaw on the yarn, even though yarn was euphoric to her, she NEEDED to get off and soon! She hugged her master to her tightly, mashing her large furry breasts to his chest, causing a gasp and moan to come from her throat.
As Britanny pressed herself against her master, Ranma pressed himself back to her tightly. He began to return the thursts in kind. Timing himself so he met Brit’s thrusts when she thrusted forward.
The Cheetit yowled loudly, though it was muffled by the yarn, as her master reciprocated to her desperate coupling. Britanny’s tail wagged back and forth in happiness.
Ranma continued to move his hips back and forth in the Cheetit’s, loving the feeling. He could feel Brit’s tail swaying between his legs again and again, so he gently brought his hand to the base of her swaying tail to give in an appreciative scratch.
Britanny let out a guttural purr as he did that to her. Her whole body shivered as she bounced up and down on her master’s tool.
Ranma had a slight sheen of sweat on his skin. He was doing his best to get Britanny off as he continued to thrust in her.
Not too much later, being as aroused as she was, Britanny shuddered and moaned through the yarn as her pussy clamped down on Ranma’s member, demanding his seed.
Ranma grunted as he felt the Cheetit cunt tighten around him, a very wet feeling to it. He smiled and thrust a bit more, to get himself off. This in turn prolonged the Cheetit’s orgasm.
It didn’t take long for Ranma to reach his peak and blow his load into her.
Britanny yowled and opened her mouth so wide that the yarn fell out of her mouth. She loved the warm feel of his seed as it filled her up. “Puuuurrrrr... Master, so warm!”
Ranma smiled and moved his hands up. When his hands were on her back, he wrapped his arms around the Cheetit and hugged her to him. “Feeling better?”
Britanny nodded her head against Ranma’s chest. Purring, she answered him. “Yes, Master.” She started sobbing lightly, but it wasn’t in sadness, it was in happiness. “Thank you so much.”
Though he was surprised by the tears, Ranma nodded his head. “Brit?” He started. “You okay?”
The Cheetit nodded and continued to purr. “Yes, Master. I’m just happy.” She sniffled. “If I wasn’t so greedy, I wouldn’t have gotten into this mess.”
Sighing, Ranma hugged Britanny to him tightly. “It’s not your fault completely. I also got to admit...” Ranma blushed a bit. “I really... And I mean REALLY enjoy being with you.”
Smiling, Britanny purred a bit louder at that. “Still, Master. Jetta was right. You should spend a lot more time with the other girls as well. Brianna and Sheila are attention-starved as well.”
Ranma nodded. “I plan to do that as well. Brianna is gonna get her Taming tonight,” He smiled. “And if I still got the energy, I’ll take care of Sheila tonight too.”
Britanny giggled while purring. “I think you’ll have enough energy to satisfy Brianna and then let Sheila have a go at you.” She smirked, even though Ranma couldn’t see it. “You could always have two girls put on a little ‘show’ for you, Master.”
Blushing Ranma said, “I think you and Jetta gave me a really good one last night.”
Smiling, Britanny giggled again. “Still... If you need to recover some, you could have two girls do that for you. By the way, I think Sheila and Grave really like each other.”
Ranma blinked his eyes. “You think?”
Britanny nodded. “Yeah. Remember that day when we all woke up together? You, me, Grave and Sheila.”
Ranma blushed quite a bit. “Those two were having quite the time getting me to give them... What did they call it? ‘Morning milk’?”
Nodding her head to that, Britanny giggled again. “Yep! Well, after you said that you loved us, and we were feeling you up while purring, Grave and Sheila were feeling each other up as much as they were you.” The Cheetit smirked. “Explains why they were laying right on top of you huh?”
Ranma blinked. He hadn’t thought of it that way. “I guess you’re right.” Smirking, Ranma rolled them over so Britanny was on her back and he was on top of her.
At her master’s forwardness, Britanny blinked her eyes in surprsie.
“Such a smart little Cheetit deserved to be rewarded,” He said happily. Ranma was already starting to harden again once more inside the Cheetit.
Britanny moaned at that feeling.
Suddenly, there was a low growling noise coming from inside the room.
Ranma blinked and turned his head.
There was Jetta, looking a bit peeved at him.
Blinking, Ranma asked, “Did I do something wrong?”
