"Ryouga! How did you... ?" Ukyo, her voice, in a moment of surprise, going back to its very feminine natural state, instantly gave her away.
"Ukyo! I... knew it was you! What are you doing here? No, I don't care. Why did you leave this morning, saying you weren't going to come back? That hurt my feelings!" Even as Ryouga said this, he realized that it sounded a bit odd, and he quickly figured out why. His girl form had all these weird emotions, and he'd just reacted based off of one of them. Still, that didn't make the Lost Boy any more calm or any less determined to get revenge.
"Ryouga, what the hell are you talking about? I didn't even see you this morning, how could I leave you?!?" By now, Ukyo was more surprised than anything else, and hadn't clued into the fact that Ryouga was angry yet.
"What do you mean, what the hell am I.. " After a moment, Ryouga realized the problem. Ukyo didn't actually KNOW that Ryouga was also Yoiko. He considered the problem for a few moments. He couldn't tell Ukyo why he was mad without talking about his curse, something he really didn't want to do, because he liked this girl, and he didn't want her to think of him as less of a man. And he couldn't think of anything he could make up for the reason he was mad at her. So, because he didn't want her to think of him as less of a man, he decided he'd just grab her and punish her without bothering to give a reason.
"OK Ryouga. It was, umm, it was nice seeing you 'nd all, but I've got to be going... Hey, what do you think you are.. ?" As Ukyo began walking away, Ryouga reached out, grabbing her arms, and then putting a hand over her mouth to keep her quiet. He was still hopping mad about this morning, and all the confusion about how to get Ukyo to realize that he was mad, and get revenge, without talking about his curse had just made him madder still.
As Ukyo squirmed in Ryouga's powerful arms, his big hand covering her mouth, he looked around for a good place to take her. He couldn't spend too much time with her, obviously, because he need to prove his manhood to Ranma, in front of some girl Ranma liked, or, preferably, was in love with. Still, one or three quickies would leave Ukyo in the sorry, cum-soaked state he wanted her in.
Ryouga assessed the surrounding areas for a place to fuck Ukyo without being disturbed. The hall was too busy, everyone would see (though that might be a good place to humiliate Ranma). The lab was OK, but there really wasn't a comfortable place to fuck, and Ryouga didn't like that. After a few minutes of Ukyo's struggling, Ryouga glanced into the janitor's closet that Ukyo had just come from, and was very surprised to see his very favorite place to fuck a girl. A waterbed, and it was empty, save for two girls who looked like they had just had a very serious gangbang. Still, they were out of it, and it looked like the best place for Ryouga to get his revenge...
Ukyo continued to struggle, confused by this, and having, well, plans, with someone else, somewhere else. It wasn't that she didn't like Ryouga, it was really more that she didn't know what he was up to, and she really was busy. So, Ukyo tried to pull Ryouga's arm off of her body, and his hand off of her mouth, Ryouga pulled Ukyo back into the janitor's closet, and closed the door behind himself. Once the door was closed, and locked, Ryouga picked Ukyo up, and threw her, face first, onto the water bed.
Even the Lost Boy could tell that Ukyo was worried, and he was glad to see it. He wanted to make Ukyo sorry, even if he really couldn't tell her what she was going to be sorry for. As he moved forward, grabbing Ukyo's clothes, and shredding them off the trapped porn star, he growled out a few quick words, "I want to hear you scream for mercy!"
Ukyo, of course, knew perfectly well, by now, what Ryouga was going to do... And she stuck her bum in the air, glancing back at the Lost Boy hungrily. Sure, he wasn't the one she'd been hungry FOR, after gobbling down all that fresh, hot cum, but Ukyo had been hungry nonetheless. As Ryouga ripped her clothes off, he revealed a girl-cum soaked cunt, practically winking at him in her hunger, neatly shaven, just as Ryouga liked them. Ukyo knew that Ryouga was going to make her scream, but she also knew that she was never one to back down from a bit of rough sex, so she kept her mouth shut. No need to ruin a good thing, even though, later on, she'd have to find out WHY Ryouga wanted to punish her.
Ryouga, for his part, was just grinning like a madman. It had been FAR too long since the last time he came, and he was getting really, really cranky. He need to be milked, dammit! He didn't notice that Ukyo was wet, and didn't ask about her bulging belly, he just wanted to get in there, get his rocks off, and punish Ukyo for her crimes. He wanted to hear the girl scream, and he wanted to get off, maybe not in that order. He figured that a nice coup de gras would be to stuff her so full of cum she'd be leaking for a week. He was going to enjoy this...
