I wouldnt worry too much about that if I were you, Asuka-chan.
Why? You dont think Im pregnant?
Id say, even if you are, that wouldnt matter much.
What I mean is that... no thread with a pregnancy had ever been written to its conclusion. Those dorky writers are just too impatient, or too lazy, or just not dedicated enough... They get bored fast, and then they just let the thread die.
Youre sure about that?
Oh yeah. They even made my girl-side pregnant a few times. *shudder* But believe me, its not in this Addventure that you gonna give birth.
Youre probably right... sighed Asuka. Still, I wouldnt have minded sticking around for a few months... she added, smiling.
Ah... err... Ranma went beet red, and squirmed uncomfortably until he realized just what it was doing to their still-joined loins. The shift had his largely softened cock twitch again in her sheath, and Asuka cooed. She kissed Ranma on the nose and hugged him. It was doing nothing to abate his embarrassment, but still he murmured in her ear: It...Its so bad in your home Universe?
You have no idea... throatily whispered back the girl. Thats why Im so ready to jump in any crossover. Nothing can be worse than what Ive faced.
Yeah... but it can get really crazy here, too, yaknow.
Ill trade off apocalyptic for matsuri1 any time, thank you very much.
I guess... conceded Ranma.
Now screw it. How about that sixty-nine?
Wha... you still want some?
Hey, as long as nobody bother the two of us, why not?
Smirking, Asuka lifted herself from Ranma, his hardening cock exiting from her glistening wet vulva with a slurping sound. She immediately turned head and tail and lay down her hot body on top of Ranma, straddling his face. Grinning, the redhead took the slick manhood in both hands and started to lick their mixed juices covering it.
Ranma groaned, but it wasnt in protest. His hands gripped the nice, round buttocks just above his head and centered her bottom so that he could access her dripping cunt with his mouth. Asuka moaned as the strong digits kneaded the soft flesh of her ass, and the hungry lips and tongue worked on her scrumptious pussy, lapping and sucking the offered honey. Ranma had obviously no problem tasting his own come mixed with her juices. His muscular raspberry delved deep in her love hole, wiggling against the sensitive folds for all it was worth, before exiting to give a few licks to her clitoris.
Asuka gasped loudly in pleasure. Willing to give him back some of it, she inhaled the head of his prick and startled slurping it with abandon, eager to bring it back to full erection. Her hot lips surrounded the responsive shaft, massaging it to the best of her abilities with mouth and tongue, delighted by the feeling of the blood pumping back in it and hardening the manly meat.
Downstairs, Kasumi joined her sisters in the living room, a puzzled look on her face.
Nabiki-chan, Akane-chan... do you know why Otōchan and Genma-ojisan left in such a hurry? They didnt even tell me how long theyd be gone....
Well, Im not sure, Oneechan, answered Nabiki, but I have the feeling its because they got the hint this was going to be a silly lemon thread....
Oh my! exclaimed Kasumi, putting both hand on her reddening cheeks. I didnt know. Should I start wearing only my apron?
Both sisters turned toward the eldest, an indefinite look in their eyes, and blinked.
Dont loose your panties yet, Kasumi-chan... droned Nabiki.
Akane shook her head and shrugged. Still, that doesnt explain why those two idiots left in such a hurry. What were they so afraid of?
Well, you gotta understand them, Akane-chan, started to explain Nabiki. If they ever get any, all they can expect from a lemon thread is either yaoi or incest.
Oh yes, admitted Kasumi with a dreamy look, and Otōchan is still so shy about that kind of things.
Akane and Nabiki turned again toward their elder sister, a definitely questioning look on their face. Then they blinked and shrugged it off again.
Anyway... arent you curious about whos having fun with Ranma right now, Akane-chan? asked Nabiki.
I dont care any more. Theres not a day going by without that pervert waking up with a new girl in his bed!
Youre exaggerating, Akane...
Maybe, but it still happen darn too often! Honestly, what Im supposed to think? I AM HIS FIANCÉE, for crying out loud, and that jerk is fooling around with every girl in the Multiverse!
Yeah, but its not like he get much of a choice about it...
I sure dont hear him complaining!
Nabiki rested her chin on her hand and faced her little sis. You know, Akane, this is a just a silly lemon thread... nobody would mind much if you get a bit Out of Character...
Akane glared at her sister. I happen to like being In Character, thank you very much!
Okay, okay, accepted the moneylender. Still, you shouldnt grouch so much... you arent the one who got the worst of it.
Hu? What a joke! angrily retorted Akane.
Nabiki responded with a piercing glare. Oh yeah? Then, pray tell, Imōtochan, who has every male self-insertion after her ass...?
Akane rolled eyes. They arent all after you...
Nabiki made a dismissing gesture. I concede theres a very small minority fancying Shampoo... but most of them are drooling after poor moi. How much would you bet that the next otaku that show up will be a Tendō Nabiki fan?
I dont bet with you, you know it, curtly answered Akane. Though if any of those perverted writer were to make the mistake of showing up now... I swear Id make him pay for all the others!
Sure thing... sighed Nabiki. Still, you gotta admit it could be worse...
How so? inquired Akane.
Well, compared to the Sailor Senshi... at least we have a very low percentage of Tentacle Beast encounters.
Alas, said Kasumi with a sad smile. Those girls are so lucky.
Nabiki and Akane turned once again toward their sister, this time with a very worried look.
Asukas head bobbed up and down around the fully rejuvenated mast of Ranma-kun. At the same time, the boy was messily eating her muff, clamping his mouth on her dripping petals and hungrily drinking her nectar. His tongue licked her snatch with gusto, overwhelming her nerve centers.
Asuka-chan climaxed with a full-body shudder and a long, drawled out moan, almost drowning her lover with her cum. She then rewarded him by redoubling her efforts on his cock. Masturbating him wildly, her small hand going up and down on his thick shaft. Engulfing his whole length in her warm oral cavity. Wrapping her wet tongue around the throbbing flesh. Squeezing the bulbous tip in the tightness of her skilled throat.
She didnt stop until Ranmas asoko bulged, stiffened and finally erupted fiercely in her mouth, showering her tonsils with hot sperm. She gulped every spurt until it flooded her mouth and she had to let go of the hose. She eagerly licked her lips from the excess, as the still ejaculating prick adorned her cute face with droplets of baby-making cream.
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(Posted Fri, 14 Nov 2003 19:39)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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