Nabiki just gave a lighthearted giggle as she twisted her nipples, causing milk to dribble on her hands. "I'm giving milk like a cow, big sister. Tastes as good too."
"You giving.... umph!" Nabiki decided she couldn't wait for a yes or no answer from her big sister, so she stuffed three of her right hand finger into Kasumi's mouth, and let her sister's tongue do its work.
In most cases, the drinking the milk of a girl who drank the milk tea would have no consenquence to the drinker. The drinker would just note that the milk tasted as good as cow's milk. But in rare cases, the milk gained some 'additives' that, when drunk by another girl, would put the drinker under the same effects of the milk tea. The 'additives' were in lower concentration then the tea, however, so it would take more then just a cup to get the same effect. But it so happens once a girl got a taste, she would crave more to drink, and drink as much until she is also in a state of lactation, airheadness, and horniness.
Ranma never knew about the rare effects. The page with that information was missing. Nor was he around when Kasumi found Nabiki in that state. He left after taking pictures of her milking herself in secret(turnabout is fair play). Had he stuck around, he would have realized that there was something wrong with the picture, as Nabiki was one of those rare cases in which the milk did have 'additives' and that Kasumi was going to partake in it.
Kasumi didn't know, and she didn't care as she tasted whatever milk was on Nabiki's fingers. After a while Nabiki pulled her fingers out, allowing Kasumi to voice her opinion.
"Oh my... that milk did come from you?"
Nabiki nodded enthusiastically, her swollen chest bobbing as she did. "Yep, and there's more where that came from.
"Goodness," Kasumi said, noting Nabiki's sizable orbs. "You do need to be milked, do you?"
"Uh huh."
Kasumi thought for a moment. What would be wrong with milking her now? Besides, if she's milked Nabiki might be more managable when she would take her to Dr. Tofu's office. "Wait right there," she told Nabiki, as she went to the kitchen to get an empty container.
Nabiki, still giggling, got on all fours again, knowing that big sis was going to milk her.
Kasumi returned with a pot and placed it under Nabiki's breasts. "After this, I'm going to take you to Dr. Tofu's. Is that ok?" Nabiki nodded, and gasped as Kasumi started working on her breasts. The only thing Nabiki could do was moan and moan(or was that moo and moo?) in pleasure as Kasumi's fingers did their magic and filled the pot with milk.
"Oh my, that's quite an amount of milk," Kasumi noted as the pot was filled to capacity, just when it seem Nabiki would not give more(for the moment). Kasumi dipped a finger into the milk and tasted it. "Hmmm.... I think I'll have a glass of this before I get you ready Nabiki." Nabiki just sat back up, her hands rubbing her breasts so she could enjoy the sensations.
Kasumi pulled out a large glass and poured the milk into the brim. Seeing that the glass was full, Kasumi put the glass to her lips and started sipping the milk. The sipping however quickly turned into gulpings as Kasumi quickly polished off the glass contents. "That was good milk," she said to herself. With that she led went back to Nabiki with the intention taking her to her room of getting her dressed.
(Posted Wed, 18 Jun 2003 22:50)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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