Breaking the kiss, Ranma struggled to come up with something to say. His inexperience in such things made him stumble for the words, "Ah, G'nolga! Eh.. heh.. what.. what's happening?" he squeaked, not daring to make a move out of.. hesitation. No, never fear, not our Ranma.
G'nolga smirked, kicking one of her boots off before rubbing that leg up his own, scraping his skin with her nails as she went. "Boy.." she intoned huskily, pulling back on his hair, before licking his lips, ".. we're going to have sex." she explained, rubbing her hot and heavy chest against his.
"What?" She didn't just say what he thought she did. No! His brain had to be screwing with him!
"Sex, boy!" G'nolga roared, meshing her lips roughly with his own once again.
Ranma tentatively returned the kiss as his mind went into overdrive.
She wanted to have sex! With him no less! She's a bit short, but.. What the hell am I thinking? She's hot for a dwarf. Her chestnut brown hair that smells of fresh elder berries, her warm muscled body. Zounds! I'd be nuts to turn this woman down.. or dead. But.. my fiancées... aren't my fiancée's anymore! But Tanya... what about her? Why the hell does she matter! Hell yeah!
Finding strength he didn't know he possessed, he wrapped his arms around the woman roughly before rolling to his side, effectively pinning. Breaking their lip lock, Ranma smiled viciously, "Sex then, woman."
G'nolga merely grinned in response, wrapping her short legs about his waist. Foreplay was hardly needed, the fight they had before had turned her on hotter then any heavy petting could.
Nodoka suddenly stiffened, a nearly translucent haze settling over her eyes.
Most of the group preparing to go to Jade didn't notice, for various reasons. Brit was currently fussing with Strype over the fact he was being forced to stay behind, because of baby Tiffany. "Strype, I'll be fine. Mom and Dad are going to be there. There is nothing to worry about!"
"I know, dear. I'm still worried. I just know something's going to happen, and it won't be good." Let it be known Strype isn't a precognitive, but if he only knew how right he was. But that was neither the here nor now.
Gina mumbled over her cell phone, "Damnit, where the hell did Brianna go! She's not answering her phone!"
Julia noticed though, "Saotome-san? Is everything all right?"
Nodoka sniffed, tears escaping her eyes in an overdramatic display of happiness, "My son..."
That got everyone's attention.
".. is being manly! She suddenly started dancing.
Séance, who was nearly ready to port all who were going to Jade, suddenly sweat dropped.
Julia and Gina, having seen her do this before, merely face faulted.
Brittany asked the question, though, "Manly? What the heck does that mean?"
"Grandbabies! Wai Wai!" was her answer, and Brit too face faulted.
Groaning, Julia idly wonder what woman could put the fact Saotome-san's son was a smilodon behind her in order to do the deed with the boy.
G'nolga shuddered as Ranma's angry purple cock head began peeling her petals apart, the hot sinew of his pole parting the slender lips and pushing her insides a part slowly. Her fingers gripped at Ranma's back, digging deep but not drawing blood as she was rocked with her first orgasm, her twat spewing out globs of her burning spunk that splattered on his wang, small spittle's collecting on his abdomen and stomach.
She had waited so long to enjoy something like this, finally finding a man who could excite her both in her loins and in her warriors mind. The feeling of his pole spearing here inch by inch was more then she ever expected, the only thing that she could think of to make this feeling perfect was Julia's head on a platter.
As Ranma slammed home, thoughts of her archrival were hammered out of her mind at the sudden welcome intrusion.
Ranma grunted as he became fully sheathed within the shorter woman. Damn, she was a tight burning fit, her insides felt like liquid heat, smothering and caressing his organ. The surprise of that wonderful feeling caused him to nearly buckle out of control.
"Fuck.." G'nolga groaned, bits of saliva escaping her mouth as she struggled to grasp the new alien sensations of being filled for the first time. While she was a virgin, technically, she had no hymen to break due to strenuous martial arts practice and activity. ".. me!" she finished in a animalistic growl, her fingers racking down his well chiseled chest, leaving burning read marks in their wake, even some blood.
