"Quit bluffing, Soatome." Nabiki smirked, carefully schooling her features into her normal mask. "Everyone knows that you don't have the balls to do anything to me. If you even try, I'll make your life even more hellish than you've ever imagined."
She watched her opponent carefully, starting to get a little worried when his angry expression changed to one of confidense and arrogance. His snarl had changed to his trade-mark smirk as he took a small step forward until there was only three inches between his face and hers.
"You shouldn't have said that, Nabs." He whispered seductively.
"Oh? And why not? It's not like you'd do anything to me anyway, you wimp." The girl asked in a frosted tone of voice. She cursed herself for not being able to keep her voice from trembling. 'God, why am I getting so hot?' She asked herself crossly. She could feel her nipples tightening up beneath her crossed arms and a pleasant tingling feeling between her legs.
His hands blurred with speed, moving so fast that to her they just seemed to disappear. Granted, she had seen this before, but never directed towards her. Before she could even recognize the touches that were being placed expertly around her body, she lost control. First, a gentle touch along her throat locked up her vocal cords. A series of touches both in front and in the rear of her body caused it to go totally limp. Before she even realized that she was collapsing towards the floor, Ranma's strong arms had caught her and held her tight.
"You shouldn't have pushed so hard, Nabs." The boy told her as he carried her limp body over to the bed and laid her down on her back. "Now I have to teach you a lesson and take control instead of letting you become my partner."
Nabiki didn't know what was going on. She was paralyzed, couldn't speak, and her body felt even more sensitive than normal. Her panic filled eyes locked onto his, pleading for mercy that was missing from his amused but cold blue eyes. When she felt his hands gently unbuttoning her shirt, she tried to lift move her body to escape only to have it fail to obey her commands.
"We would have been great together." The pig-tailed youth continued the conversation, ignoring the fact that his victom couldn't respond. "Working together to reach a level of power that would have blown the minds of the people around here." His fingers finally freed the last button of her shirt. "Instead, you're going to become my first subject." He gently parted her shirt, making sure to brush her skin lightly with his fingers as he exposed her bra clad breasts. Her eyes rolled upwards and if she were capable of making a sound, she would have moaned at the sheer pleasure of the simple act. "I'm going to break you, Nabiki. You're going to give me your loyalty and become my servent." Ranma unhooked her bra and swept it clear of her breasts, smirking when he saw her nipples nice and hard, surrounded by crinkled skin.
The girl was totally lost in the sensations racking her body. It felt like lightning was racing through her body, connecting her throbbing nipples to her clit. Her panties were soaked with the discharge from her sex. She wasn't able to focus on all of his words, but the ones she did hear were playing havoc with her body. It was a fantasy brought to life. On one hand, she had never been as turned on as she was at the present moment. On the other hand, threads of fear sent shivers racing up and down her spine, both making her want to cringe and forcing her lust even higher. Her eyes couldn't seem to focus for more than a second or two before the pleasure forced them to roll upwards. Her breathing was even deeper now, her breasts rising and falling quickly as she panted in her excitement. When he had softly slid her bra off her breasts, the feel of the fabric roughly caressing her aching nipples almost brought her the release that she desperately needed. She was almost at the point of begging, but she didn't know what she should be begging for: release from the now dark Ranma or release of a more carnal nature. She all but groaned when she felt her skirt pushed upwards to expose her soaking wet panties.
"My, my." Ranma chuckled out loud. "You are enjoying this, aren't you." He said as he lightly stroked her junction over her plain cotton underwear. Without another word, he gripped the flimsy garment and ripped it away from her body.
When he had stroked her sex, the cold hearted mercenary wanted to scream in pleasure. When she felt her passage exposed to the cool air of her room, she knew that she wanted more. It was almost at the point where she was willing to achieve release while being watched, it just didn't matter to her anymore. Her body was screaming for the foreplay to end, her intentions of remaining pure until she found the man that she could love and respect meaning nothing now.
The pig-tailed boy smiled down at the helpless girl. She was definitely a thing of beauty. Starting with her cute little school-girl socks and up her long and shapely legs to her glistening and exposed sex, she was a sight to take a man's breath away. Add in the fact that she kept her groin neatly shaved so that she could wear the skimpiest of bikini's, and his mouth was watering. Her flat and toned stomach was next, the smooth skin twitching ever so gently in her passion. Her large breasts bounced gently, both from her body struggling to move and her rapid breathing. Yes, she would make a very nice conquest, he decided.
