"You know, two or three weeks ago I was just a Jedi with a small, albeit highly illegal and not a bit regular, business. How did I get elected to lead a galactic Rebellion?"
Ranko laughed brightly, holding an outfit to see how it'd look on Utena. "Brother. You didn't get elected. You already HAD a Rebellion. The rest of us just joined as latecomers, which naturally leaves you the leader." She adjusted the bows, replacing the pink (too close to the color of Utena's hair) with a nice yellow.
She leaned close to the child's ear. "Men mustn't be allowed to fret, Utena dear. Whenever one shows he's likely to he must be comforted, preferably by some good woman." She had a vision of one such naughty scene dance briefly, but delightfully, in her mind.
Utena, who had been receiving her lessons in the Force very well, caught the entire picture in her head and blushed furiously. She didn't know those parts could be used for that! But what got her blushing was how much her new mom obviously enjoyed the imagery.
It was the work of but a moment, a whim really, to enhance those feelings so she could be even happier.
Ranko suddenly got a powerful flush and there was not enough time to dispose of her clothes before she was jumping Ranma, startling him out of his ponderings. The boy was so surprised they were already having sex before he knew what was going on. Their sliding piston action was already well underway before Utena's own eyes widened in comprehension over what she'd done, and...
"So that's where that lubricant came from!!" She cried, excitedly, clapping her hands and bouncing up in her seat. She knew it didn't smell like machine fluid. The pink haired girl scooted closer, wondering where else it came from. There had to be others. Mom had it in her hair and there was just no way to...
She blushed. Okaaay, there was a way to get it up there from down here.
Both Jedi rolled onto a sofa, oblivious to their observer as the intensity of their lovemaking was blotting out all other senses at the moment, so deep were they entwined in each others minds and bodies.
Utena reached out a touched something quickly, getting just enough slick stuff on the tips of her fingers to sniff and rub and investigate herself. "I wonder why mine doesn't make any of that." She checked downstairs to see, and sure enough, something was going on. She didn't know what, but it itched and tickled and she began to rub with gathering intensity trying to make it go away.
Very soon she didn't want it to go away. She wanted it to grow higher and higher and...
Ranko had just finished an explosive orgasm, so intense it was enough to rock her mind and flutter at the edge of blacking out. Also, her tender lips had started dry so she was raw and a little painful. Ranma sensed this, and now he was approaching his own climax, but unable to use his sister as she would get increasingly sore and he'd want to keep using her later. A short opportunity to use Force-boosted healing and they'd be at it soon enough if he wasn't making things worse.
He was man enough to wait, but suddenly Utena was swarming on him, inexpert yet eager.
So near was he to the edge that he took her and instructed her and burst in her with a generous gift of creamy filling just as the now former virgin experienced her own first orgasm, an explosion of pleasure so intense it shut down his mind as he shared it.
Utena sat, sprawled on her back, looking down at her adoptive parents as they lay where they'd rolled off the sofa, exhausted and spent. Her insides felt good, all creamy and warm and filled with happy feelings.
She wanted that again.
Idly rubbing herself again seemed to keep the feelings warm, but it wasn't enough and it built a need up inside her. She needed something better.
Ranko swam up out of her half-stunned daze with Ranma's spent form sprawled beside her. It had been close to enough, but not quite, just more than she could stand. She needed second helpings. Then she saw Utena, legs spread, playing with herself crudely yet in great earnest. The redhead flowed to her knees, placing a hand on the young girl's thigh. "No, Utena dear, you don't want to be rough with that. Gentle is the way. Here, let me show you how to do it right."
Already her right hand was in place, scooping up some of the young girl's cum and noting blood and her brother's semen mingled with it. Oh, well, she thought. So we're perverts. It's not like we didn't know that already. Scooping up more spilled lubricant, she began to apply it directly to where it would do the most good, keeping up gentle rubbing motions as she slipped a finger in.
Utena shivered, throwing her head back and around trying to chase the feeling.
Ranma came awake again, recovered from his blackout as only a master of his art could do. Ranko slipped aside to present their adoptive daughter's open gates to her favorite man. He took her as gently as he could, finding room for his whole rod even though it was quite tight. Utena was not objecting, needing to be filled and glad to have him doing it.
As the girl rode her new hobby horse getting well and truly screwed Ranko moved behind her husband and began to rub her tits across his sweaty back, enjoying the stimulation especially as it allowed her to bridge across and join the empathy bond shared between the panting lovers, swamping herself in their emotional tides of pleasure.
Compared to the frenzied, frantic efforts to satisfy themselves the first time, the next several were soft and gentle, calm and soothing, and very comfortable.
The girls shared a shower the fresher afterward. There they talked. There wasn't any question about what they were going to change, things were set. Once a girl had Ranma there wasn't any going back. Nothing and no one else was good enough.
Of course, it gave Ranko the parenting tool her mother had used so often on her. "Behave or I won't let you screw Ranma."
The shuttle carrying the twins set down on a private palace dock on Alderaan.
Shampoo was there waiting for them, a grin so big she could swallow a sun as she stood beside her own recently landed shuttle.
Ranma saw her and knew he was about to get laid again. As he saw no point in avoiding it, he went over eagerly. However as he made his approach the bouncy, purple haired Jedi held up a restraining hand.
In the battle recently passed Shampoo had fought a Moff who'd directed the fray from a cruiser in the rear, a cruiser unfortunately (for the Moff) destroyed by a chance collision that had nothing to do with the actual combat. During the crash the bridge had been sliced open, venting the air to space and killing most of her command crew.
Even though their legendary compartmentalization and modular life support saved many of the crews' lives, the bridge was a total loss; only one survivor, and that was the Moff as she had taken the precaution to be wearing a vac suit during the entire conflict.
Hey, the reason cowardice persists is that it pays off sometimes.
Now Shampoo's specialty was combat, but she had a useful knack or two on the side and one of those was mind tricks. She could erase your entire mind and make you like it. Putting in a few behavior and memory blocks was, to her, the work of an instant. And Moff Tendo had been in her possession the entire shuttle trip here.
Shampoo gestured to her waiting shuttle, where, at the top of the ramp, waited a sultry Moff in a harem slave's outfit.
"Shampoo bring gifts to husband! Navy starfighters and Moff of Nerima sector! Tax ships on way to hideout now."
She cuddled him and beamed.
Read the comments on this episode
See other episodes by Lionheart
(Posted Tue, 30 Mar 2004 00:31)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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