Until remembrance came crashing down like the proverbial ton of bricks, jarring her mind to full wakefulness. The touches, warm and soft, the feel of her body rubbing in tandem with her lovers as they joined in a most primal fashion. The release of orgasmic bliss as her body raptured, the.. weird feeling of her vaginal muscles constricting in a frenzy around a hard, defiling snake that had penetrated deep within before a burning hot liquid erupted, spraying her insides like a fire hose out of control. The knowledge of just who had been there, and what they had done left her stunned beyond words, and even if she realized in some dim part of her mind some real serious problems could prop up because of it, she couldn't get that goofy little smile off her lips.
Sex. She had given up her most cherished possession, and rode the waves of orgasmic bliss in a way her fantasy's had never prepared her for. Growing up as she had, a perpetually young girl ostracized from normal people due to her child like appearance and demeanor, further pushed away from anyone who might actually want to have something more then a lust filled dream by her powers and rather.. strict disciplinary view points. Well, needless to say, while she knew of sex and contemplated the pleasure that the act usually brought up within it's precipitants, the social stigma levied against her since she was a child had made it impossible for her to partake in such an act.
Reaching over she tried to grab onto the warm body that should have been there, momentary panic creeping into her belly when she found nothing but cold sheets. Had he left her? The thought was upsetting, very upsetting in fact. The soft click of some one hanging up her phone drew her attention to the far bed stand, that aggravation and agitation that he had left her slowly tapering away as she saw him. He hadn't left her, he didn't use her and leave, he was still here. Dimly she noticed his clothes were on, but her overwhelming desire to convince herself he hadn't left, and wasn't about to, made her ignore that little fact.
Sauntering across the bed, only slightly amazed, and greatly excited by the fact he hadn't noticed her yet, she hugged in from behind, hand's sneaking under his arms and caressing his stomach, though clothed as it was it still felt nice. He stiffened quite a bit once she touched him, but she paid it no mind. Gentling latching on to the lobe of his ear, she tentatively sucked the flesh, biting down softly as she did so.
"Ah.. Hi-Hinako!" her lover squealed, shivering nervously as he stuttered in that cute little way he always did. Pressing up against his back, her generous warm breasts reminding the boy of her state of undress, she pulled back a bit and blew in his ear, the lobe she had just been suckling on tingling much to his chagrin. "Such a cute little boy." her tone was nothing but sultry and.. yearning, which left him a little off kilter. He half expected the woman to beat his head in for what they had done. After all, it was his fault, wasn't it? He had pressed it, in a moment of desperate depression he had selfishly used the woman to slate his own needs, right?
"I'm sorry." he managed to mumble, though rather weak in sincerity.
Hinako frowned a little at that, but didn't cease trailing kisses up the base of his neck. She really shouldn't have been surprised, she guessed. He was probably already thinking about what was going to happen after, when everyone found out and the figurative shit hit the fan. It was taking quite a lot of effort on her part not to think about that. Right now 'they' didn't matter, it was her time to shine, her time to experience everything she could from the amount of time they had left together. She could deal with the problems that came from this later, right now, though, she couldn't care less. "Who was on the phone?" she asked, only ceasing her kissing momentarily to do so.
"Ah.. Ka-Kasumi!" he shivered again when her hands pulled up his shirt, those cool slender digits sneaking under his shirt and rubbing across his stomach and chest. "Ah.. told her I.." he twitched when she pinched his nipples, ".. not comin home.. ah, workin on an assignment with Dai.." he whimpered that bit out at the end, shivering all the more as she touched and fondled him.
Hinako stopped for a second, a lecherous grin that would have done the likes of Happosai proud spreading across her lips, "Oh.. then the night is ours." her tone sultry and very, very.. promising.
Ranma sweated. He just wanted to talk and figure out what they were going to do, damn it!"
