Cue back a few minutes, when H-Wrecker had just knocked down Yamatoino's Yakisoba and was calling for Nabiki. It was at this moment that Kasumi realized her sister was in trouble, bigger trouble than she could handle, and she aborted making breakfast to rush upstairs to her room. The door latching behind her, she opened a small case on her dresser holding the item of power.
Kasumi flushed, swallowing as she contemplated what she had to do to activate her power. It certainly wasn't proper. Not proper at all. And the person she became when the power was activated was nowhere near proper, even though her other-self had an apparent profession agreeable with her ambition.
However, it didn't sound like whatever was coming for Nabiki was doing so to have a nice cup of tea with her. A feeling in her bones told her that Nabiki was about to tangle with someone she couldn't handle.
Sitting on her bed with her legs spread, Kasumi lifted her skirt and tugged her panties to the side to expose her nether lips. Swallowing to steel herself, she carefully inserted the glowing thermometer up her vagina like a glass tampon. At least it wasn't a recal thermometer, she mused as she performed this unsavory task. Once that chore was completed, she readjusted her panties and skirt and waited for the change.
The cool thermometer began warming up as soon as it was completely inserted within Kasumi body. It quickly warmed up to body temperature, and then continued warming up past 98.6 Farenheit. Kasumi squirmed and groaned as the thermometer seemed to become a red hot poker inside her, but never actually becoming painful. The thermometer seemed to soften, then seep into her body as it turned completely into a hot thick liquid.
Kasumi moaned gripping at her crotch and squeezing her legs together as the feeling of warmth filled her pubic region, then spread down her legs and up her torso. She let out a small squeal as the wave of heat creeped past her breasts, her nipples going instantly erect within her bra. The heat wave completed its journey at the top of Kasumi's scalp and the tips of her fingers.
Suddenly, the warm lump between her hips spiked, and a pulse of intense heat spread from her crotch, filling all of her flesh. "AHHH!" Kasumi gasped and threw her head back violently with the sensation, then threw her arms back to brace herself from falling back completely onto her bed. Her back was arched now, leaving her breasts jutting out prominently from her chest.
And then she started to grow. All over.
Her torso and abodomen lengthened and filled out, her abdominals becoming refined underneath the blouse that was now being tugged from her skirt, which was itself becoming tight with both increased overall torso volume, and especially from two rapidly swelling mams on her chest no amazonoid woman could do without. The fabric creaked as they struggled to contain her still-growing rack. Her legs grew thicker with muscle as the bones grew longer and stronger accordingly, the hem of her dress creeping up past her knees. Her hips grew in girth as well, and her ass began bids for Baby-Got-Back proportions. The seams of her panties began straining under the stress of containing more flesh than was there a few moments ago. The muscles of her arms bulked up, lengthening in the same way, much in the same way that Ranma's new super-fiancées were. However, as she grew, it was clear that, although Kasumi's super form was stronger than most weightlifters, strength was not the forte of this heroine as it was with Hulk-chan or Home-Wrecker.
As she approached seven feet in height, her clothes had what could only be described as a catastrophic bodily containment failure. The sleves of her blouse burst open under the pressure of growing muscles and tendon. The front of her bra snapped wide open under the pressure of her expanding bosom, leaving them to press hard against the front of her blouse. A moment later, the front of the blouse ripped open as buttons flew from its surface, leaving her breasts to tumble free from their confinement; Kasumi groaned at her mams' confinement, and gasp at their release. The waist of her skirt ripped, as her actual waist expanded under it. Her panties ripped apart at the seams of both of her hips. The only part of her outfit not to fail was body her skirt, which was becoming increasingly inadequate of its job of covering her legs, not only because her legs were longer, but because her enlarged hips and butt lifted the hemline even more.
