Lessons in Life: A Happi Morning For All (LIME) [Episode 76282]

by Proteus

As the light started to truckle through the window of Ranma and Brianna's bedroom, they were awoken by what had become the usual wake up call of the later sleepers.



"KILL HIM," a voice boomed that must have belonged to an Ogre.

While not enough to bring Ranma out of her slumber as she had heard such things all the time back home and was more than used to them, it was more than Brianna needed what with her enhanced hearing and all.

With an annoyed moan Brianna opened her eyes. Damnit, she was having the most wonderful dream where a girl and guy Ranma were giving her a complete work over in both ways. But right before she had been able to get an orgasm from Ranma-cahn or have one herself somebody had gone and ruined it!

She wanted sex damnit!

There was nothing worse than waking up from a dream horney...unless said cure for honrneyness currently had her mouth on your breast, and mumbling about food. 'Damn, does Ranma ever need to work on her imagination' Brianna thought while the redhead removed her mouth from Brianna's breast.

Although, the half werecheetah was hardly going to let that spoil her mood. Shaking Ranma a little Brianna pulled the shorter girl up to eye level and locked Ranma's lips in a good morning kiss while taking the blanket obstructing her view.

Feeling the other girl's tongue inside her mouth Ranma's eyes shot opened. This time there was barely any confusion or reluctance before Ranma returned her lover's affections all the way.

Still kissing, Brianna lead Ranma's hand down her waiting sex while reaching up to caress Ranma's luscious breast. Although Brianna was already horney thanks to per previous dream, but she figured Ranma might need a little warming up.

As soon as she felt her delicate fingers fingering Brianna's clit, Ranma withdrew from their good morning kiss. She would have pulled her fingers out of Brianna's warm pussy as well if it wasn't for Brianna holding her hand in there and rocking back and forth while moaning in pleasure.

"B-Brichan?" Ranma asked while the larger girl let out another moan of pleasure. "Don't you think we should wait just a little bit?"

"Ranma," Brianna moaned out while giving the girl's breast a hard squeeze that made Ranma moan in please as well. "Please, I need you in me. NOW," Brianna cried.

Ranma just smiled and took her fingers out of Brianna's pussy to lick them clean and get a taste of Brianna before...

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(Posted Thu, 30 Oct 2003 00:15)

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