Ukyo, as much as she enjoyed the occasional rough-fuck, had no idea what she was getting into. Not only was this rough sex, from Ryouga, something that she would have been surprised by alone, but it was rough sex, powered by an awful combination of cranky-horny and hury-angry, that fueled Ryouga to be even stronger than his normal, Herculean state. And, he was about to use every fiber of his body to pound Ukyo into a fine, screaming paste...
Ryouga grabbed Ukyo's legs, first, so the girl couldn't get away. He had already dropped his clothes, and his big, famous dick was already hard as a rock. He stood at the edge of the bed, Ukyo's cunt, in this position, at the same height as his cock, her legs hanging off the edge of the bed, before he picked them up. Ryouga spread the girls legs, wide, and, without another moment of preparation, speared his cock into her pussy, with a speed and skill borne of years of experience.
Ukyo, now, had a clue what she was dealing with. Ryouga had a really big dick, as thick as any she had ever fucked, and maybe the longest in her personal history (and Ukyo was a porn star, who had starred in movies with titles like, "She Takes the Whole Nine Yards!"). And he'd just shoved the whole, fucking thing into her body. Her pussy had spread and stretched, wide, for the Lost Boy, his dick pounding completely into her, in one, fierce blow. Ukyo had been wet, of course, but she hadn't even been close to taking a dick, at least, not of Ryouga's size, in one split second. Her body instantly tensed up, and she instantly regretted doing WHATEVER it was that had pissed Ryouga off. Her pussy clamped down on Ryouga, hard, in her panic, her body clamping shut as she tensed up, despite years of training. And, of course, as she jumped off the bed like a cat hitting water, she yelled, in a rapid litany of every surrender and apology she could think of, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, uncle, you win, have mercy, I'll never do it again, please be gentle, MERCY!"
Ryouga, of course, was glad to see Ukyo know what he felt like. He was also incredibly turned on to feel Ukyo's cunt clamp down on his cock like that. He loved girls with powerful pussies. Still, he wasn't going to just let Ukyo go with so little punishment... After all, Ryouga still needed to get off once, or maybe a few times, just to get the edge off a bit for when he met Ranma. So, Ryouga, feeling his dick getting a nice coating of female juices, even if they are inadequate to lubricate Ukyo's pussy for his assault, decides to go onto phase two.
As Ukyo is finally beginning to calm down a bit, from Ryouga's first, fierce thrust, the combination of pain and pleasure finally beginning to wane, replaced, slowly, by only pleasure, Ryouga's cock suddenly pulls out of her tight, clinging cunt. Ukyo steels herself for another full-length thrust into her pussy, and tries to get her cunt to relax, but she is caught completely by surprise when Ryouga moves her body down, a few inches...
As Ryouga thrusts his cock, full-length, into Ukyo's ass, making the poor girl take his cock anally, just as hard, and just as fast, as he treated her cunt, Ukyo does another lead off of the bed, thrashing wildly, the assault on her body getting the desired results. Ukyo is soon screaming, yelling and thrashing wildly, as her ass clamps down, hard, on Ryouga's cock. It is a bit rare to find a girl with two such well-muscled holes, Ryouga muses, deciding that he will definitely have to visit her again.
Just as Ukyo thinks Ryouga can't get any more rough with her, though, Ryouga begins moving her, rapidly, and he hammers into her pussy, again, before thrusting into her ass. Soon, Ryouga is switching rapidly between the two, clamping holes, as Ukyo screams, tears streaming down her face as she's taken, with a force and speed that she wasn't even close to being ready for. Ukyo decides, in some backwards part of her brain, that Ryouga might just need a bit of punishment himself...
As Ukyo thrashes on Ryouga's rod, and he pounds it to her, thrusting into one hole, and then another, he enjoys the screams she's making. He still felt very weird for having been dumped this morning, as well as for being, well, taken last night, so he doesn't show the girl any mercy, but he does grin a bit wider when he feels Ukyo's cunt begin massaging him, and he realizes that the porn actress is having a very real orgasm.
Ukyo, of course, was a very adept student in rough sex, as well as the more kinky varieties. But, even for someone of her credentials, she was surprised to find her body wracked by a quick, hard orgasm, and she was even more surprised by the intensity of it. It was, to say the least, enough to make her reconsider whether she hated this... Of course, as soon as the orgasm ended, Ukyo's body was still being used to take revenge on the poor girl, and the roughness of it, along with the screams it was forcing from her, were quickly becoming more than she could take. She couldn't quite tell if she liked this, anymore, but she was sure that, even if she did, this was the kind of thing you did maybe once or twice a year, as she figured it would take about that long to recover.
Ryouga, of course, wasn't even trying to hold back his load, and he was quickly racing to his orgasm. He wanted to really leave Ukyo with something to remember him by, and he figured a cum-dripping ass and cunt, well, what better way to get his point across? Ryouga's entire body was almost glowing with Ki was he pounded Ukyo's body into jello, causing her to scream, cry, and cum, over and over, as he fucked her ass and cunt, enjoying every second of it. The friction and tightness of Ukyo's holes was quickly getting him off.
