Lust Dust: Claiming Leona; Mousse and his... woman. (LEMON) [Episode 92085]


Leona spared no time in hesitation, sliding to the ground out of the arms of her soon to be lover, she grabbed the pigtailed boy she was about to turn into a man by the shirt, pushing him harshly against the wall, before gripping the shirt by the collar and ripping it off with her intimidating strength.

Ranma, far to gone to realize the consequences of what was about to take place, retaliated by pushing the blue haired woman against the opposite wall of the small hallway, using her moment of distraction to rip away the dull green combat vest she wore, exposing the red athletic sports bra beneath, a hint of her pert breasts catching his attention. Flowing forward, the young boy placed his hands on her shapely hips, grasping them and pulling her towards him, his head dipping low. He placed rough, inexperienced kisses across her chest, digging into the bra she wore until his mouth latched on to a nipple, which he bit and pulled on until the orb of pliable flesh escaped the hold of her bra.

Leona groaned, the feel of her nipple and chest being abused as they were befuddling her mind. She grinned viciously as the boy became bold, his hands leaving her hips and unbuttoning her combat shorts, inching his way into them until he came into contact with her green cotton underwear. She hissed, feeling his rough course fingers poke at her nether lips through her undergarment, the touch of his inquisitive inexperienced fingers causing her to tremble, shuddering as the heat in her cunt rose exponentially at the contact, urged on by the lust dust.

Ranma growled, pressing harder against the woman's vagina, annoyed to the extreme by the obstruction of her underwear. Being female half of the time, the pigtailed boy knew at least the very basics of the female anatomy. His mind was hazed, at the moment he didn't realize just why the obstruction was there in the first place, since he himself had never worn female undergarments.

Leona's eyes squeezed shut, the amount of pressure being pressed against her nether lips starting to become painful. Placing her hands on either side of the boys head, she brought his gaze up from where it had been staring at her crotch, a wicked smile crossing her lips at the suddenly confused lustful gaze being directed at her, before she head butted him fiercely, causing the boy to stumble back in surprise of the attack, leaving him open to her follow up tackle.

Ranma's eyes opened wide in shock of the blow, slamming into the wall, his head snapped back and crashed through the flimsy barrier, before he felt his legs pulled out from under him, where he crashed to the floor on his side, knocking the breath out of him. He could feel the strong-gloved hands of his attacker attack the hem of his pants, untying the loose strap and nearly ripping them and his boxers down around his ankles, before removing them entirely.

Leona tore her bra off while Ranma crawled away from her a bit, one hand pressed against his abdomen as he struggled to regain his breath. She spared him a hungry glance, peeling off her shorts, gloves, and boots before reaching up with a slender hand and untying her hair, allowing her shock of startling blue hair to cascade down her shapely back, to hang freely down to her lower calves. She smiled a vicious little smirk, stalking up to the boy who had just only regained his footing. She moved to push him towards the bed, but received the surprise of her life when the boy twirled around, redirecting her force just enough to completely miss him, before he join in the forward motion, both landing on the bed roughly, Leona face down with Ranma pinning her from above.

Ranma grinned, straddling the girls hips, focusing his weight on her torso to keep her pinned down. He leaned down, pressing hot kissing along her spine, leaving a trail of warm saliva in his wake as he moved up towards her neck, biting, nibbling on the expansive flesh and drawing a moan from the woman who started withering beneath him.

Leona could only take so much of this treatment before snapping, using strength hardly equated for her slender frame, she pushed up on the bed, lifting herself and the boy on her back up in the air. Ranma was so surprised he made no move to counter the show of strength, falling victim to the woman's forceful shoves until he was knocked off her back, crashing down on the bed and given only a moment's respite until Leona mauled him, one hand grabbing his hard prick and squeezing it dangerously, while she leaned up and fiercely kissed him, her other hand snaking between her legs and delving into her moist hot petals, parting her thin stretchy lips to get at the tight hot expanse within.

Ranma growled, bucking his hips as the woman squeezed his tool to stiffness. The squishy slushy sounds of her fingers plunging into her dripping hot cunt exciting him more then he would have thought possible. The taste of her lips, a heated inferno of sloshing tongues and burning hot saliva driving his lust to new levels of agitation. He was relieved when the woman moved forward, bringing her moist fluid covered hand to his lips as she pulled back. He spared the white filmy fluid coating her hand a curious glance, taking a tentative lick, before sucking on the slender digits while the woman moved to straddle his hips.

