Cheetah 1/2 - Bast's Boy-Toy: WHAT YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR! (LEMON) [Episode 94169]

by Red Priest of the 17th Order

Smiling, Bast moved a step closer to the confused cheetah. “So... How do you like my place, Ranma?” Bast asked with a most feline purr.

Blinking at the purr, Ranma had to admit that he was dammed glad that he had gotten rid of his stupid fear of cats well before he became a Werecheetah. There was something assaulting his sense of smell, but he had to admit, that it was pretty pleasant. “Well, it’s nice.”

“Isn’t it though?” Bast asked as she slinked about him. Rubbing her breasts along his back, (and Ranma could feel her erect nipples through her thin robes and his skin-tight t-shirt) the goddess said, “You know this has been my residency for a good three thousand years now.”

He blinked at that statement, as well as the fact that he could feel her breasts pressing into his back quite firmly. “Really? I would have thought you would have moved at least once.” Something stirred inside Ranma as he felt Bast rub her breasts along his back, plus, he didn't fight it. Idly, he wondered why.

Bast smiled. “When you’re in Asgard, you really don’t need to move,” She answered back, one hand moving around and up to Ranma’s face, removing the eye-mask.

Blinking, Ranma rubbed his eyes and looked at her questioningly.

Seeing Ranma look at her, Bast smiled. She leaned forward and kissed Ranma on the lips.

Feeling the kiss, Ranma froze up for a moment. At least, he froze up all voluntary muscles, a certain ‘involuntary muscle’ decided to go to work.

Bast smiled into the kiss, breaking it, the cat goddess asked, “Do you like, Ranma?”

Ranma blushed at the question, then blinked. “Say, how do you know my name? And for that matter, who are you?” Although, Ranma had to adjust his pants slightly when he asked that.

“Nuh-uh,” Bast said as she waved a finger, still pressing her breasts into his back. “I asked first.”

“Eh heh...” He chuckled nervously, trying to adjust his pants without making it too obvious. “Well... Um... Yeah.” He admitted with a raging blush on his cheeks.

Purring at that, Bastet nuzzled her cheek along his neck. “Glad to hear. Now, as for why I know you...” She trailed off, smiling cattily. “I’m Bastet.” At Ranma’s confused look, she explained, “Goddess, First Class, Unlimited. Egyptian Pantheon. I’m the goddess of the moon, pleasure, cats, pleasure, men, pleasure, children, pleasure, pregnant women, pleasure... Oh, and did I mention pleasurrre?” She asked huskily.

Ranma sweat-dropped a bit. “Only about five times,” He added half sarcastically.

Smiling Bastet nipped Ranma’s ear playfully. He shuddered a bit, although, it wasn’t in disgust.

Purring as she continued to nibble Ranma’s ear, Bast brought a hand around to rub along Ranma’s length. It wasn’t hard, considering how fricking tight his pants were.

Ranma gasped as she did that. “What? What are youuuuu...” He broke off into a moan as she rubbed him some more.

Bast continued to rub. She smiled as she saw his cathood erecting “That’s the trouble with a man wearing tight pants,” She said as the tip of his cock appeared above the waistband. “No way he can hide an erection.”

Ranma blushed considerably. “Well... Uh... Never expected this to... Happen.” He finished with a whimper as Bast rubbed the head of his cock.

“You want it, don’t you?” Bast asked huskily, licking along the rim of his ear as she continued to rub the head of Ranma’s dick.

The werecheetah superhero shuddered at the feelings he was receiving. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before, the sensations were just so new to him that he was having a hard time separating them to figure them out. “Uhh... Never had this happen before...” Ranma moaned out breathlessly.

Smiling, Bast stopped rubbing his cock. “You’re a very lucky man, Ranma,” She said as she took the hem of his shirt and pulled it up. “Not many men find themselves currying favor from a goddess...”

Ranma looked at her, confused. “Huh? What favor?” He asked as she pulled his shirt completely off of him.

Smiling, Bast turned Ranma around to face her, before pushing him back onto the bed, causing the sheets and some pillows to bounce. She then leaned forward and began to unzip his pants. “Why, sexual favor of course...”

Ranma ‘eep’ed a bit when Bast started to pull his pants down after unzipping them. “But, but... We hardly know each other.”

Bast smiled and pulled down his pants and down harshly, taking off his shoes in one go. “That’s not certainly true,” Bastet said. “I know you quite well, Ranma.” She then smiled. “And I’m surprised you're not wearing any underwear. You trying to emulate Britanny that badly?”

