Prejudice and Fear: And The Cat Came Back... (LEMON) [Episode 90439]

by Matdeception

Ranma sighed, sitting at the bottom of the steps with a totally bored expression, "Geesh.. I'm bored." he grumbled, giving the living room and the broken TV a longing glance before sighing deeply again.

"Next time, let's not use the TV cords to tie some one up." he mumbled to himself balefully.

With nothing to distract him, he realized very quickly he was left with a lot of time to just think about things. One certain thought quickly grabbed his attention, and was currently the victim of a rather lot of careful consideration. This was the Earth. He was home, sort of. If he decided too, he could just return to the life in Nerima and put aside all the crap Jade had given him over the previous year. It wouldn't be too hard to hide his nature; of course it would be a bit difficult to explain just what the heck had happened during that battle with Saffron. He groaned as he remembered some of that fight, specifically the glimpse of news helicopters flying just outside the conflagration of flame. Great, they would probably have a picture of him changing into this form.

Did he want to come back though? If you asked him a few weeks ago he would have not only said yes, he would have shouted it. Even now he was still really tempted to say to hell with it and hang around, but three things were holding him back. Well, it was about to be two things, whenever Tanya finished talking to whoever the heck it was up there she needed to talk to.

G'nolga. He still owed her his word. He might have been getting a little.. loose in morals recently, but his word was his word. Maybe he could leave after he got G'nolga and Julia to fight? Hmmm. That still left his last reason. Six. Now that he had time to think about it, the girl had been getting far too close to him. He didn't mean in a sexual way...

"You and Jane are all I have right now Ranma, don't do something stupid like that again. Please?"

He was special to some one like that? He didn't get it. What the hell had he done to earn that kind of sentiment? He wasn't blind, he's been a real asshole since he decided to get revenge, but Six didn't seem to care either. Hmm.. I wonder what her husband would think of all this? What was his name again? Faunty? Fauntleroy? Bleah.

Ranma grunted, standing up. He didn't want to think about that right now. "How big is this place?" he mumbled as he walked around the huge mansion.


Brianna grumbled as she closed the door, "Can today get any worse?" she whimpered, putting her purse and car keys on the stand. Today was just sucking for the Lycanthrapoid. Actually, her whole week just sucked. She had missed the big trip to Jade, missed the chance to help her sister find a missing part of her clan, and that's not even included how.. unwanted she had been feeling lately.

Sighing slowly, "I wonder if Genn is finished with the TV?"


He could feel the presence of another. Ranma frowned, thinking back to what Tanya had told him concerning the occupants of this house.

One, by the name of Genn, was a Rakasha. Capable of assuming different forms, though Tanya pointed out due to a magical mishap the one here could only transform into differing female shapes, and no longer into a male. She possessed some type of ESP and other mental abilities, but the extent of her power was unknown. He had been pretty disappointed with the ease in which he captured the woman, but he guessed she was just shocked by his appearance. Other people had been before, why not her?

Stryyp'Gia was mentioned, but Ranma crossed that possibility off his mental checklist. He was fairly certain Stryyp was upstairs with Tanya currently, and since he hadn't heard any explosions he figured the two were talking civilly, and that had to count for something.

Gina and Brittany Diggers were on Jade, or so Rook had said.

The last member of the household Tanya had stressed about was a Lycanthropoid named Brianna. She told him she was some kind of gun freak who liked to blow shit up for fun. Combat wise, at least from a melee standpoint, she was pathetically weak. However, if she attacks you from at range, you could bet your butt you're in some serious trouble.

Tanya had also stressed about some kind of Peebu, Peebo, eer.. or something like that.


Brianna blinked, a peculiar odor reaching her nose. Taking a deep curious breath, she wondered if Genn had gotten a new perfume. It smelt like a strong musk, only with a hint of something soft and sweet beneath the surface. She hmmed, trying to decide whether she liked the smell or not.

"Hey Genn, is that some type of new... what the hell?" she screeched as she noticed the state of the living room. Their rather expensive TV had been knocked off its stand, the power cord and audio/digital TV wires had been ripped from it's back, leaving stumps with copper wires sticking just out of the end. A mess of discarded can's of drink and ruffled bags of chips laid haphazardly about the couch.

