Red Rover: Let me help you... (LEMON) [Episode 69101]


"Oh nothing," Ukyou said suddenly, surprising himself.

Shouldn't he be warning Ranma about the changes. The changes that weren't finished yet, apparently.

As Ukyou looked, he noted some...differences in Ranma's clothes, as if they were slowly transforming too. He racked is brain for a second to remember what the desert Ranma was currently working on was called and then it came to her, the banana cheerleader split.

"So when she finishes that," Ukyou reasoned. "She'll be a cheerleader...probably in a very tight costume. i have to warn her. Or...uh...what if not finishing it is bad...uh..."

Ukyou sat and thought about what to do for a couple more seconds before again opening her mouth.

"Here," he said. "Let me help you."

He took a spoon and scooped up a generous helping before guiding it into Ranma's mouth. He had to scoot a little closer in the spacious booth to manage it correctly, but was rewarded, not by a strange questioning look from Ranma, but instead by an appreciative moan and a small semi-demonic body leaning against his elven one.

And, as so he continued to feed the new tiefling, and Ranma continued to change. Her impressive breasts grew to reach the proportional size appropriate to a fetish cheerleader. Her pants slowly meshed into an extremely short skirt, revealing a flash of white panties underneath.

Finally, the banana split was gone and Ukyou had a cute tiefling cheerleader practically sitting on her lap. And that's when Ranma noticed the last of her order.

"Oh, I still got one of those buns," she said, pointing across the table. "Oven fresh, want it?"

"Uh, no thanks," Ukyou said, guessing just what would happen next.

Ranma half stood and leaned across the table, flashing her almost naked rear end into Ukyou's face. He snatched the bun and began to eat it, staying in that provacative position.

Ukyou couldn't hold out long.

Ranma was chewing down the last gulp of the bun, and feeling oddly hot after doing so, when she felt Ukyou's hand sliding up between her legs. She considered telling her to back off only briefly as she became aware that the touch appeased that strange heat somewhat.

She gasped as her panties...(wait, panties?) were pulled down her legs and her ass and petals were vigorously massaged. Ranma's arms gave out as she flattened herself to the booth top in the wake of the pleasures erupting from her nether regions.

And then Ukyou stood up and over here for a few seconds before ramming his newly acquired manhood through the flimsy barrier of Ranma's virginity.

Ranma's cry of pain and ecstacy would have been chilling to anyone around that were not otherwise occupied. Sharp black nails dug into the table top as graceful hands caressed her large, sensitive breasts and what felt like a spear was thrust into her womanhood.

It was over all too quickly for Ranma as Ukyou thrust inside her and she burst into a small orgasm that seemed like a tidal wave of pleasure for all of her experience. She gasped and tried to catch her breath, lying on top of the table as Ukyou disengaged and caught his breath.

it was only a minute or two, however, before the elven Ukyou was recovered and this time she grabbed Ranma and roughly kissed her, shocking Ranma again with the force of his passion. The teifling barely had time to grab breath again before the pleasurable assault began to drop to her neck and expansive chest.

"And after this," Ukyou said over Ranma's moans. "We can try somewhere where we can take all our clothes off."

"Ohhh, hai!" Ranma gasped.

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(Posted Thu, 18 Sep 2003 22:32)

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