Kasumi's loss, Buzzbreast's gain

Unending BE - episode 92515

"Oh dear, oh my." Kasumi hefted the frying pan and tried to keep an eye on the Buzzbreast. This wasn't at all what she'd had in mind when she'd suggested training earlier to Master Ash.

"A bit of a mismatch, isn't it?" Nurse Joy looked askance at Ash. "The advantage is completely to the Buzzbreast in this sort of environment."

"Yeah, well, maybe," allowed Ash after watching Buzzbreast circle around Kasumi. "Kasumi's nice and all, but the Alpha has to take responsibility for everything those under her do. Just like the Tamer has to take responsibility for everything the Alpha does."

Nurse Joy nodded, not placated, but at least satisfied that Ash knew something about his responsibilities.

Buzzbreast darted in and out, causing Kasumi's frying pan swing to miss, then darted back in again while the half-Eva was off balance. A brief body slam, then she angled back out while Kasumi regained her footing.

"That's it, it's over," Nurse Joy said with a glare at Ash.

"Huh? Kasumi's still fighting." Ash looked back and forth.

Buzzbreast continued to hover in front of Kasumi, the concentric rings around her breasts vibrating with every wingbeat.

Nurse Joy watched for a moment. "Buzzbreast used her nipple-stingers during that attack. She's now using her hypno-dominate."

Kasumi fell to her knees, the frypan landing nearby.

Buzzbreast moved in. "You are now Buzzbreast's happy little sextoy, aren't you?"

Ash and Nurse Joy could see Kasumi smile mindlessly and nod her head.

"Kasumi now Buzzbreast fucktoy. Kasumi surrender Alpha position to Buzzbreast. Kasumi not have brain in pretty little head. Kasumi even give up name. Now just be Eva. Say it." Buzzbreast's smile was cruel. Why let a lesser PokeWoman have a name when she didn't?

Kasumi nodded again. "I am now your fucktoy. You are now Alpha. Kasumi not have brain in head. Kasumi no more. Now am Eva."

Buzzbreast patted the Eva on the head. "Eva now go down and lick out Buzzbreast. Buzzbreast will enjoy being Alpha."

Mindlessly, the Eva began using her tongue on the other PokeWoman, enthralled and being dominated even more thoroughly.

"Aren't you going to do anything?" Nurse Joy frowned at Ash.

"It's only temporary," Ash said. "But if it'll make you feel better..."

  1. *Buzzbreast vs Joy, Buzzbreast wins
  2. Buzzbreast vs Joy, Joy wins
  3. Ash puts Joy back in her PokeBall for not treating Jenny like she was told to.
  4. Jenny recovers and interrupts
Go back - Go to the parent episode.

Tuxedo Hentai

Sun Jul 23 12:41:47 2000