"STRYY.. URK!" Brianna started to yell, until a massive fur hand clamped around her throat, lifting her body slightly as she struggled to break the hold around her neck while ineffectually kicking her legs out.

Ranma grimaced, "So you're the last defender?" he sighed, pushing the girl forward were she stumbled a bit before crashing to the ground roughly. "Did she really need my help for all this?" he asked mentally, stepping forward as the girl struggled to her knees, grasping for breath and holding her neck protectively.

Grabbing her arm, Ranma twisted it behind the girls back roughly, a gasp of pain elicited from the woman beneath him as he applied pressure to her joint. "Scream, or cry for help, and I'll rip your arm out of your socket." he gruffly spoke, "Understand?" he applied a little more pressure to get his point across.

"Yyes." Brianna hissed, pain flaring in her shoulder.

Ranma reached around her neck with his free arm, before pulling the woman up with him, "I'm not going to hurt you if ya don't make me, understand?"

Brianna nodded as best she could, "Yess." Where the heck were her peebo's when she needed them, anyway?


"Do you have to tie the knot so tightly?" Brianna grumbled as the unknown intruder tied her hands behind her back tightly. She was very thankful the man had kept true to his word, and hadn't tried anything.. funny.

"Do you have ta whine so much?" Ranma retorted as he finished tying the woman's hands together. "Turn around." he grunted, readying a Gag.

Brianna did as she was told, her eyes widening at the appearance of the smilodon, "Oh my god! It's you! You're alive!" she backed up a little bit in shock, those canines were really something else!

Ranma raised an eyebrow curiously, "Ya know me?" Well, he reasoned, this was the Armsmasters daughter, so she might have heard something from her mother.

"Japan! That Phoenix! I saw you on the TV!" Brianna quickly threw out, before sighing, "We all thought you had died." she blinked then, "Hey, didn't my mom talk to you yet?"

Ranma frowned. The Armsmaster wanted to talk to him? What the heck for? Pfft, she probably just wanted to tell him to go to hell before she finished him off, "No." he growled, raising the rope and gag to shut the girl up.

Brianna sniffed, before shaking her head and backing up a bit more, her back hitting the wall, "But, she took your mom to calm you down! Seriously, there's no reason to do this!"

"What?" Ranma deadpanned, "You're tellin me your mother has my mom, and is usin her to get to me?"

Brianna winced; he made it sound like the world was out to get him. God, her head felt really fuzzy. Pushing away the hazy veil over her mind, she forced herself to say, "It's.. It's not like that.. she.. she just wants.." What the hell was going on, it was getting harder and harder at an obscene rate to even think straight.

Ranma's frowned deepened as the girl started to stutter. "She must be trying to come up with a convincing lie." he mentally realized. "Whatever." he grunted, stuffing a piece of cloth into the girls mouth and tying the gag into place before pushing her down harshly on her butt, using her momentary disorientation to tie up her legs tightly, "Just sit tight, we'll be out of here soon." he said as he closed the door to the laundry room

Brianna panted against her gag. She had tried to tell him, to make him understand her mother only wanted to help him, but something was messing with her head. It was all so hazy, and she noted with a distinct confusion her nipples hardening against her shirt.


Ranma glanced up the staircase, irritated, "Just what the heck is taking that woman so long?!" he grumbled with an irritated frown, idly scratching his neck.

He had been tempted many times to go up and see what was happening, and each time he forced himself to stay behind. This was Tanya's moment; she needed to talk to this guy to put her past behind her. She had promised to help him in return for his help against her enemies, and she deserved whatever time she needed to close this part of her life.

"I just wish it wasn't taking so damn long!"


Something was wrong, something was very very wrong and she knew it. She was so hot, her head felt hazy, and she was sweating despite the air-conditioned room. Her chest felt tight against her shirt, her nipples aching with each inhalation of breath. There was something she needed, she was sure of it, but she just couldn't make that connection.

"Damn... Bri.. cool yourself.. you need to get out of here.. the Smilodon is loose.. in.. your.. ah.. house.." she whimpered mentally, rubbing her legs together as she felt the heat in her loins begin to become unbearable, "Genn.. Stryyp.. Tiffany.. needs you.. stop.."

She suddenly moaned, a distinct glaze settling over her eyes, the muscles through out her body suddenly bulging slightly as her mind was engulfed by the haze she had been trying to fight off.

