Unable to stand it much longer, and wither current partner still in lala land Nabiki reached forward to start to undo her dress, and tore it off like toilet paper because of a brief spasm of pleaser. Her mind still not yet completely taken by the lust growing within her, Nabiki blinked her pale green eyes (and growing greener every blink) a few times while she looked at the tight in front of her.
It wasn't her dress that was all that interesting, but the arm holding it. With every heartbeat her skin grew greener as her muscles got a major boost in size. A beat later she felt her bra snapped and two titanic tits bounded loose from their confinement while her panties started to look more and more like a string bikini.
Quickly reaching up to her chest, Nabiki stroked her breasts to make sure this wasn't a dream. The wave of overwhelming please that quickly followed told her that indeed it wasn't; and also succeeded in striping away the last of Nabiki's coherent thoughts.
Her changing body needed relief, and with Hulk-chan still dazed she was the only one to provided it. So by cum that's what she was going to do!
After bringing her other hand up Nabiki started to stroke her titflesh, every menstruation adding onto both her height and muscle mass. Two squeezes later and her underwear snapped like a faulty rubber band, giving Nabiki access to her sweet sticky center.
With one hand still on her chest Nabiki reached down and after a bit of work slid one of her fingers into her green clint, and let herself explore every millimeter inside while she rocked back and forth on the bed that strained to contain the weight of the two green giants. However with one still growing with every moan of pleasure it looked to be loosing the battle.
Then with an orgasmic roar as the bed broke beneath her the titan removed her finger to let the waterfall cum on out and spew all over the floor with its arousing scent. The new Nabiki sat panting in exhaustion for a moment before falling back to catch her breath.
Laying there on the bed turned futon with her gamma sister, like Akane, Nabiki's personality started to undergo a change. Where once had been a cold, uncaring, ice queen who only cared about herself and maybe a select few that even she wasnt sure about half the time, there was now a girl who was...
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(Posted Sun, 16 Nov 2003 21:42)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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