Meteor: Asking Rose (LIME) [Episode 90757]

by Kender

As soon as he had heard the 'Ranma-sama', Ranma knew that Kodachi was on the property. She was the only one that called him that, and she was one of the main girls that tended to be most after him. So it was logical that she would want to come there when the end of the world was approaching. After all, he'd already had three girls that had already had the same idea.

But at the rate things were going, he might even find some of the other girls from his class, or those he'd fought popping in on him.

But he merely stood there as Kodachi came into the dining area, and looked at him.

"Hello Ranma-sama..," she murmured as she stood there in her leotard, her eyes gazing up his barely clad figure.

"Heya Kodachi," he replied easily. He knew what she wanted, and what was coming, but he didn't run from anything, and even if he did, what would be the point?

"It seems that we have come to the end of everything."

"Yeah, but for once, we ain't gonna be able ta fight it."

"I know, and wish it were otherwise. But as it can not be, I have but one request."

Despite knowing exactly what she meant, he still asked. "What d'ya want?"

"Make me a woman. Allow me to give you that which is most precious before we die," the gymnast said, before kissing him. She had no certainties any more, and knew that he might refuse her. But she needed to have a single moment of pure pleasure before the end came. Every bit of her hoped that he would agree, and ravish her right at that spot.

He didn't dissappoint.

Rather than push her away, or run from her affections, he put his arms around her so that she was crushed against him, with his hands cupping her buttocks. His fingers squeezed and fondled the firm flesh while his mouth ground hard against her.

Her breath was taken away by what he was doing to her, and she knew that there had never been any refusal or pulling back in what was going on between them.

Especially as he laid her down upon the table and began to really get into it.

At that moment, she would have wondered where his skill came from, had she the ability, but she was already too far gone in their shared pleasure to care.

So, she merely went with it while:

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(Posted Mon, 02 Feb 2004 01:05)

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