In a far to animalistic growl for her, she grunted as her muscles strained against the bonds that held her. Unable to contain the hungry beast Brianna had become, her bonds snapped with a distinct ripping sound. Her hands free, she literally ripped the gag out of her mouth and tore the ropes at her feet to shreds with her suddenly thick nails.

Shuffling to her feet, she stared at the door balefully, before sniffing the air with a curious glint in her eye. She snapped her head left and right, as if she was searching for some elusive scent in the air, before jumping and crashing through the door in a roar!


Ranma blinked, "God damn." he grumbled as he stood up from his seat. The sound came from the Laundry room, which meant that Brianna chick was being a pain in the ass and probably trying to escape, or get help or something. "I wish Tanya would hurry the heck up." he mumbled as he raced off towards the laundry room.

As he got closer to where he had left Brianna, he got the distinct sensation something didn't smell right about this situation.


Brianna stalked through the halls on all fours, prowling the house like a wild beast in search of its prey. All the intelligence in her eyes was mostly gone, and she moved with the animalistic grace of an alley cat searching for her next dinner. She paused as Ranma came into view, raising her head slightly she sniffed the air.

Ranma stumble a bit at the sight of Brianna on all fours, he grimaced as a steady wave of dizziness suddenly overcame his mind, "Gah, what the hell is she doing?" he grumbled, trying to back up away from the strange acting woman. Whatever attack she was performing was seriously screwing with his head, and he couldn't figure out why.

Brianna growled as her prey started backing away, "YOOOOOWWWWWWWL!" she hissed, jumping towards the retreating male, her hyperactive muscles, empowered by the smilodon's overactive pheromones, allowing her to clear the entire expanse of the hallway in one single bound. She slammed into his body, the force of her blow compiled with his attempted retreat and sluggish mind gave him no reprieve as he slammed to the floor, her nails digging deep into his chest as they landed.

Ranma winced as he hit the ground, his mind groaning in agony as he resisted the temptation to go unconscious. He opened his eyes and came face to face with Brianna, here lips twisted into some kind of vicious snarl. Reacting purely on instinct, he flipped the girl away, his shirt being shredded apart by the woman who refused to let go of it as she was flipped away.

Twisting in mid air, Brianna exuded a sense of grace she had never done before, landing on her feet and hands much like a cat as Ranma struggled to stand up.

"What the hell is happening to me?!" Ranma stuttered sluggishly as he stumbled down the hallway in his attempt to get away from Brianna. His head was pounding, his entire body was aching, he felt his Ki going nuts inside him, and reacting to something he couldn't see. "Must.. get.. Tanya.." he mumbled to himself.

Brianna pounced on him again, this time slamming him on his stomach as she viciously bit into his shoulder, gouts of blood mixed with saliva escaping the bite wounds. Ranma groaned under the assault, feeling the last vestige of rational thought begin to escape him as Brianna bit roughly into his shoulder. As the girl on top of him viciously sundered the rest of his clothes, and her own, he felt his muscles suddenly surge with new strength as his mind faltered under the effects of her sweet scent.


Genn wanted to cry out against the injustice of it all. Why did she have to be so stupid out there? She should have done something to stop Tanya and that Smilodon, but she had been so shocked! Now, who knows what that devil woman was doing, or that smilodon for that matter?

Genn grimaced as something slammed against the door, the sound of an animalistic set of growls mixed with yowls and purr's echoing just outside her door.

"Dear god, what's going on out there?" Genn screamed in her mind.


Ranma let off an animalistic roar, butting his head back and slamming it into Brianna's own. The woman winced at the force of the blow; momentarily stunned she could do nothing as the man underneath her threw her off his back. She slammed into the closet door, before slumping to the ground on her butt, dazed.

Climbing up to all fours, Ranma turned to face the woman who had tried to dominate him, tried to force him under her lusts and control.

Brianna was more then just a cat in body. She was human, far more human then most would believe. The cat side of here cried out within her, desperately pleading she allow the beast before her to dominate her, to yield as the Beta. Her human side rallied against those urges, they would allow no one to dominate her. She was herself, she was not meant to be dominated by anyone with out a fight.