Her eye twitching, Jetta took a deep breath and snorted. “Ranma, you’re SPOILING that titty-kitty again!”
Britanny let out a yelp of indignation. “HEY!”
Which, as one could expect, Jetta ignored.
Ranma chuckled nervously. “Uh... I’m not gonna be Taming her for a few days. I figure to give her one more Taming so she's okay.”
Jetta sighed. “Yeah, but I watched as you two just got it on.”
Ranma winced. “Do you want me to put you back in your ball for the moment? I’ll take you out after I’m done with Brit.”
Jetta tapped her finger onto the bed and shook her head. “No, I want you to let some other girl have a chance to get some sex.”
Ranma nodded his head. “Sorry, Brit,” He apologized to Britanny as he started to pull out of the Cheetit.
Britanny moaned a bit but nodded. Jetta WAS right after all, she WAS getting selfish and spoiled.
Jetta sighed herself. “Master, besides me and Britanny, who have you tamed the most since you became our master, and how many times have you tamed her?”
Getting up, Ranma went over to his PokéBall belt. “Let’s see... I’ve Tamed Brit a bit. I tamed you and Sheila twice, Jetta...” Ranma blinked. “Everyone else got one time.”
Staring at Ranma, Jetta nodded slowly at him. “Uh huh... Don’t you think it’s a LITTLE unfair to the rest of us?” Even if she knew that Ranma didn’t have to treat her or the others fairly if he didn’t want to, she had to bring it up for her’s and the others’ sakes.
Wincing, Ranma blushed a bit and nodded. “Sorry.” Sighing, Ranma said, “Britanny, get dressed. I’m gonna send you back to your PokéBall, and I don’t know when you’ll get a chance to be out again.”
Sighing, Britanny nodded sadly at him. “Okay, Master.” She then went around and grabbed her clothing, putting it on slowly before going over to him and giving Ranma a kiss on the lips.
Ranma kissed Britanny back happily, and yet a definite sadness.
Rolling her eyes, Jetta sighed in annoyance. To set the two at ease, she mumbled, “Titmice problem in town, Titmice problem in town.”
Holding up the PokéBall, Ranma said, “Britanny! Return!”
A red beam shot from the PokéBall and hit Britanny. The Cheetit disappeared and returned to her PokéBall.
Blushing Ranma looked at Jetta. “So has anything happened yet?”
The Lupina shook her head. “Nope, and Ranma?”
“Yeah, Jetta?” Ranma asked back, curious as to what the Lupina would say.
The older pokéwoman sighed and sat up, a downcast look in her eyes. “Ranma, Master, would you be adverse to having a child?” It had taken ALL of her courage to say something like that.
Ranma blinked his eyes once, twice. “Gee... You know, I never really thought of it much before.” He sat down on the bed, unminding that they were both nude. “I... I guess it wouldn’t be so bad. I don’t think I’m ready for one yet, but I don’t think being a parent would be a bad thing at all.”
“Oh.” Jetta said softly and cursed mentally. How was she going to tell him that she MAY be carrying his child if he wasn’t ready for it? He’d find out sooner or later, but she didn’t want to upset him. “I was, just curious is all.” She went silent for a bit. “I was a mother at one time, you know.”
“What?” Ranma asked as he sat up on the bed. “You were a mother?”
The Lupina sighed a bit sadly and nodded, a far off look in her eyes. “Yeah. I was. With my last tamer before I became your pokéwoman, or rather the ‘other’ you.”
“What... What happened?” Ranma asked hesitantly. He was getting a baaaaaaaad feeling up is spine.
Jetta’s eyes weren’t focused on the room anymore, she was remembering what happened as she spoke. “I, I gave birth to my baby, a little boy.” She smiled lightly. “I was so happy when I held him for that brief moment.” Her smile faded, and a sad and depressed look came across her features. “My last master then took my son away, recalled me into my PokéBall, and when I was let out again, I saw Sextome’s mother. She said I would be good ‘breeding stock’.”
Ranma winced. Her situation was bad enough. But leave it to his mother, even an alternate world one, to only think about grandchildren.
A lone tear fell down the Lupina’s face. “I... I never even got to hold my baby long. He doesn’t even know who I am. I never even got to name my son.”