Ranma blushed heavily, so much that it was showing from underneath his fur. “Well, that is... I couldn’t find underwear that would fit me in this form and not be uncomfortable... Hey, how do you know about Britanny?” He then slapped his forehead. “Oh, right, cat Goddess.”

The smile on Bastet’s face widened. “You catch on quickly,” She joked as she opened her white robes, showing off her golden furred body for the pigtailed werecheetah.

Blinking, all he could do was stare at her bountiful cat body as she showed it to him completely. Of course, this had a second effect of causing a certain piece of his anatomy to become rigidly hard. “Um, wow!” He looked at her face for a moment before smiling weakly. “Um, before anything else happens, why me?”

Purring, Bastet leaned forward and nuzzled his manhood. “Well, why not?” She answered him back as she gave his cathood a long lick with her rough feline tongue.

Gasping, Ranma moaned heavily as Bast licked and nipped at his fully hardened length. “Uhhh...”

Purring, Bastet smiled. “Heh. Still a virgin at your age... But don’t worry, I’ll fix that,” She said before engulfing his manhood into her mouth.

He gasped and moaned at the feeling of her warm and wet mouth around his cock. “Uhhh...” He moaned out and placed his left hand on her head, while his right hand remained on the bed. “So good,” He breathed out.

Smiling, Bastet began to bob her head up and down on Ranma’s length, deep-throating him again and again. Yes, she missed doing this. She hadn’t been with a real cock in three centuries since her husband Ptah went out to ‘get some milk’.

Groaning, Ranma bucked his hips into her a bit. He just couldn’t believe the feelings that he was receiving from down there. Groaning, he could feel ‘something’ building up, but what, he wasn’t sure about.

Smiling, Bastet began to purr, vibrating his cock in her mouth and throat. As she did that, her right hand went to massaging his furry nutsack.

Groaning at the sensations, Ranma himself started to purr as he arched his head back a bit. Closing his eyes at the feelings, his left hand idly scratched behind Bast’s ear as she deep-throated him.

Smiling, Bastet enjoyed the ear scratching. She decided to get to the REAL sex, but she wanted to let Ranma cum first. She wanted to taste him. So she used a trick of hers guaranteed to get any greenhorn to cum. Lifting her left hand, she thrust two fingers into his rosebud while her other hand squeezed his nutsack.

THAT did it, arching his back a bit, Ranma cried out in pleasure and shock as his manhood twitched and sprayed inside Bast's mouth. “Uhhhhh....”

Purring, Bastet savored the flavor. She had missed the taste of male seed. She pumped her fingers back and forth in Ranma’s rosebud, getting him to continue to cum a little bit as she downed what he gave her.

Groaning at the feeling, Ranma shuddered as his manhood continued to twitch and spray inside Bastet’s mouth. Panting a bit, he spoke. “That was... Heavenly.”

Sucking down his seed, Bastet pulled her head back, withdrawing from his cheetah cock. “You got that right!” She said as she then began to lick his cathood, getting it back to full hardness.

Ranma moaned and, using his left hand, scratched behind Bast’s ear some more as she licked his cathood.

Smiling, Bastet purred as she continued to lick. Once she had him like that, she withdrew and started to crawl a bit away form him. She was on her hands and knees, her tail up as she wiggled her ass at him.

Blinking his eyes a bit, Ranma smiled cattily as something inside of him snapped. Some instinct was urging him to go and plug a certain wet hole that he saw before him. Quickly getting on his hands and knees, Ranma crawled to the Goddess and gave her a quick slap on the ass. “Mmmm, nice and firm.” Smiling, he then squeezed and caressed her furry globes.

Bastet mewled in surprise and delight. She hadn’t been expecting him to have the incentive to make a move.

Smiling and purring a bit, Ranma grabbed both her butt-cheeks with either hand. After doing that, he squeezed them roughly.

Bastet purred. “Yeah... Ooooh... That’s the way,” She encouraged as she wiggled her ass back into his hands.

Smiling, Ranma leaned forward a bit, his nose was picking up a strange scent, one that was very inviting. Nuzzling his head between Bast’s legs, he took a lick of her slit and blinked at the taste. Taking another lick, and then another, he decided he liked the flavor, and pressed his face into her folds, licking and slurping up her fluids as they flowed out.

Bast purred as she felt Ranma lick her folds. She liked his tongue. Definitely thick and rough. “Ooooh, Ranmaaa... Puuurrrrrr...”

Purring at the taste, he squeezed her ass a bit more before delving his tongue into her as deeply as it would go. “Mmmm.”