Forcing away the dizziness she felt, she painfully climbed back on all fours, and prepared to once again force her prey underneath her dominion, until she felt a set of sharp jaws surround her neck, teeth digging into her neck painfully. It was more then that, Brianna's hazy mind knew, it was a threat. Yield and be Dominated, or struggle and be destroyed.

Brianna growled as she began yielding to him, slumping down to the ground, as he demanded by his forceful pushes on top of her body. She contemplated how to get out of this mess, how to turn the tides and dominate the male on top of her. She knew her time was running out, even now she could feel the heat of his body settle over her. Her claws clenched into the carpet, ripping up tufts of the plushy soft material as his claws dug painfully into her hips, urging her to raise her ass into the air slightly. She refused at first, until she felt the jaws clench tighter around her neck in warning of her stubbornness. Hissing hatefully as she raised her ass and spread her legs slightly, she felt the claws at her hips dig in painfully as the grip around her neck lessened.

She knew if she made any sudden movements, those claws digging into her sides painfully would rip her body to ribbons, wounding her grievously and making her even more easily dominated then before, if not kill her.

Ranma settled over the woman, tightening the hold of her hips when she seemed ready to struggle some more as he positioned his cat spear at her dripping sex. He yowled, an electric and entirely exciting sensation rocking through his body at the feel of her heated lons against his engorged cock. Pushing forward slowly, he yowled as his angry purple cockhead pushed against and parted her outer folds.

Brianna hissed, body tensing as she felt the long purple monster begin pushing into her, the male above her beginning to dominate her in full. She shifted slightly, pushing forward only to wince and yowl in pain as that small movement caused his claws to rip into her skin, a steady stream of blood rolling from her wounds and dripping to the beige carpet, staining them red.

Ranma growled at the movement, pulling her back roughly as he fiercely pierced her pussy, no tenderness, no easing himself in, just viciously plundering the moist hot expanse of her pussy. Brianna yowled loudly at the intrusion, at the feel of his monster cock piercing and stretching her vaginal walls with no regards to the pain she would feel. She almost cried in relief when she felt it pull out, but that relief soon turned back to anger as he pushed right back in, continuing at a slow steady pace but gradually picking up speed as he dominated her.

Brianna grunted, with each thrust of his massive steed into her molten depths. Her human half was faltering now, with each push against her cervix, painfully threatening to force it open and give him complete access to her womb. She could fill his sticky hot spunk begin to spill into her, the fluid warmth washing against her insides as he pummeled her tight little twat viciously. She could feel the veins of his hairy cock pulsing inside her, feel the blood pumping through the monster that was oh so thoroughly ravishing her insides. Her breasts were on fire, friction burn from being smashed and dragging against the carpet exciting her nipples and sending shock waves through her body.

Ranma could feel her inner walls massaging and coaxing him, the warm velvety smooth muscles of her Vagina squeezing and exciting him as he slammed into her. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh like music to his ears, the feel of her ass jiggling against his hips each time he smashed into them. Even now he could feel the head of his cock throbbing in excitement, the warm goo of his pre-cum spilling out into the girl, a thick yellow substance filling her up and forcing its way out of her cunt as he pushed more and more of himself into her.

Brianna yowled suddenly as the human part of her finally relented, it's defeat evident as she cried in rapture as she orgasm, hip's thrashing wildly against the steam piston of his thrusts as her cervix spasmed, opening to allow him full penetration into her body and her urethra excreting large amounts of her own spunk, the stench of their mixed fluids suddenly erupted from her abused pussy lips, the odor breaking the last strands of willpower from the animal thoroughly fucking her hole above.

Brianna's yowl heightened in intensity as she felt the monster inside of her suddenly widen at the base, stretching and expanding each and every thrust as his seed began rushing through his organ like a torrent. He slammed home one last time before the head erupted, jism shooting out of the one-eyed-wonder and flooding her womb, the sticky substance sending an entirely ethereal electric shock through her body as their bodies became one for the briefest of moments.

Ranma grunted as his semen filled the mewling woman beneath him. Hunched over her form, he struggled to regain control of his ragged breathing. The haze shrouding his mind slowly began to lift, but he didn't yet realize what had just gone on here. He had no idea he had just claimed the woman under him as an Alpha, the cat mentality of his mind fading away as he slowly regained control of himself.

