Her lips locked with the golden-eyed woman's as her arms encircled the pale shoulders emerging from the raven-feathered shawl. The woman's strong hands gripping behind her and caressing the redhead's firm ass.
As she pressed herself against Morrigan the second woman gripped at her red shirt from behind and ripped it off before running divinely sooth hands over Ranma's scarred, warrior's back.
Artemis was well pleased with what she saw. Both Morrigan and her were warrior goddesses, and it was apparent, as she suspected, that this girl in their arms knew the arts of war well. She was slightly annoyed, however, that Morrigan had managed to get the red-head's attention first. Still, there were other things to be achieved.
Ranma moaned and sighed as Morrigan kissed down the red-head's throat and then latched upon her breasts as hands fumbled open Ranma's trousers.
Artemis, pressed against Ranma's back and nibbling at her ear took advantage quickly. She pulled down Ranma's boxers, a note that confused Artemis for a moment, but she shoved it aside as her hand slipped around and then up into Ranma's petals.
Morrigan felt the sudden shift in the mortal's demeanor and heard higher pitch of Ranma's cries, and she momentarily broke off from suckling to level an annoyed glance toward Artemis, who merely smirked and again firmly stroked Ranma's womanhood.
A knee rose up between Ranma's legs pressing Artemi's hand further in and further enhancing the sensations blowing through the redhead.
Ranma clutched at Morrigan and bucked hard against the hand and knee pressing her ever forward towards the heights of the heavens she was already within. She didn't know what she was supposed to do as the two goddesses stroked her and bit and licked and kissed and suckled.
What rational thought the dust had left behind was firmly and completely blown away as she gave in to just grabbing what she could, and moving by guess and whim.
She arched back and twisted in Morrigan's grip to get a better look at the silver-eyed Amazon that had been firing her back all this time. Artemis smiled and bent forward to virtually swallow Ranma's lips as Morrigan's hands firmly crushed Ranma's breasts before descending toward Ranma's womanhood, allowing Artemis's own chest to collide with Ranma's.
There was noting but a golden haze of pleasure and amazement in Ranma's mind as she was pulled ever higher, losing all motor control until finally the tension broke over her like a wave.
The two goddesses stood up over Ranma's insensate form as she gasped for breath.
"We're at your place," Morrigan said. "You first."
"Ambrosia!" Artemis called out, with a triumphant smile on her face.
One of her servants quickly brought a cup of the golden liquid which the moon goddess set to Ranma's lips as Morrigan held her up. Ranma blinked as the divine liquor burned down her throat and she was carried to the edge of the grove, her body seizing in shock as the drink of the gods tore through her.
As she was set down, a great flower opened outward, stigma reaching outward to firmly grip the dazed girl and wrap within it's folds. It pulled her inward, closing the beautiful petals around her as the soft tendrils latched onto her and entering her in every way possible.
The two goddesses watched the cocoon thrash gently and weakly for over an hour before the flower again opened up and deposited the still dazed Ranma, sticky with the nectar of the flower that had just reshaped her. Nectar which was even now seeping into her skin, which was taking a dusky, woody hue as her eyes were turning deep green and the mark of her ruling goddess appeared on her forehead.
Morrigan leaned over Ranma as she tried to sit up.
"What's happenin'," she asked blearily.
"Nothing for you to worry about, child," Morrigan said, taking a swift breath through her nose to enjoy the girl's new scent.
She bent down and sucked at Ranma's tit for a moment, invoking a low, satisfied groan as she drew the nectar from the new dryad's breasts.
"I believe it is your turn," Artemis said. "The moon is setting, there is just enough time for you. Unless you want to leave her mine alone."
"Oh yes," Morrigan said. "Thank you for reminding me."
"Hey don't stop," Ranma muttered as Morrigan stood up and the scene about them shifted to another moonlit grove. A colder grove, with different trees.
Morrigan smiled as she drew a line across her breast with her fingernail, blood seeping from the small cut. She firmly and gently gripped Ranma, bringing her lips to Morrigan's breath and letting her drink deeply of the war-goddess blood.
Artemis watched Morrigan's expressions and motions as Ranma drank and frowned as the war goddess was taking an obvious and large amount of pleasure from the act.
"Time, Morrigan," Artemis said.
Morrigan rolled her eyes a moment, but her partner was correct and she drew away from Ranma, lifting up the blood smeared-dryad and walking to a shrine to lay her body in the moonlight.
Again Ranma's eyes fogged over as another change wracked over her body. She shivered almost uncontrolably in the air, under the moon. Half of each iris turned slowly red as a second mark appeared on her forehead and her fiery red-hair turned a deeper, bloody color.
And as they waited for the moon and Morrigan's blood to do their work, the goddess's turned their attentions to each other.
"It is done," Morrigan said. "Upon the three days of the new and full moon's she will have all her powers. Otherwise."
"During the waning, she'll be your bansidhe," Artemis said. "And my dryad during the waxing."
And then, in the morning...
Read the comments on this episode
See other episodes by Thrythlind
(Posted Sun, 08 Jun 2003 17:55)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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