Bastet purred. She’d prefer some cock, but she wasn’t going to turn down a little tongue-work. “Puuuurrrrrrrrrryesssssssss...” Bastet moaned huskily. “Feels good...”

Ranma purred, causing his face to vibrate slightly against Bast’s folds as he continued to lick and suck her. A constant ache was making itself known, but he ignored that for now. He was intent on eating these fluids that the Goddess was producing.

Bastet yowled, she could feel her fluids flowing from her pussy and into her lover’s mouth. “Yesss... Lick my cream... Go on... It’s yourrrrrs...” She said huskily.

Purring, Ranma did just that. While licking and sucking on her fluids, his hands rubbed and massaged her ass cheeks.

Bastet purred. Oh, it had been so long since she had a man do this to her. She was enjoying it immensely.

After a bit more of this, Ranma stopped and pulled his face away from her cunt. Ignoring a mew of disappointment, he moved his body so that he settled over her. Grabbing his cathood, Ranma positioned it at her sopping wet pussy and pressed forward into her oh so wet and hot depths.

Bastet’s eyes widened at the feel of Ranma’s cheetah cock sliding into her yearning pussy. Her body stiffening for a moment, the cat goddess yowled quite loudly.

Purring, Ranma was running completely on his werecheetah instincts. And boy, did those instincts tell him to plunder that pussy. Following those instincts, Ranma shoved forward, slamming all the way into Bast’s hips, no tenderness, no preparation, just hard slamming of those molten depths with his cock.

Bastet yowled louder. “Ah, yes! Puuurrrrrr... You like it? Like my pussy?” Bastet asked as she grinded her hips back against Ranma’s hips as he was in her to the hilt.

Ranma didn’t answer her. Instead he purred more huskily and lay his chest to her back, his hands wrapping around and grabbing her breast, squeezing the furry mammaries as he pulled back and thrust in again.

Bast yowled happily. Her tail went and wrapped around Ranma’s waist, keeping him close to her.

Purring, Ranma continued to thrust in and out of her harder and faster. Running on instincts that told him to be dominant, mostly his werecheetah instincts, Ranma nudged Bast’s upper body down a bit while plundering her hot snatch with his hard dick. “PURRR!”

Bast yowled louder and louder. She knew what he wanted. So she lowered the upper portion of her body down, pressing her breasts and face onto the bed, while thrusting her hips up into the air.

Purring in victory, the male werecheetah started to put his new speed to the test and started thrusting harder and faster into Bast’s pussy, going so fast that he was a blur as he pounded away at her.

Bastet yowled in pleasure. “AH! Ah, yesssss... Faster! Harder! A-almost therrre...” She moaned louder as Ranam was bringing her to orgasm quickly.

Grunting a bit, Ranma did just that. Pounding away at speeds that were almost too fast to be seen, he plundered her hot, wet pussy with his cheetah meat.

And it happened. Arching her back a little. Bastet yowled louder than she had before. She came and hard, her hot fluids pouring from her pussy and down her legs, while her hot snatch was gripping at Ranma mercilessly, coaxing him for his cheetah seed.

Grunting a bit, Ranma slammed his meat into her folds one last time and yowled as he sprayed wad after wad of his seed into her womb. He couldn’t help but purr loudly, which caused his whole body to vibrate.

Bastet purred and her whole body shook along with her lover’s. The feel of his seed spilling into her was just so great.

Yowling while he purred, Ranma rested his front to her back and nuzzled Bastet as he came down from his high.

Purring, Bastet lowered her body slowly so she was laying down on the bed, her lover on top of her. “Sooo good...”

Ranma nuzzled her and blinked as he came back to himself. “Uhhh...” He moaned out. What had he been doing? Well, when he took a look, he knew what he had been doing.

Smiling, Bastet panted a bit to catch her breath. Turning her head to him, her smile widened. “You were great, Ranma...”

He blushed and chuckled lightly. “Eh heh heh... Glad you think so.” Thankfully, he remembered everything that had happened, but he wasn’t in control, nope, his instincts were, and for once, Ranma was quite glad that they were. He kissed her on the cheek and smiled. “You felt great yourself.”

Bastet purred louder at that. Turning her head she kissed him again and again and again. “We’ve gotta do this more often.”

Smiling and nodding, Ranma agreed while she kissed him. “Yeah. Just give me some warning next time.”

Pouting cutely, Bastet said, “Awww... But if I did, you would have ran.”

He chuckled. “Heh, yer right, at least, I WOULD have ran. Heh, now...” He smiled while running his hands through her back fur. “I could get to like this.”

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(Posted Thu, 15 Apr 2004 01:42)

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