Just as she was thinking this, however, Akane ran smack into the janitor... who was standing right in front of the closet in which she so desperately wanted to lure Ranma.
Please watch were you are going, young lady. the man said in a polite but firm tone.
Hu... yes... sorry sir. answered Akane. Then she started shuffling from one foot to the other, hoping that the school employee was about to leave. But he seemed rooted on the spot, as if keeping guard of the closet door. Which was precisely what he was doing. In truth, he was sick and tired of having to clean the closet floor and walls after some horny teenagers had used it as a secret place for a quickie. So now, the janitor was forbidding the entrance of it during interclass to prevent such intrusions. Sighing, the youngest Tendō daughter gave up.
Ranma watched Akanes attitude with a bit of puzzlement, scratching his head. He was quickly distracted by Yuka and Sakura, though, who both grabbed his arms again. His arousal, which he was barely keeping in check after Miss Mikis show, came back in full force.
Oooh... poor Ranma-kun... you seem very uncomfortable.... Sakura cooed, her hand innocently feeling his shaft though the pants.
Yes. Maybe we could help you? Do you want us to accompany you to the little room, were you can relieve yourself? Yuka invited, doing exactly the same thing as her blonde friend.
Sure, the girls had promised Nabiki to only tease him, but they were getting seriously intrigued, and wanted at least to see what he was hiding in his pants. Ranma chuckled nervously; at this point, his hormones were largely taking decisions for him. But he hadnt completely forgot about Akane, and hesitantly glanced at her.
The black-haired martial artist was surrounded by a blue aura, and pulled up her sleeves in a menacing way. Apparently, she had decided to become serious about convincing Nabikis flunkies to gave up hounding her Ranma, maybe going as far as physically threatening them. Starting to stomp toward them, the girls cautiously backed away, although they didnt relent their grip on Ranma-kun, who was starting to feel more and more nervous.
Fortunately, any violence was warded off by the sudden arrival of four female students, who surrounded Akane in a well-rehearsed move, and immediately started to assault her with questions.
Akane-chan, is that true?
Yeah, what Kunō-sempai yelled?
Have you really been ravaged all night long by the new student in school?
Nope, didnt you listen? He said that was her mother....
But did you really got raped, violated, thrown on your back and savagely taken?
Or was it the other way around? Did you jump him?
And what about the guys this morning? You never lost any of your fights against them until now....
Did they nail you too? Did you finally get your first gangbang?
How was it? Did they took turn to screw you in every little hole?
Filling you with sperm and humiliating you beyond words?
Does that mean youre giving up on girls?
Oh Akane-chan, how could you?
Dont you love us any more?
Woah, woah, woah.... pleaded Akane, very red, waving arms in front of her girlfriends to calm them. Minna-san... SLOW DOWN! One at a time!
Ranma, Sakura, and Yuka had stood there, blink-blinking, as they watched the flock of excited girls harassing Akane. But they immediately realized it was a bad idea when the curious teenagers turned their attention to them.
Hey! Thats him! The guy with the pigtail and Chinese clothes.... exclaimed Sayuri Asano, pointing a finger at Ranma. She was of medium height, with dark brown hair held in a ponytail by a red ribbon.
Oh my god... can you see the size of the bulge in his pants? whispered Hiroko Eshiwajya, both hands on her very red cheeks. This girl was petite, with a freckled face and very short, light brown hair.
And what are those two doing here? wondered Asami Mirango, arms crossed and eyelids half-closed, glaring suspiciously at Nabikis underlings. This one was rounder in the face, with wavy, shoulder-length brown hair.
Yes! That wasnt even your class back then! Didnt you think wed notice? What are you up to? confronted Yuka Masami — the one, real Yuka. She was a bit taller than her friends, with an oval face and a mane of long, light brown hair.
Thats none of your business, kohai! defensively retorted Kikuko, alias Yuka. The other Yuka stood challengingly in front of her rival in gossiping, hands on her hips, glaring balefully. The older girl returned the gaze, and spark began to fly between their eyes as they locked in psychic duel. Ranma gulped, definitely nervous... he would have liked the brunette to first let go of him before indulging in this kind of activity.