She was thankful she was already forced against the ground, else she would have collapsed anyway. The sexual act she had just participated in hadn't been the most enduring she had gone through, but all the same it exhausted her like nothing else. As the haze over her mind lifted ever so slightly, she began entertaining thoughts of returning the rough treatment of her coitus with Ranma in full. She didn't realize she had been affected by his pheromones, nor did he realize he had been affected by the pheromones she began giving off in response to his own. She didn't realize her human and cat mentality had been thoroughly dominated by the gasping strong man above her, and she probably wouldn't realize until she had time to sit down and think about it.


Genn reached out with her mind once again, to see if she could detect just what was taking place outside her prison. She had tried earlier, and had nearly buckled under the raw animalistic lust the two separate minds were sending out in waves. She had felt her body react to those mental images, it had taken her some time to calm her racing heart and sooth the pain of her suddenly erect nipples.

Which was why she was extremely happy the raw sexual emotions were no longer blasting through the link as she reopened her senses. Instead she felt her mind pummeled with visions of desperate coupling, but she could tell the actors in this ballet were much more at peace mentally then they had been not so long ago.


Ranma grunted, falling back and pulling the still connected Brianna into his lap. His hands, so rough and hairy, caressed her warm silky breasts, fore and thumb pinching her nipples, rolling them, stretching them. He bounced her in his lap, the velvety caress of her twat sliding up and down his cock stirring the embers of his lust and desire as much as the wet slaps of his spunk drenched waist against her firm ass.

Her mind restored enough to know she wanted more from the cock ravaging her insides, Brianna brought her hands up over his hands on her breasts, enjoying the smooth sweaty feel of his fur as she guided his motions in massaging her mammary. She moaned each time he shoved that rough furry cock back into her folds, enjoying the feel of his blood pumping veins scraping her inner walls, pulsing with his life and excitement. She had already been taken in a most animalistic way, and now that she had more mental control she planned to return the favor in spades. She pushed back with her legs, surprising the boy as he fell on his back, bringing her down on top of him with him.

Peeling his hands off her breasts, she forced herself up in his lap and continued jumping on his molten spear. Ranma, losing access to her breasts, placed his hands on her back where they trailed down her sweaty hot form, enjoying the feel of her tense muscles across her back before he gripped her ass cheeks roughly, pressing her fleshy orbs together to squeeze his plundering cock more.

It was difficult, but Brianna had done it. Twisting her torso and raising her legs as needed, she managed to turn around completely to face the man, the feel of his cock twisting her insides as she moved brought on a bout of high pitched moans and shudders from her body, nearly sending her over the edge as he suddenly leaned up and surrounded her torso in his strong arms, his thin warm lips smashing against her own full moist ones, a heated exchange that culminated in a duel of withering tongues and desperate gasps.

Ranma had been with two women before Brianna, he was hardly what one would consider an experienced sexual partner. Oh, to be sure, he had learned a lot from his run ins with G'nolga and Six, and he found himself comparing those encounters with this one. G'nolga was rough and domineering at first, her gestures, her movements, everything about her screamed in control and refusal to be laid low in ecstasy. She lost steam quickly though, and was quite willing to be dominated, as he had done before Rook so rudely interrupted them. Then there was Six. The woman could be a handful, he knew, but she liked to get things started only to fold up and allow him to have his way with her, obviously enjoying the feeling of being controlled by some one so much bigger then she was (dragon form aside). Six and G'nolga had something in common, however, and that was their tight taunt pussies. They were smaller then the woman he was currently banging, and thus provided a helluva lot more pressure on his wang whenever he managed to spread them enough to pillage their hot little holes.

Brianna, he was finding out to his delight, was a much bigger woman then Six or G'nolga, and while she was still a tight fit, he was able to fully impale himself with out the trouble of coaxing and prodding her pussy until it stretched enough to take him in full. He dimly remembered a pinching sensation at the head of his cock when he had first been banging her, but that sensation had gone away after he hammered at the obstruction for a while, felt as if it had been pushed apart.

Brianna broke the kiss suddenly, moaning loudly as one of Ranma's hands traveled down the expanse of her back before poking gently and slowly at her rose bud, his big hairy finger touching and caressing the rim slowly, before pushing in gently. "Ah! UH! No.. not there! Ah!" she hissed, nails digging into his back as he refused her plea, pushing his finger in some more. "No.. please.. you'll break my ass.. please.." she whimpered.

