"I'm going to give that jerk a piece of my mind, and the pounding of his life the next time I see him," snarled the youngest Tendo daughter as she stomped off.
"Umm Miss Customer?" said the Guide.
"How is you going to go when you is no wearing much?"
Looking down at herself, Akane winced.
He sighed and went to go see if he had any spare clothing she could wear. It wouldn't be that much of a problem, and it would help make sure that he didn't notice again that this is that even if they were smaller, they did bounce.
Rushing into her bedroom, and locking her door, Shampoo put her prize on her bed. "This too TOO delicious," she said happily.
Stuck in her frozen state, Ukyo didn't think that it was so.
Crouching over the stiff figure, she ran her thumb over the 'lips' of the chocolate covering. Then she lowered her mouth so that she could kiss and lick the hardened representation of the chef's soft ones. She kept it up until the sweet covering had melted away, and the pink of Ukyo's lips were exposed.
The chef whimpered a little as the meeting of their mouths sent odd little signals out through her body. She could feel her body tightening and loosening all at once.
Hearing the tiny sound that she had made, the Amazon smiled as she moved lower to the chocolate covered mounds of the other girl's breasts. Glancing up at her partner's eyes, she gave a little lick at one covered nipple. She sucked on it, passed the point where the chocolate had melted off of it, and until the bare nub had risen to a hardened point. Then she moved to the other full mound, and repeated her little tasting.
"That taste TOO good," Shampoo commented as she raised her head to look into the chef's eyes. Running her hands down the chocolate covering over the slim waist, hips, and down her shapely legs. "But is time for Shampoo to get 'special filling' "
Ukyo wondered what the other girl meant, before noticing her going down between her frozen legs and to the juncture of them. She could feel her tounge licking the chocolate there, thinning the hard sweet there until it left her most intimate place bare. The chef's eyes widened as she felt the lavender haired girl's tounge rasp against her sensitive petals, taking special care to brush against her most sensitive spot. Her tounge darted in and out of the brunette, making her eyes flutter as bursts of sensation ran through her body. Frozen as she was, all Ukyo could do was twitch and moan as the Amazon worked her magic.
It went on for so long that she thought that it would never end, but when it did, she yelled as she came as much as she could.
Shampoo grinned at the heavily breathing girl. "Shampoo see you like too. But this only start. Such sweets need savor long LONG time!"
Still in a haze, Ukyo could only agree while:
(Posted Sun, 29 Jun 2003 23:42)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
All other series and their characters are © by their respective creators or owners. No claims of ownership of these characters are implied by the authors of this Addventure, or should be inferred.
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