Listen, Yuka-chan... could you please let go of me?
Yukas head immediately whipped to face Ranma-kun. How do you know my name? And Im not the one holding you!
He was talking to me! countered Kikuko, not letting go of his arm although she just acknowledged hearing Ranmas request.
So that was true! How dare you using my name to do your slutty things?!
You dont need my help to be called a slut around school!
Ranma was still wary of the catfight, and tried to calm down the bickering girls. Please, dont get mad.... Do you mean youre both called Yuka?
NO! Im Yuka! That tramp here is named Kikuko!
Jeez, cant you yell it louder! snarled Kikuko. She then made puppy-dog eyes for Ranma. Please dont be made, Ranma-kun... thats just a nickname I use before getting well-acquainted to a boy....
While Ranma was looking puzzled, Ryōnami (alias Sakura) tried to diffuse things. We were just taking a refreshing course in first-year mathematics, she calmly and reasonably explained, over a subject we both needed to revise. Yamaguchi-sensei kindly accepted to let us follow her class. Thats all.
Yes, added Kikuko, and that has nothing to do with any kind of favor Miki-sensei would owe to Nabiki — nor that it was about Ranma-kun at all.
Ryōnami first mechanically nodded at that statement, then her eyes shot open with a start as she realized what her friend just blurted out. She immediately unclamped of Ranma, since she needed a free hand to bop Kikuko behind the head. You dolt!
Owie! The brunette also let go to rub the back of her skull, and turned toward the blonde. Why did you...? She trailed off because she caught the glare her friend directed at her. A glare that spelled ropes, ball-gag, and whips. Tears welling up in her eyes, Kikuko pitifully whimpered Ill be good....
If Ranma hadnt been very reactive until now, it was mostly because he was busy staring at all the pretty girls swarming him. He never realized it before, but whoever invented the sailor fuku was a pure genius. Those incredibly short skirts were showing acres and acres of ravishing legs, and those shirts seemed ready to burst under the pressure of their bosoms. But even with the distracting sight, he took advantage of the fact Yuka and Sakura let him free to walk closer to Akanes friends. He twiddled with his fingers in an unusual show of shyness, but then again he had rarely ever gotten the opportunity to talk to so many girls at once — and cute ones, to boot.
Listen... ladies. About what that guy — Kunō, thats it? — yelled before in the courtyard, I wanted to tell you: I dont know were he got that silly idea, but I never forced anybody... At least, he didnt think so. Sure, now that he reflected about it, he had taken Kasumi from behind when she wasnt expecting it, but she was the one who started it all by undressing and sucking his wang. And anyway, she seemed to be quite enjoying it. ... nor Ive done anything bad to the Tendōs... Again, he wasnt entirely certain about it, since it was all so new to him. He guessed that his father would probably find something wrong with it, but this he hardly cared about since he decided to never listen again to the old fart. ... they were very much willing all along.... he concluded, uneasy.
The Gang of Four, as Akane sometimes called her friends, had listened intently while appraising the hunks body. It should be noted that, if just like Akane they mostly fooled around with girls, none where truly lesbians. They just waited for the right guy — at least thats what they said — while trying out a few boys just in case. So, they smiled warmly after Ranmas pleading.
Cute. Yuka commented.
And nice. Asami conceded.
And big.... Hiroko croaked, her face in her hands but looking (down) between her fingers.
Sayuri wrapped a arm around Akanes shoulders, and whispered in a conspiracy tone: So, Akane-chan.... did you fuck him?
Err... yes. conceded the Tendō girl with a sigh. She knew her friends well; sooner or later theyd squeeze the truth out of her — most likely during pillow talk. So it was no use trying to deny it.
And did you get a gangbang from the guys, too? Yuka inquired in turn.
NO! They chickened out.
Really? Okay, then tell us about this stud... Sayuri then questioned. The four girls were surrounding her again, leaving no hope of escape. Was he good? Is his package just as big as it look from the outside?
No way it is.... huffed the skeptical Asami. It must be a bottle or something he stuffed in his pants.
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(Posted Thu, 15 Jan 2004 20:03)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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