Tasting the woman's fluid was.. a weird experience. Thick, like jello, only not as dense. There was a high salty taste to it, and for a moment the boy pondered how close to sushi her fluids tasted like, before a subtle and entirely electric heat began to spread of the tip of his cock. Alerted by the sensation, he lifted his gaze and watched, transfixed, as the woman began to slowly impale herself on the head of his cock, her cute thin smile framed by a tuft of blue hair spreading wide to accept the head of the ravenous beast his prick had become. He could feel the intense pressures of her cunt being pierced, the walls of her pussy pinching the tip as she slowly, carefully, began inserting the beast.

The thrill of the moment soon wore off for the boy, impatience and anxiousness soon replacing awe and surprised at just what was happening. What was taking so long damn it? Grabbing the woman by her hips, her saw her startle suddenly, blue eyes latching onto his own and widening in surprise at the cruel smirk growing on his face. She may have gotten away with holding his prick hostage earlier, and now it was time for some pay back! Leona tried to push up, to push away from the boy's forceful hold. She had neither to opportunity, nor the leverage for such an act.

Ranma slammed her hips against his, his prick piercing her hot little cunt to its fullest, he groaned, the feeling of her walls squeezing the life out of his cock sending a shiver down his spine, "So tight."

Leona grunted, moaned, and shuddered uncontrollably at being so forcibly taken, the hand that had been holding his prick digging deep into his abdomen, the other grasping his forearm. Ranma pulled himself up, wrapping his arms around her torso and holding the woman tightly against his chest, bucking his hips and bouncing her in his lap. He didn't know what turned him on more, the feeling of his wang being crushed within the girls vagina like a vice, or her quivering shapely naked body rubbing against his as he bounced the woman up and down his iron hard pole.

The woman grabbed him by the head, whimpering at the long hard thrusts of his prick into her quivering hot insides, before smothering his lips with her own, occasionally breaking away to moan or cry out in pleasure before once again reattaching herself to his hungry insatiable lips.



Cologne twitched, the cloud of shimmering dust erupting from its point of impact and spreading like wildfire throughout the room. "Perfect." she sneered, jumping back on her cane, putting distance between the cloud of dust and herself.

"Hmm, Shampoo like sucky sucky!" chirruped the voice of her granddaughter from some where within that cloud of dust.

The aging matriarch frowned; the tone of her granddaughters voice had been anything but controlled. The husky deep purring wasn't something she expected to hear from her granddaughter's lips, at least not until after the son-in-law finally gave up to Amazon tradition.

Summoning her battle aura to ward off the dust, Cologne began replaying the last few moments before the sudden appearance of the dust in her mind. She didn't see who threw the bag of flour, but she did catch sight of the projectile hurtling towards some blue haired woman, before she back stepped and dodged, allowing a clear line of fire towards her son-in-law, which hit him and caused the current situation.

The dust had begun to thin somewhat, much to her thanks and horror. Peering through the hazy veil of dust, she fell into a state of pure shock. Family, customers, and friends were in the throes of some kind of powerful aphrodisiac, her granddaughter bent over some man's crotch and sucking him off.

Mr. Yamada, her Beef supplier was busy fondling the breasts of Mrs. Souchi, her Ramen supplier.

Mousse, the bungling myopic boob was hunched over slightly, his wild eyes staring directly at.. at her!

"COLGONE-CHAN! I LOVE YOU!" Mr. Part Time shouted in adoration, a wicked lustful gleam shining in his eyes as he lunged towards the Amazon Elder.

"This can't be happening." Cologne grumped, eyes narrowing in anger and annoyance as the blind idiot actually managed to head straight for her. He reached out to grab her, but this was one old woman who wouldn't stand for it.

Mousse fell back, victim of a rather painful bop to head. He shook his head, stunned momentarily, before climbing right back to his feet, once again lunging at the old crone, hands outstretched greedily.

"This has to be a sick joke." she grumbled, side hopping the attempted tackle from duck boy, countering his attack with a series of lightning fast strikes, her staff vanishing as the successive sounds of wood slamming into flesh was heard.

Mousse hissed, unable to stop his forward motion before slamming into the wall, where he slumped to his knees. His back alight with pain from his Cologne-chan's attempt at playing hard to get. He struggled to move, to stand, to do anything by kneel against the wall, but found his entire body had turned against him; paralyzed.

Cologne spared the boy a glance, turning around in search for her granddaughter. "I've got to stop this!" she hissed, looking through the suddenly empty main room of her restaurant. She blinked. "Oh dear ancestors, where is everyone?!?"

