Ranma Does Nerima: Morning after (LEMON) [Episode 84392]


“Running away won’t do you any good this time, Ranma!” Ryouga yelled as he chased his hated rival into a alley. ‘Give it up, you coward!” he called after the running figure. “We’re going to settle this once and for all. I’m going to prove that I’m the bigger man!”

Ryouga’s heart leaped as he saw that the alley dead ended in a brick wall, and that Ranma was stopped in front of it. “I’ve go you know,” he called in triumph.

Ryouga approached his rival, but as he did, he frowned. Something was wrong. Ranma was not that tall, and yet he seemed to tower over Ryouga. “What . . . No!” Ryouga cried out as he looked down and realized that he was sporting breasts. Somehow he’d turned into Yoiko while he . . . she was chasing Ranma.

“Well, what have we here?” an evil voice asked. Yoiko looked up in surprise, right into Ranma’s muscular chest. The coward had snuck up on her while she’d been distracted. Ranma leered down at her. It was an expression Yoiko had seen often since getting her curse, but seeing it on Ranma’s face was particularly disquieting. She backed away, but found her retreat blocked by the alley wall.

“Awww, don’t you like me?” Ranma leered, setting both of his hands against the wall on either side of Yoiko’s body, trapping her. “I can make you like me very much. If you give me the chance.” Ranma hunched forward, and Yoiko felt something poke her belly. She looked down and saw Ranma’s manhood pressing against her bare belly . . . Bare belly?

“Kiyaaaaaa,” Yoiko screamed, trying to cover her breasts and cunt with her hands and arms. “Get away!” she yelled at Ranma.

“Why would I do that. Here we are, all alone, just you and me, and my best friend. He’d be so very sad if I didn’t introduce him to your friend.” Ranma reached down and took hold of his shaft, and bent it down so it poked at the hand Yoiko had covering her sex.

Yoiko tried to pull away, but her bare ass just rubbed against the rough brick wall. “No!” she cried out when she felt Ranma pulling her hand away from her pussy. He pushed her hand and arm upward, taking hold of her other wrist as he did, pushing both her limbs upward till her crossed wrists were pressed to the wall above her head.

“Time to stop being a virgin, little girl,” Ranma husked. He moved his pelvis forward, and Yoiko’s eyes widened as she felt him parting her sex with the bulbous head. “Now,” Ranma cried out, jerking his hips foward.

“Noooooooo!” Yoiko cried, sitting up straight in bed, her face covered in sweat. She sat on the soft mattress, holding the sheets against her chest as she panted.

“What’s the matter, sugar?” a muzzy voice asked from beside her. “Bad dream? Lay down, I’ll keep the bad monster’s away,” Ukyou said, taking hold of Yoiko and gently pulling her back down to the bed till she was spooned up against the larger girl.

Slowly, as the warmth of Ukyou’s body soaked into her chilled flesh, rendered ice cold by the dream, Yoiko relaxed, and eased back against the softness of Ukyou’s breasts and belly. The bigger girl’s arms wrapped around her, and pulled her in tighter, but it didn’t feel like a trap, more like a comforting hug that banished her lingering panic. She gave a sigh. “Yeah, just a bad dream. I’m ok now,” Yoiko sad softly.

“That’s good, sugar,” Ukyou said in a voice that was still cloudy with sleep. “I had a good time last night,” she said, kissing Yoiko’s neck lightly. “Me too,” Yoiko replied, blushing as she did. The night before had been a real education for her. And not just because it was her first experience with girl/girl sex. She’d always thought she was a major stud. She was the biggest star in porn after all. But last night, with no male ego to coddle, Ukyou had taught the girl she thought was a virgin more about sex, and pleasing a woman than Yoiko/Ryouga had ever imagined.

Ryouga had always prided himself on being able to cum a dozen times in work day, but Yoiko had lost count within half an hour of how many orgasms she’d had. Ukyou’s skilled fingers and tongue had wrenched her body to levels she had never known existed, and then she’d taught Yoiko how to do the same for her.

Yoiko wished she could stay here forever, nestling in Ukyou’s arms. It was the first time she’d been truly happy in longer than she could remember. But, it was impossible. This wasn’t her real body. If she stayed, she’d have to let Ukyou know the truth, and that would change everything. Besides, she had revenge to carry out. She sweated as she remembered the dream, and pushed back harder against Ukyou’s body, using it as a shield from the memory.

She’d have to leave. Yoiko started trying to think about how to break the news to Ukyou. She didn’t want the other girl to think she hated her, or that this had been a one night fling.

“Oh my gosh, is that the time!” Ukyou yelled, springing out of bed, and nearly dumping Yoiko on the floor. “I’m late! God, I’m so late 1 I have to go!” Ukyou dashed into the bathing room. There was the sound of running water, and a minute later she emerged, drying her body hastily with a large towel. She scrambled around the room picking up the clothes she’d discarded the night before and pulling them on. She was just about to dash out the door when she caught Yoiko staring at her from the bed.

Oh crap, Ukyou thought to herself. I am so stupid. Picking up a cute girl the night before I have to go undercover. How the hell can I tell her I can’t see her again because I have to start dressing and looking like a boy so I can enroll in a high school and track down the boy who ruined my life?”

“Well, it’s been nice. Don’t worry. You can stay here for the next couple of days while you look for your place. I have to go. I have an . . . an assignment. I won’t be around for a while. Maybe even months. So . . . Goodby,” Ukyou said, as she rushed out the door.

Yoiko blinked in shock at the closed door. Just like that Ukyou was dumping her? Forgotten was the fact that she’d been trying to think of a way to end it, instead anger rushed through Yoiko. “How dare she! Who did she thing she was! Oh, would she ever get it the next time they met!” Yoiko had a brief image of her, as Ryouga, bending the tramp over a chair and ramming his dick up her ass till she cried for mercy. Let her see what it was like to have your ass on fire.

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(Posted Wed, 24 Dec 2003 20:56)

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