However, the intense fucking was -very- quickly becoming more than Ukyo could handle. She had a decent amount of stamina, but she'd been screaming almost nonstop since Ryouga began, and the pain, and the pleasure, and the intense force of Ryouga's thrusts, well, it was pretty quickly becoming more than Ukyo could deal with. Just as Ryouga rammed into her cunt, with the full intent of dumping his load there, Ukyo was hit by the mother of all orgasms (at least, her mother of all orgasms, other people, in this very room, on this very day, had had orgasms at least as good). She went rigid, and screamed one last time, her fingers digging into the bed wildly as she came like a freight train, and passed out.
Just as Ryouga's first big, fat load of cum was beginning to travel up his cock though, Ukyo's frantic digging into the fabric of the waterbed, accidentally, succeeded in clawing into the material. And, as the girl flopped down on the bed, passed out, the force of her motion caused a literal jet of cold water to splash Ryouga in the face.
So, just as Ryouga was slamming his hips forward, one last time, and cumming, he suddenly became she. Ryouga became Yoiko, and his attempts to cum as a man were suddenly, and completely, thwarted. It took Ryouga a few moments to realize what was going on, and then, after he dropped the slumbering girl's legs, a few more moments to decide what to do. Ryouga had already decided that he couldn't risk facing Ranma as Yoiko, and his urge to cum had, suddenly, become her insatiable, mind-bending NEED to cum. However, Yoiko decided, fighting her body's instincts with all her will, that she was NOT going to relieve herself in this form.
Yoiko grabbed Ryouga's clothes, hating the way they fitted her, and pulled them on. Ryouga's shirt, of course, was made for a person with a much bigger head, and the opening of the yellow shirt was so big that it showed off far too much of Yoiko's cleavage, for her liking. The pants also came up so high that they were cinched off just under her breasts, forcing her shirt to really hug them, and show off the huge mounds. Yoiko, of course, hated her big, firm, high tits, and wished that she had brought her overalls, that allowed her to, at least partially, hide them. The shirt and pants that Ryouga normally wore, on Yoiko, were very provocative. However, they were better than going naked, and Yoiko figured that she would have to go to the science lab again, and use the bunsen burner to get hot water...
As Yoiko exited the janitor's closet, she decided to put her hair in pigtails again, just in case she was trapped in this form for awhile. She quickly ran over to the science class, glad to see that the halls were empty (vaguely wondering when people were ever, actually, IN these halls). She blushed as the running caused her breasts to bounce and sway wildly, trying to put her hands on them, to make them stop, even though that really only brought more attention to them. Of course, it didn't matter since the halls were empty.
As Yoiko opened the door to the science room, stroking her breasts as she moved, she couldn't help but, at least vaguely, wish that someone had seen her. Someone tall, someone handsome, someone who could help her out... Someone, maybe, with a log for a cock, and... ARGH! Stupid cursed body! Ryouga asserted his mental discipline, forcing Yoiko to act properly, and think properly!
As Ryouga mentally chastised Yoiko for thinking like this, someone, actually, had seen the show. Ranma had finished with his massive meal, and found himself heading to class, without anything unusal happening, for awhile. The girls, of course, were all still following him, but their wobbling, shaking walk wasn't really allowing them to keep up. As Ranma had turned the corner into the hall Yoiko was in, he'd been just in time to see her do her little running show, and just late enough that Ryouga's glancing around hadn't spotted him.
Something about her, Ranma mused, (and, of course, he meant something BESIDES tits the size of Kimiko's on a body smaller than Akane's, with a sexy blush, big, full lips, a tender, voluptious frame, and a nice, big butt) was really drawing him towards her. It was like he was being called... And, at least, some part of his body was responding, he though, as he realized that he was beginning to sport a tent in his trousers.
As Yoiko closed the door, Ranma sprinted forward, just in time to catch it before it came fully closed. As Yoiko turned to see what was the matter with the door, Ranma opened it, quickly entered the room, and then closed it behind himself. He'd moved fast enough, and been far enough in front of the girls, he figured, that they didn't see where he had headed.
He spoke to the surprised, bewildered girl as he closed the room's blinds, and locked the door with the key that had been hanging beside the door (on a plaque that read, "FOR STUDENTS IN NEED OF A QUIEST STUDY AREA"), his words sounding sweet as honey, as he grinned like the cocky bastard he was, "Hi. I'm Ranma Saotome. Sorry about this..."
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(Posted Wed, 11 Feb 2004 23:54)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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