Furries 4 U: A Slice of Bath Scenes (LEMON) [Episode 86783]


The dwarves had also enlarged the baths, or rather, had built an extra-bath in a dimensional pocket that opened based on the number of people involved.

And, given the situation involved, there were other magics on the room. First, people inside would recover their endurance very quickly. And second, there was a time effect. The first eight hours in that pocket would pass as one in the outside world, and then time would pass normally. There was one other such room like this, a bedroom.

After all, Ranma was going to need a little help satisfying everyone.

And it was in the larger, almost endless baths, that Ranma was currently soaking in with his new pets. The first batch were being kind enough to let the new ones have time "alone" with the master.

Ami and Nuku Nuku were still somewhat left out of things. Nuku Nuku was afraid of the water, and Ami couldn't stand that much heat all at once (she preferred to siphon small amounts a little at a time). Still, Ranma would make it up to them later, he'd promised that.

Right now, Ranma was in a situation that would have given him a heart attack not so long ago. In hot water with a selection of very attractive females.

Currently he was sliding himself into Morrigan as the woman moaned appreciatively under him. Which brings the matter to Morrigan's state of mind at the moment.

Part of her was concentrated on correcting Ranma's inexperienced errors with a gentle, guiding hand. Most of her was filled with pleasure and satisfaction to have Ranma finally filling her. And a small part of her was contemplating her new duties and situation.

Unlike with the others pets, few changes needed to made to her for this. For succubi, this was a natural situation.

There were three kinds of succubi. All of them the same species, just with different ways of surviving.

There were the common sort that lived from meal to meal. They were the weakest of the lot, being given toward seduction and not combat. In addition, in order to survive from one meal to the next they usually drained each lover to the point of death, giving their race a very bad reputation.

Then there were the harem succubi. These succubi served masters by protecting them, giving counsel (and occasionally heirs) and adding to the harem. In return, they received sex. Such succubi rarely appreciated masters that only used them for sex, succubi were proud after all, but they were, above all loyal and often remained in the same family for generations, assuming they served a race that didn't live so long as they did.

And then there were the mistress succubi. These collected their own harem and ran their own lives, not according to duty to another or the base instincts and hungers of their kind. Morrigan had lived that way up until now.

Now she was part of a harem. She'd felt her hold over her own harem vanish, or, more appropriately, leave with Lilith. For that darker, crueler part of herself seemed to have left as well. Probably the lolicon was en...

"Ooh!" Morrigan gasped. "Th...that was good...do that again, master...aah!!"

"Uh, you mean," Ranma said softly. "Like this?"

"Ah!" Morrigan gasped pushing forward as Ranma thrust into her from behind. Her wings shifted into tentacles to better hold on as the pitch turned higher and she continued to try to give advice and guide Ranma until she felt herself explode and allowed herself to fall loose of Ranma.

Setsuna came next, several times actually, her lower back pressed against the edge of the bath as Ranma kissed her firmly. Her wings alternately flapped out wide behind her, or wrapped up Ranma and Usagi behind him.

Her legs and tail were entangled with Ranma's legs and her arms were wrapped around Ranma's back. One of Ranma's hands was alternately caressing her ass or the base of her tail and the other was pressing her back and occasionally stroking her to root of her wings in a manner that Morrigan had just taught him.

In the back of her mind, Setsuna wondered just why she hadn't seen this coming. Or why it had happened at all. Generally the Furries 4 U store only transformed people that were willing. Either that or it was a matter of karma. Unwitting karma, but karma anyway.

After all, they did their best to warn people of what would happen. There were spells in place to call attention to warning signs in case someone started doing something stupid. Only the most narrow-minded, ambitious, blinded and prejudiced people would fail to not...

"Mmmm," Setsuna's eyes snapped open wide as she tried to scream out past Ranma's mouth. And so, she was spared from following that line of thought to the inevitable conclusion.

There were many timelines and many dimensions. Among some of those worlds the senshi slowly turned off the path of heroism and towards tyranny. Numerous battles and tragedies had already turned them down the path of "whatever it takes."

For the moment, Setsuna was more concerned with the erotic feel whenever her furs were pulled, or the powerful thusts of her master into her, or the way her breasts were being pressed against Ranma's chest.

And then the final orgasm came and Setsuna pulled back from Ranma, her slitted eyes rolling up as her back arched and she screamed out in passion. She felt herself rising upward as Ranma, in the final thrust lifted her up and laid her down on the edge of the bath, setting her down gently.

As Ranma pulled back, with a tender trailing touch, Setsuna smiled and gathered herself up again. And then Ranma turned around to attend to Usagi.

Usagi was wetted down thoroughly from the water, and now even more as Ranma kissed the hollow of her throat and ran his hands over her ass and chests. The elf herself nipped at his ears and held tight about his neck as the thrusts began and she concerned herself only with the pleasing of her master. And no longer did she have to worry about a crown that was growing heavier day by day, even before she took it.

She shivered in her pale, silvery skin the flesh of blood apparent in her cheeks and extremities as Ranma first entered her and she cried out.

Morrigan had recovered and she gave Ranma whispered advice, moving about him and the moon elf and directed his hands to the right places. And occasionally adding a peck or two herself.

Then came Rei. The dragon girl took charge and pushed Ranma against the side of the great pool before straddling his lap and doing most of the work. Which, as that was what she apparently wanted, Morrigan advised Ranma to let her.

And so it went, until all were satisfied.

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(Posted Sun, 18 Jan 2004 15:50)

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