Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-Chan!: Comes the Dawn (Among Other Things) (LEMON) [Episode 65673]


To Akane's distinct irritation, the shrieks and moans from the Saotome's bedroom downstairs didn't end until two in the morning. (The actual sex went on until four, but Genma was too hoarse to make a sound well before Nodoka let him collapse.)

This left Akane two and a half hours of actual sound sleep before the alarm clock went off at 6:30 AM... nowhere near enough time for dreams, much less the kind of dream that would result in her big green alter ego. No erotic dreams, no nightmares, nothing. Even the annoying sound of the alarm wasn't enough to generate the anger needed to trigger the change.

I still don't know how I'm going to change, Akane thought. How is Hulk-chan going to get to the contest if I don't change? I don't want Shampoo or Ukyo to win...

Okay, let's take it from the top. I change when I get angry, afraid, or hor... very aroused, Akane thought with a blush. Can I get angry enough to change? She tried thinking of Shampoo and/or Ukyo running off into the sunset with Ranma, hand in hand... but that didn't make her angry, only depressed. Wrong direction. Maybe I could wait for Ranma to say something stupid? . . . no, with my luck, he'd be nice to me.

Okay, how about fear? I could go to that cliff and jump off... Akane actually considered that seriously for a few moments. And if it doesn't work, and I drown before I change, what then? Or if I don't get as lucky as last time and hit the rocks instead? No. Bad idea. No biscuit.

Well, that just leaves... sex... Slowly Akane removed her nightshirt and panties, facing herself, nude, in the bureau mirror. Of course, it doesn't help that I don't feel the least bit sexy. She looked at her pear-like hips, the flat, unshapely hardness of her butt (well, to her eyes it was unshapely- her male classmates had a different opinion). Her eyes especially focused on the classic symbols of femininity, her breasts; not flat, per se, a little to the full side of a B cup... but perky and dangly, nothing like... well, nothing like Ranma-chan's.

I wish I had Ranma-chan's body, Akane thought, lying back on the bed atop her rumpled covers. It must be so easy to... get aroused... when you look that good. She tried toying with her breasts, but her hands shied away, and she couldn't even bring herself to think of stroking her crotch. If I don't want to touch myself, why should anybody else?

Why, I bet Ranma would love to get it on with Shampoo... well, maybe not Shampoo, especially not now that's she's so huge... but Ukyo... Akane imagined Ranma holding Ukyo in his arms, the two kissing passionately as Ukyo pulled Ranma's shirt off of his bulging shoulders, pulling it down arms rippling with muscle. Yeah, he'd probably love to get it on with Ukyo.

Akane lay back on the bed, staring sightlessly up at the ceiling as her mind wandered. She saw, in her mind's eye, Ranma ripping the bindings from Ukyo's breasts, allowing her peaks to rise free of their restraints. Despite years of compression, in Akane's imagination those tits rose and filled, full and firm, each a generous handful that Ranma, his kisses growing more hungry and agressive, quickly filled his hands with.

Ukyo moaned and squirmed as her breasts got mashed and squeezed in Ranma's strong fingers, her cries growing louder as Ranma kissed his way down her neck. As his lips reached the hollow between those ripe grapefruit on Ukyo's chest, his hands migrated southwards, pulling down Ukyo's pants to reveal her neatly shaved sex and juicy cunny.

Oh... Ranma, you bastard... you should be sucking MY tits... Akane barely noticed her own nipples beginning to rise, her mind focused on the imaginary pair feeling each other up. She could see Ukyo's hands rubbing Ranma's hard, rippling back as Ranma took one of the cook's nipples in his mouth and sucked hungrily, his cheeks puffing in and out as his lips moved against Ukyo's titflesh. Ukyo responded by grinding her hips against Ranma's hands, gasping as one of Ranma's fingers slid its way up between her legs.

Ukyo fell back onto a bed, cooing incoherently as Ranma released her tit and began kissing his way down her belly. Her fingers tangled themselves into Ranma's hair as the beefy young man licked her pelvis, nuzzling his way between her curvaceous legs. In no time at all he was lapping at her mound, slurping up what had to be a flood of honey if Ukyo's twitching and squirming was anything to judge by.

Hmmm... go get 'er, Ranma, make her cum GOOD... huh? Akane only then noticed, for the first time, how horny her jealous imagination had made her. She reached up and caressed her stiff teats gently groaning loudly at the contact, noting with surprise their unusual stiffness... and size. She sat up, Indian-style, to look at herself in the mirror, and there, above breasts noticably larger than she'd had before, under hair already beginning to kink and curl, was a pair of glowing green eyes.

I'm doing it! Akane thought, groaning as she pinched those stiff nipples, her hips rocking as jolts of pleasure ran through her body, sending such wonderful warmth pounding through her veins. For a moment she hesitated, not trusting the wonderful feelings flushing through her skin, and then she groped herself all the more fiercely. Can't back out now... need Hulk-chan... to enter the contest... oh the hell with Hulk-chan, I need to CUM! she thought as her heart hammered in her chest, the sound of its pounding filling her ears.

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(Posted Wed, 27 Aug 2003 04:41)

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