Nabiki was a girl of many means. It had been a rather hot topic at school today, the whole 'Couples Day', and especially the 'relationship' of Akane and Kuno, not to mention Ranma and Hinako. She was pretty sure neither her sister, or her dope of a future 'brother-in-law' had enjoyed it. Kuno.. well, she didn't even need to imagine how horrible a day her dear little sister had with that nut case, and Hinako? Ranma probably spent all day wallowing about how much his life sucked right after getting drained over, and over, and over again for doing something stupid, but in character for the jock to earn the vampiric teacher's wrath. It didn't come as a terrible surprise, either, when Kasumi informed her Ranma wouldn't be coming home tonight, due to bombing out on the 'Couples Day' assignment.
"Ah well, dem's the breaks." she shrugged, heading towards the stairs.
"Nabiki!" Akane shrilled prissily, "You can't believe that hokey pokey excuse! He's probably off doing something perverted!" No no no! She didn't want Ranma to spend the night at his friends house, especially not tonight of all nights. Her day with Kuno had left her on edge, on the verge of snapping, adding Kasumi's little tease earlier, she really needed to have the boy near by to hold her and soothe her vulnerability help her get over Kuno with his great big hands with a tactless comment she could use to cry on his shoulder all night while being held in a warm embrace show that pervert how horrible her day was! Yeah! No perverted thoughts here, no ma'am!
"It wouldn't be the first time." Kasumi cheerily pointed out.
"But still..." her tone was sounding weaker by the second.
"It's nothing to worry about, Akane." Nabiki said with a shrug, "Dai bombed pretty badly with Yuka, and Ranma had no chance with Hinako as his 'wife'." she wasn't concerned. This wasn't the first time, as Kasumi had pointed out, that Ranma had stayed over at Dai's after bombing a particular assignment. Her dear little sister really needed to lighten up about these things.
"Fine." she sighed in defeat, standing up. "I'm going to go practice." she hurried from the room, hands balled tightly into little fists, a sure sign at how angry she was.
Kasumi smiled, though a little sad, as she watched her sister go. It didn't take some one as observant as Nabiki to see how much her dear violent sister had wanted Ranma to be there, especially after the rather bad day she had gone through with that nice, if a little too pushy, Kuno boy. "Poor little sister. I wonder if she even realizes what she just did."
Nabiki blinked, a little out of it. "Huh?"
"Oh, it's so beautiful." the eldest Tendo blushed a bit, "She so wanted Ranma to be here for her, father would probably cry tears of joy at how much his dear little girl loves the boy." If he wasn't off drinking with Uncle Saotome and Grandfather Happosai, she added with a mental frown. Honestly, so much drinking! It was irresponsible of them to splurge their money like that.
"Cheers! To the wonders of female braziers!" Happosai crowed as he brought a large bottle of booze to his parched lips, drinking greedily of the spirits while ignoring the looks of impending doom on his disciples. He didn't really care for their paranoia, even if he realized they had a real right to be paranoid now that Genma's heir and his adopted daughter had crossed a threshold that they couldn't return from.
"Saotome." Tendo hissed.
Genma winced a little, his paranoia playing tricks on him as he eyed the bar. "Tendo."
"The master.. it's time we finish him off once and for all!" he leaned down, a little bit away from the little troll drinking himself stupid on their table. "Once he's drunk, we can initiate plan 'Not gonna fail this time'!"
The aging Patriarch of the Saotome clan blinked, dimly recalling that particular plan. Why, of course! It was a sheer stroke of genius! They had gone out weeks ago and got drunk, before the plan had been devised. Why, he was even sure they had prepared a site just for the purpose of this moment! Granted, waking up in a Femi-nazi convention dressed in drag hadn't been a good experience, for either of them, but with the preparations made he felt the agony of butch dyke women getting their hands on him to be worth it.
At least until they started biting. That had hurt!
"Quite right Tendo, Quite right." the portly martial artist finished in a sinister grin, watching as their lecherous master continuing to in bide of the local spirits. Yes.. all was going according to plan.
Ignore these Idiots for now, onward to...
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(Posted Mon, 17 Jan 2005 22:59)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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