Hearing that last bit from Jetta, it just got to Ranma. Jetta was denied her first child. He may have been rather dense when it came to realizing emotions, but even he could see that the Lupina was hurting deeply. Hurting hard. “Aw, Jetta...” Ranma said as he crawled over to her. He hugged her tightly as he sat next to her.
The Lupina shuddered and hugged him back, crying into his shoulder. “I, I just want to hold my son, tell him that everything’s going to be alright. Do all the things mothers get to do with their children. Why am I denied that?”
Ranma sighed sadly and hugged Jetta tightly. “I don’t know,” was all Ranma could say to answer her.
Jetta was wracked with full-body sobs as she continued to cry. “I just, I just want to find my son. I do. But I couldn't just leave the younger girls in Sextome's hands, they wouldn't have rebelled against him like I would have, and they would've been to sad and scared to comfort each other when he was done with them.”
Ranma sighed and continued to hold Jetta tightly, letting her rant, and get all these things that bothered her off her chest. No, Ranma wasn’t pleased by what he was hearing, but he knew Jetta needed to talk to someone about them.
Jetta sniffled, she just wanted her son, to hold him in her arms and let him know that she loved him like a mother should love her child, but that wouldn’t happen. “I’ll never see my baby again.”
Ranma stiffened. Hearing that caused a thought to strike him. “Jetta...” He started slowly.
Sniffling, Jetta lifted her head up and looked at him, tears still falling down her face. “Yes?”
“We’ll find him,” Ranma said in all seriousness.
Jetta blinked at him. “Seriously?” She knew better than to get her hopes up, finding one boy in the world was like finding a needle in a haystack, except that you had a better chance at finding that needle.
Ranma nodded. “Hey, why not? I mean, I do gotta help the Diggers girls get home, but certainly we’ll find something, right? You always told me that stuff about Tamer’s gets recorded down through these PokéDex thingies... Shouldn’t we be able to get info on your last Tamer from somewhere?”
Slowly, Jetta blinked at that concept. Why hadn’t she thought of that? “Yeah, it should.” Her hope came back. Maybe, just MAYBE she could find her son.
Cupping Jetta’s chin with his hand, Ranma smiled. “We’ll find him, Jetta. I promise. And I ALWAYS keep my promises.” He then kissed Jetta on the lips.
Jetta murred and kissed him back. For some reason, she believed him. Right now, she believed he could do anything if he tried hard enough.
Ranma smiled into the kiss as he held it with Jetta.
Jetta closed her eyes and broke the kiss gently. She hugged her master and friend, melding herself to him. “Thank you.” She whispered to him.
Ranma smiled a bit as he hugged Jetta back. “No need to thank me. You know I’d do my best to help you and the other girls.”
At those words, Jetta shuddered and whimpered a bit. She took shuddering breaths of air.
With the Lupina’s breathing, Ranma blinked. “Jetta? Are you all right?”
Jetta started to cry, and just let herself go. So many years of pain and sorrow being built up, it finally had to be let go.
Ranma sighed and held onto Jetta. He let her cry, let her release the pain and sorrow she had been holding back for years.
And so, Jetta continued to cry into his shoulder. So many years of pain and hurt that had been built up, the dam finally broke with Ranma’s kind words.
His hand gently pat the Lupina’s back as Ranma let her cry into his shoulder. “Shh... It’s okay... Let it out, Jetta... It’s all right. I won't be mad. Just let it out.”
And let it out she did. Jetta just stayed like that, crying her pain out for over an hour.
Personally, Ranma was surprised Jetta hadn’t set off his curse.
After the hour was up, Jetta’s sobs tapered off and she just relaxed against him. It was rather unusual to see a large pokéwoman get comforted by a smaller male, but that’s what happened in this case.
“Feel better?” Ranma asked tentatively as he hugged Jetta.
The Lupina sighed and nodded, hugging him back. "Thank you, thank you for everything,” Jetta said honestly
Ranma smiled. “I told you, you don’t have to thank me. I’m glad to help.”
Jetta smiled at him and sighed happily.
Ranma smiled and continued to hug Jetta. Looking into her eyes for a moment, Ranma kissed the Lupina.
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See other episodes by Red Priest of the 17th Order
(Posted Mon, 29 Mar 2004 01:47)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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