Ranma lowered his arms, grasping the shorter woman by the hips, "God.. damn!" he grunted, the pressure from the woman's insides felt like it was about to blast his wang out. He slowly pulled out, enjoying the slippery glove of G'nolga's twat as he pushed back in.
G'nolga grunted, "Faster boy!" she managed to snarl between panting breaths.
Picking up the pace, Ranma repeatedly slammed his hip against the woman, her thighs jiggling slightly and a loud steady rhythm of grunts, groans, and the slurp washy sound of his wang pilfering her most holies of holy became all they knew as the two of them worked to achieve cloud nine.
Rook was in a relatively happy mood. Despite the rude interruption by G'nolga and his worthless peon Hanza, he had managed to escape to a private place to finish ogling the fine pieces of ass in his porno. Finding relief quickly (you don't want to know how), he had decided to go for a long leisurely walk while he waited for his living guests to wake the hell up.
That was perhaps the worse deal when it came to undead, or at least his version of undead. He never needed to sleep, he never got to dream. It was really annoying. Even his boss, Natasha Queen of the Vampires got to sleep in her coffin. Nope, not him.
"I wonder if G'nolga and that Ranma boy are done beating the shit out of each other?" He mused out loud, changing direction as he headed towards the last place he saw them. He was really interested in that Smilodon. Well, not as much as he led people to believe. His boss had certainly been interested. Why? What the hell is wrong with you! He wasn't a mind reader.
They had switched positions many times, G'nolga had lost count of her orgasms long ago, her mind currently acting purely on instinct as she pushed herself against Ranma's organ as he took her doggy style. Doggy style, what a demeaning position for a woman of her stature.
She wasn't complaining though. Each time that long, hard, hot rod pierced her juice-spewing twat showed her the true pleasure of the style. She decided right then she liked it best when she was getting deeply penetrated.
Ranma was no better, but his super human constitution and years of pent up sexual frustrations made cumming a very long process. Pumping into the woman, he felt his desire rise each and every time her ass jiggled in response to his rapid forceful thrusts. It wouldn't be long now, the heat of her lons fetal, the harsh gasps and quickening of breath all combined into a crescendo of heated lust.
"FUCK ME! DO IT NOW!" G'nolga all but screeched as her orgasm hit again, threatening to knock her unconscious with its power. The heat in her tight little twat rose exponentially, choking the monstrous prick that violated her so thoroughly. Ranma couldn't take it this time, his balls rising up as he howled in release, piercing as deep as he could he held on to G'nolga's waste tightly, his spunk escaping his member in a torrent. It was more then orgasm for Ranma, to him this signified a final tie to his old life cut. All the frustrations he had gained because of jealous fiancée's, a spiteful dad, and his demeaning curse fled as quickly as his spunk flooded G'nolga's womb.
Rook stared at the scene with a critical eye. Well, he was shocked beyond belief, but the perv in him refused to say anything as the two climaxed. After all, this would be prime yanking (Again, you don't want to know!> material!
Ranma hung over the body of the smaller woman, gasping roughly as he tried to regain a semblance of control.
G'nolga's face was practically smashed into the ground, only being spared that fate by the back of one of her hands. She was panting, spittle escaping her mouth as she fought to recover her wits and mind.
It's amazing what twelve words spoken by some one she hated could do in that regard.
Rook smirked, "So... Ranma.. Wild Horse.. I guess you do eat horses, huh G'nolga?"
Joe wasn't a smart guard. Of course, this was obvious if you knew him before he took that arrow to the skull. He had only been curious when his commander shouted, "DUCK!", so leaning over the wall to see what was going on, he had been shot through the face and died. Only to be recruited by Rook, that bastard.
Still, he may be stupid, but even he didn't think seeing his Master crashing through the outer most wall of the tower, and falling to the ground was a simple accident.
He didn't do anything about it though, because he simply didn't care. He was dead, so he was allowed some leeway.
Lets Look Towards:
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(Posted Mon, 26 Jan 2004 22:18)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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