All in all, a nice time, and Nabiki was happy with it. She was finally getting to live out one of her longest fantasies, and that was something that even she couldn't help but get excited about. Being a pet to a boy a year younger than her wasn't something that she had ever thought would ever come true, but here it was, and she was already running through the possibilities for what they would be doing together.
Still, she wanted all the time that she could get with him, and luckily for her, he was all alone in the dojo. So, seemingly nonchalantly, she made her way over, and opened the door.
There he was, practicing his art, and looking magnificent doing it. No matter the situation, she was always sure that he was a phenomenon in the fighting arts, though seeing that fit and toned body go through a series of kicks and leaps made other parts of her come to attention as well. Entering quietly, she closed the door behind her and smiled at him before creeping over to him.
"Ranma?" she called lightly, and frowned lightly when she got no response. "Ranma? Uhh... Master? Owner?"
He merely continued on as if he hadn't heard her.
"Come on! Are you too busy to talk, or are you just ignoring me?"
Still he said nothing.
Confused, she went over to him, and put a hand on his shoulder. "What's going on? Why won't you talk to me?"
"Why don't ya just go away?" he said, and shrugged her hand off.
"I actually thought that ya wanted me ta help ya live out your fantasy. Instead it's become a new sort of teasin'."
"But I do..."
"Coulda fooled me while we were watchin' tv. Or did ya really want ta let everybody know what we're doin'. Or what ya said ya wanted."
Fear gripped her heart as she realised what was going on. He was pulling away from her, and what she had done had actually pushed him too far. "I didn't mean to offend you..."
"Ya didn't. Ya just made me feel like an idiot... again," he sighed, and started walking away.
Desperation made her leap to hug him so that her chest was crushed against his back. "I'm sorry! I've been a bad pet! You... you could punish me if you want..."
He was still moving before her last sentence made him stop. "What?"
"I... I was only trying to see if you would discipline me... You know, like taking a newspaper to a dog..."
"Ya wanted that..?"
"Yes... If you wanted to... Though you're making me feel terrible now..."
"But how would I punish ya anyway?"
"Any way you want..."
"What am I supposed ta do? Spank ya?"
As a response, she let go of him so that she could step where he could see before undoing the clasp of her shorts and pulling them down to fall around her ankles.
Gulping, he looked like he was going to protest, but he sat down heavily and gazed up at her. "Lay down."
With a hesitant nod, she did as she was bade, laying so that her rear was situated right in the middle of his lap.
For a moment, he looked at the firm globes of her buttocks as they lay there bare of any covering. He was being allowed to do as he wished, and though he didn't understand this power, he knew that he could exercise it. So he raised one hand and slapped the rounded flesh so that it jiggled with the strike. Then he did the same to its mate, and soon he was laying a series of blows on her bottom that were quick and loud.
Biting her lip, she bore her punishment as best she could. It wasn't easy as she discovered that someone who could throw a hundred punches without breathing hard could lay a lot of pain on her backside. But she discovered something else as well. She found out that living it was different than the reality, though this was... more real, and more... focused to her. The pain just showed her the control that he had over her, and for some reason, that made heat pool in places that had to do with something much other than pain.
Once the creamy skin was a uniform red, he pulled back and looked at his handiwork. It was something of a shock to realise that he had done it, and that she wasn't screaming from something that had to hurt a lot. "Ya okay?"
Nabiki nodded, looking subdued as she glanced at her owner over her shoulder.
"Ya aren't mad or anythin'?"
She nodded once more.
"Ya wanna go back like we ain't done anythin' like this? Before ya know."
Her headshake was vigorous, and she whimpered.
"I guess not. Then... you'll be a good girl?"
"I'll be a very good girl."
"That's... good ta hear..," he murmured, and stroked his palm over her reddened rear. Surprisingly, despite her slight hiss of pain, she pushed back at it, and seemed to want him to touch the smooth skin.
"Well, I guess that we'll have ta work on it then... But since it's late and I don't want anyone walkin' in on us, why don't ya get your shorts back on."
Moving quickly, she did as he said, and pulled on the garment she had discarded earlier, only stopping with a wince once. After she had done so, she looked as if nothing had happened, and stood waiting his next instruction.
"Ya go back in first, so that nobody'll think anythin's up."
"Okay Master..," she replied, and walked out quickly, only lengthening her stride when she got outside.
Leaving him wondering what was going on, and just how all this would turn out. Having a girl under his control was wierd, but... cool in a way, though he had little idea of what to do about it. So, he figured that he'd do what he always had.
He'd just wing it until he knew how to deal with this whole 'Master/pet' thing.
But right then, he needed a bath, so he got up and went to head for the furo while:
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(Posted Tue, 17 Feb 2004 07:38)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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