Master's Way: Bed Time Moment (LEMON) [Episode 86291]

by Kender

Nabiki lay there comfortably beneath her master, despite the position her tail was in. He'd just given her a wealth of pleasure, and she was enjoying it quite fully. It was something that she was enjoying, and she liked the way that his body was laying against hers. Her body tingled where he lay against it, and while she felt a bit of a charge from his presence, it was more in the vein of a warm ache.

What with the way that he was stroking her body, she was feeling so nice that she wouldn't have minded staying there forever.

But Ranma seemed to disagree and got up to a sitting position. Stretching, he smiled apologetically to her. "Sorry 'bout this, but we can't stay like this."

She made a sound of disappoinment in the back of her throat as she looked up at him.

"Hey, much as I like this, I need ta lay down in a real bed for a while."

That made sense to her, but she knew that she didn't have to like it. So it was with a sour look that she rolled back over and knelt there while he cleaned up all the stuff that they had been using. It wasn't quite as perfect as Kasumi would have managed, but no one would ever realise that anything save a simple meal had happened there, and only because of a few moved items.

"Okay... Now that's done, I guess it's time ta take ya to your room," he said as he finished cleaning and took her leash once more. Leading her upstairs, he brought her back to her room and closed her door, looking down at the girl who had been his pet for the last few hours. "We've got a little bit, but I'm not sure what I wanna do, do ya?"

Gazing back at him, she thought about it for a little while, and realised that this precious time was slipping by her. But she didn't want it to end, and so she tried to find something that would extend it even just a bit. Of course, one thing was quite on her mind, and she butted her head against his crotch before turning so that she could rub her behind there.

"Ya wanna have it again?" he asked as he ran his palms over the taut flesh of her buttocks.

Barking over her shoulder, she nodded.

It looked like he was considering it for a while, but in the end, he simply shrugged. Dropping his pants once again, he let himself be bare from the waist down before kneeling behind her. His hands went up her sides and under her to hold her breasts, and fondle them fully. Both firm mounds got his full attention, and he even stuck his head under her to suckle on one rapidly hardening nipple. Not that he was going to leave the rest of her untouched, as her back was stroked, her backside squeezed, and her legs touched.

His skill at learning physical activities had served him well, and by the time he finally reached her folds, she was already growing quite wet. Just a simple jab in between them nearly sent her fowards with a shot of pleasure running up her body. He had learned how to manipulate that part of her quite well, and she got to enjoy the fruits of those lessons well.

But the most special thing to her was when he gave her a full on mouth kiss, which came with a tenderness that brought happy tears to her eyes.

"Ya ready?" he asked as he leaned over her.

The smile that she gave him was all the answer that was needed.

Slipping his hard manhood into her, he shuddered as her warm folds enveloped him once more, and she pushed back so that he could go in as far as possible. Taking hold of her sides, he began to pump into her, starting a motion that her breasts bouncing beneath her, but her main source of attention was on the way that he was plumbing her depths so wonderfully. Each thrust got a yip of pleasure from her, and a push back to meet him.

The feeling of him releasing into her as he groaned was enough for her to yell out her own pleasure and she drooped where she was, letting her sweat slicked body be used by him to keep his own balance. They were breathing hard, and were obviously tired by the exercise, but were definately well pleased by it.

"Good girl," he murmured, and scratched her behind the ear.

A small sigh of contentment echoed from her chest as she closed her eyes and leaned into the caress. Right at that moment, she felt wonderful despite her aches, and was lost in a haze of pleasure she didn't want to end. Things were wonderful for her and she liked the feel of him against, and within, her.

But all things had to end, and hers began as she felt him withdraw from her. Looking over her shoulder, she saw him pull up his pants as he stood up again. By the expression on his face, it was clear that he didn't want it to end, but he did move towards the door with a yawn.

"Now the only think I can think of is ta just get ya some hot water," he commented reluctantly.

Knowing that would have to come at some time, but not wanting it to so soon, she looked at the clock and realised they had some time yet. She moved over quickly to block his movement, and made it so that he had to back away.

"What d'ya want now?"

For an answer, she leapt up so that he wound up sitting on her bed.

"What? I've gotta get some rest, and I'm pretty sure that ya don't want me ta do it here."

To show her disagreement, she used her hands to push him down, and made sure that his head landed on the pillow.

"Okay... I guess ya do. But just what are ya gonna do.

She bounced off the bed, and curled up on the rug next to it, making certain to rest her head on a small floor pillow that was there. From there, she looked up at him and smiled, looking like a pleased pet at the moment.

With a sigh, he shrugged and laid down on the bed, kicking off his slippers as he did so. Sliding under the covers, he got into a comfortable position, before turning to look at the owner of the room.

Just in time to catch her eyes drifting shut and her breathing becoming deep and even.

That drew a quiet snort of amusement from him, and he snuggled into the bedding as he closed his eyes.

And soon he joined her in the land of slumber while:

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(Posted Sat, 10 Jan 2004 08:29)

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