Making his decision, he began to impliment his plan. First, he gently touched her nipples and bathed them in his ki. Ignoring the tears of frustration leaking out from her clenched eyes, he kept it up until he could sense a 'pocket' of sorts forming. Quickly filling it with ki, he nodded at a job well done. Next, he looked at her sex. Easily finding the clit, he was startled to see how far her nubbin was sticking out from underneath its protective hood. Touching it with a finger, he copied his earlier actions.
Finished, he stopped touching her and waited patiently for her eyes to open after she calmed down. It was mildly suprising to discover that it took over fifteen minutes until he had her attention once again.
Once her eyes were locked onto his, he began to speak. "I've set up a sort of time delay in order to talk to you. When time runs out, every single time that you think of me, you're going to get turned on. If you're around me, you're going to ache with sexual need." He paused for a second to enjoy the shock in her eyes and allowed her the time to replace it with a calculate look. Moving in closer so that his nose was touching hers, he continued with his speech. "If you tell anyone about this, Kasumi will take your place after I wipe the memories from your mind." He grinned at her horrified expression. "Blink twice if you understand me."
Having no other option, Nabiki forced her eyes to blink twice. It seemed that no matter what she could do, it would only wind up hurting her family even more. She was surprised when her captor released the pressure points holding her and stood up from the bed. Glaring at the boy, she hopped up. Quickly pushing her skirt down, she used the other hand to draw the two sides of her blouse together. "You're going to pay for this, Soatome!" She snarled angrily.
Ranma just grinned back at her. "3... 2... 1... 0" He laughed quietly.
When he had started counting, Nabiki began to panic. When he reached zero, her eyes glazed over as her body exploded in sensation. She groaned out loud as her suddenlyl weak knees forced her to her knees before her nemesis. As if they had a mind of thier own, her right hand buried itself between her legs while her left pushed her blouse to the side and tweaked her nipple.
It was only after she reacted to the pleasure that she discovered how insidious his trap really was. Her own fingers couldn't do anything to relieve the pressure building up in her body. Whenever they approached one of the ki pockets located within her nipples and clit, they seemed to loose all sense of feeling. It felt like she was manipulating a piece of dead skin rather than her rather obvious eroginous zones. Not that this did anything to relieve the tingling buildup within her body as it sought sexual release. "What's wrong with me?" She asked, still trying to stimulate herself.
"The only one that can help you is me, Nabiki." Ranma said as he reached out and tweaked her unoccupied nipple. The burst of pleasure nearly sent her to the floor as she groaned and writhed, pushing her breast towards his hand for more of that delicious sensation.
She was shocked when he stepped back towards the door. "I'm going to leave you like this." He told her with an evil smile. "When you're ready to submit and become mine, I'll give you pleasure like you've never had it before." He opened the door, uncaring if anyone might have been on the other side or not. With one final glance back towards the helpless girl desperately trying to stimulate herself, he couldn't help but repeat his earlier threat. "Remember, Nabs. Just one word to anyone and it'll be Kasumi begging for my touch."
"Please." The brown headed girl whispered, not really knowing what she was begging for. Was it to keep her sister from this madman's clutches? Or was it for more of his attention?
"Come see when you're willing to become my slave." Ranma spoke quietly. "And remember, I know lots of ways to make sure you're telling the truth. If I catch you lying, I can come up with much, much worse than to keep you horny and desperate for your master."
Nabiki could only watch helplessly as he walked out the door, not even bothering to close it. Her body was screaming for attention, but nothing she could do could possibly alliviate the need slamming through her veins. She didn't know what to do. Her clit was aching and throbbing to such an intensity that she'd never even heard of before. The feeling of her clothes caressing her skin was unbelievable and forced her blood to burn even hotter. But whenever she tried to attend to matters herself, it was next to worthless. She wasn't sure if she could hold out much longer and it had only been a half hour.
The worst thing, though, was that she didn't know if she even wanted to hold out. The idea of Ranma as her Master was becoming more and more appealing by the second.
Whimpering with lust, she...
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(Posted Mon, 26 Jul 2004 02:58)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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