And she continued growing, as the remains of her clothes continued to fail about her. The collar and shoulders of her blouse failed as her neck and shoulders exceeded their limitations. Her burgeoning breasts continued to push apart the leaves of her blouse, lush pink erect nipples emerging from behind them and sending pleasant shocks through Kasumi's body as they rubbed against the fabric. Her stockings gained runs galore and almost dissolved into a mass of thread. The tear in her skirt, beginning at her waist, was now being forced open by her growing, shapely ass. The remains of her panties bunched up against her slit, dampening as it grew moist with the stimulation of empowerment.
Almost as an afterthought amidst all this clothes-ripping, flesh-swelling extravaganza, her hair grew at an accelerated pace, quickly reaching ankle length as she toped nine feet in height.
Then the remains of her clothes started glowing.
With a flash of light, her ruined clothes reintegrated around her body. Her bra reformed, this time bigger to cover and attempted to reign in and properly support her titanic tits. However, it was now a lacy silk peek-a-boo bra, leaving very tantalizing glimpses of Kasumi's erect nipples. It also opened at the front... and—let's be frank—the bra wasn't THAT good at reigning in those monstrous mams. Her stockings reformed, except this time they were white and sheer, and supported by white garters stretchign up to a white garter belt around her waist. A pair of lacy pure-white panties formed over the garters and tightly hugged her pubic area. A pair of white leather flats assembled themselves on her feet.
A white nursing cap with a red cross on its front settled onto her her hair as it French-braided itself into a butt-length pigtail. Finally, a tight, crisp-white, shortsleeved and super-short skirted dress sublimated around her torso, the skirt ending just a few inches below her crotch, enough to cover the tops of the stretchy white stockings cladding her legs. It had a high collar, and the buttoned-up seam veered off to the left of her enormous rack and down her left side. To all surface appearances, she appeared to be an ordinary nurse, if abnormally tall and voluptuous.
Except ordinary nursing uniforms didn't have red Go-Faster stripes on them.
As stated before, strength was not the forte of this heroine that Kasumi had become, although she could outlift most world-class weightlifters. Her form was lither than Hulk-chan and Home-Wrecker, although she was taller over the tallest of the two by a good six inches. No, her true power was her tremendous speed and reflexes. Those and her acute senses. After all, as a medical professional she had to be able to respond to an emergency quickly, and to do that, she had to find them.
Tendou Kasumi had finished manifesting her alter-ego. Naughty Nurse Sosumi!
And not a moment too soon, as she could hear the invader into the Tendou compound was asking where Hulk-chan was.
"HEY!" shouted Kasumi as gently as her anger and husky voice allowed.
Two sets of eyes blinked and swiveled toward the hall where Kasumi, AKA Naughty Nurse Sosumi, stood.
"Dare da?" murmured both in confusion.
Kasumi apprached the invader a few steps before she gave into her urge to strike silly poses and make silly speeches. "I am the warrior for Health and Horniness, Naughty Nurse Sosumi!" she announced proudly, doing stupid Sailormoon-esque poses, "And in the Name of the Medical Profess—OOPS!" Kasumi danced out of the way of a spatula-swipe; only her super-speed and enhanced reflexes got her out of the way in time.
"This isn't Minky Momo, you know!" sneered Ukyou as the Angel of Mercy danced from her arc of doom.
Sosumi, nee Kasumi, blushed in embarassment as she tittered, "I just wanted to try it, you know."
Home-Wrecker didn't answer her, instead immediately swiping her spatula at the interloper. With a smile, Sosumi seemed to vanish like a Chesire cat. "Huh?!" H-Wrecker gasped in surprise as her spatula tore through the afterimage of her quarry. She glanced around, confused; Naughty Nurse Sosumi was nowhere to be found!
A giggle—and a sharp pain in her bicep—brought her attention to her spatula. Sosumi was sitting, legs folded under her, atop her spatula. The situation reminded Home-Wrecker strongly of the time when she, as Ukyou, had battled Ranma; she didn't even feel her weight as she sat on the flat of her spatula. She was brought out of this surprise as she felt something being injected, and realized that a hypodermic had somehow penetrated her overalls and her skin.
Sosumi withdrew the magical needle of her magical hypo as Home-Wrecker began to feel
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