"OH! DO IT! UG! UGH! RAM! Ha-HARDER!" the sound of her granddaughter's scream echoing upstairs, followed by a steady rhythmic pumping sound reached the aging Matriarchs ears.

Cologne winced with each and every pleasurable shout, "Oh dear.. how am I going to explain this to the council?"


"Sprinkle just a touch of black pepper.." Akane spoke, reading from a cookbook set upon the counter. "Okay, just a touch of pepper. Easy." she nodded, repeating to herself as she reached out to the spice rack.

"Okay Akane.." she mumbled, holding the spice dispenser over the boiling pot of soup, "Just a touch.. just a touch.." she grabbed the handle, and begin to turn it, small sprinkles of black pepper following out of the nozzle into the soup.

"Thats it.. slowly.. ah ah! Not too fast.. not too fast..." she repeated, like a mantra, her grip over the despensor hardening.


Leona held on to the boy for dear life, trying to ignore the wall her back was pressed up against as the boy held her lifted body up, his hips shooting against hers in rapid succession, her urethra spewing out globs of her burning honey with each thrust of his cock, the spear piercing her all the way into her, the cervix long since beaten into remission, open and giving him complete access of her womb.

Ranma grunted, pushing himself and the woman against the wall roughly with each thrust, his hands, holding onto her buttocks to keep her connected with him and upraised, squeezed the fleshy orbs harshly, spreading her cheeks widely, a steady stream of her juices mixed with his pre-cum spilling out around the edges of her cunt, droplets of the sticky hot fluid splattering against the ground, absorbed by the waves of beige carpet.


Akane winced as the pepper dispenser cracked, then shattered in her hands, the contents spilling out and pouring into the soup. "Shimatta." she grumped, gazing at her hands in disgust, unmindful of the sharp slivers of glass that had pierced her calloused skin, blood oozing from the wounds slowly.

"Can't I ever do anything right?" she sighed, not expecting an answer.


Ranma slammed the woman on the bed, his breath coming in deep ragged pants as he positioned her long sweat drenched legs against his shoulders, his hands gripping her ass tightly as he leaned forward quickly, prick digging into the woman's abused snatch like a worm, the thick snake stretching her nether lips greatly.

Leona wrapped her arms around his neck, squeezing him to her as the crescendo of his pace began to throw her over the edge. The feel of his heated chest rubbing against her own, the hard warm muscles scraping against her hardened nipples causing her to reflexively shudder as his pillaging snake entered and exited her much abused cunt, the feel of his balls slapping against her ass causing shivers to run through her taunt body, when suddenly she felt her pussy spasm, clamping around the plundering beast as a alien sensation of mind numbing pleasure rose up with in her, for the briefest of moments washing away her sense of self as she sailed on cloud nine, mouth opening wide as she screamed with her rapture, fingers digging into the back of her lover.

Ranma quickened his pace, his balls aching with desire, as release was close. The feel of the woman's cunt clamping on his prick, the warm velvety soft muscles within caressing his cock, a distinct almost painful pinching sensation nipped at the head, sapping the last of his resistance. Slapping home one last time, pushing forward and clamping on her ass tightly, the damn burst as his balls raised up, a torrent of thick slushy sperm erupted from his cockhead, spilling into the woman, the excess erupting around his cock, splaying his and her privates in the stinky thick semen, globs of the liquid dripping from her speared hole down her ass and staining the cheap white sheets a unseemly yellow.


"Akane, dear. You need to be more careful." Kasumi scolded, applying an alcohol-drenched swab to the thin deep cut.

"I'm.." she winced as the alcohol came into contact with the wound, "..sorry Kasumi. I was trying so hard!"

The motherly sister of the Tendo household nodded slowly, placing the swab down and picking up a dry cotton ball, cleaning away and drying the wound, "Mother told me once, that trying your best is usually always for the best, but there are times when trying too hard isn't needed, or even productive." she spared her sister a understanding glance, "Understand?"

Akane nodded slowly, eyes growing distant as she thought about those words, what they meant, and in an odd moment of clarity, how it related to more then just her abysmal cooking skills.


Leona closed her eyes, enjoying the after glow, her head pressed against the boy's shoulder where he had collapsed on top of her. She listened to his gasping pants, felt his heated blood pump through his body from the close contact, and the way his prick would twitch occasionally, still lodged within her.

A devilish smirk spread across her lips as a thought, urged by the dust, entered her mind.

This was far from over.

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(Posted Wed, 11 Feb 2004 22:20)

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