Ranma grunted, before pulling his finger out of her ass when she started shuddering. He knew she was actually enjoying it for the most part, despite the pain of being spread like that, but he wasn't in the mood to go quite that far with her yet. He bit down on her shoulder in retaliation to her request, breaking the skin and causing a gout of blood to escape into his mouth. He grimaced at the coppery taste of her blood, before retracting his teeth.

Brianna shuddered as he returned his hands to her waist, picking up the speed of his thrusts. She felt so full, each slam of his generous cock into her tight welcoming folds blasting the breath out of her lungs, his hot breath against her neck as he started panting with the effort of screwing her brains out a welcome distraction. Her body was on fire, her petals clenching and coaxing his cock as she reached her peak and was pushed over in another mind-blowing orgasm.

Ranma felt her velvety smooth glove tighten again around his cock, but he didn't give in to its demand for his spunk. As the girl hiccupped in his lap, body withering in the ecstasy of their frantic joining, he pushed forward and set the girl down on her back, grabbing one long sweaty smooth leg he lifted it up on his shoulder while picking up speed, inciting the woman's withering pussy into a higher state of agitation at the force of his monster tearing into her.

Brianna raised her head, eyes narrowed as steamy tears of passion and pleasure began to leak from her eyes, trailing down her sweaty flushed cheeks as she watched the piston burrow in and out of her snatch with abandon, the rhythmic grunting of the man refused to break under the powerful caress of her clamping pussy. "Please! AHH! Uh uh UH! Come! AHh!" she yowled when he grabbed her other leg and placed it on his shoulder, before leaning forward and raising her ass high in the air while he thrusted downward, the tip of his cock pushing into her womb again and knocking the breath out of her, drool flowing in a steady stream out of her mouth as the man continued his rapid thrusting.

Both lovers we so lost in their pleasure, neither noticed at first as a long spotted appendage began growing from the base of her spine, lengthening into a long tail as her already pointy ears began to shorten into more human like ears, a long black eye stripe appearing under her right eye, before traveling vertically up towards her scalp. It was when her body started shrinking and growing a coat of fur that Ranma finally noticed the changes his current fuck toy was going through.

At first he felt her twat start to suddenly shrink, the pressure against his rod increasing exponentially as she slowly shifted. He felt her tail whip around beneath him, soft fur stroking his balls and separating the crack of his ass as it rubbed up and down his body. The heat of her sputtering twat burned around his organ as he quickened his pace, a sudden onset of lust throwing him into overdrive as the girl beneath finished her strange transformation into a petite, but still erotic, cheetah girl. Her hair darkened in color, changing from a bright blond to a deep orange with dark spots, the length of her hair shrunk as well, her bangs shortening and the hair down her back suddenly shortening to just above her shoulders.

Brianna felt the changes take place as the man forced her orgasm to continue. Shocked at the change, and the sudden feeling of her twat being stuff beyond capacity caused her to yowl in ecstasy as a sudden unexpected orgasm ripped through her body, her nipples hardening and jutting out as her pussy once again sprayed a load of her now over heated spunk against the ravaging beast tearing into her smaller pussy. Where before she could feel his shaft suddenly expand as he reached orgasm, now she swore she could feel the sperm in the man's cock wiggling it's way to the surface as his balls raised up, his thrusting losing it's rthyme and becoming haggard and harsh as he once again emptied his steamy hot spunk into her body, the amount of spunk spilling from his raging cock head distending her belly slightly as she was packed to the gills in his semen, the excess fluid erupting from her pussy around his cock and clinging to her gold fur and his black spotted coat.

Ranma collapsed over the girl, unwilling to remove his prick from her honey-drenched snatch as he crushed the smaller girl beneath him. He took long shuddering gasps of air, enjoying the quiet sensual warmth of the girl crying in heart pounding pleasure, the feel of her smaller arms and legs now surrounding his body calming and exciting him at the same time. Her hot breath against his neck and cheek urging, tempting, and inviting him to raise his head and mesh his lips against her own, which she gladly returned as the smell of their flowery scent's once again pushed them forward in desire.

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(Posted Tue, 03 Feb 2004 05:09)

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