Ranma dusted off her hands in satisfaction. “Stupid baka, Just because I got to do what pop tells me to for a month don’t make me your toy when he ain’t here,” she told the guide.
It was a bit of a wasted effort on her part. He wasn’t listening. He was currently plastered upside down in a corner of the room, his face a mass of lumps and bruises.
He was suffering for two reasons. One, he’d tried to force Ranma to service him sexually, and two, she was feeling jealous of hell that some bimbo was getting Ranma’s personal cock and had been looking for someone to take it out on. Either one would, or could, have resulted in him getting a bashing, together they caused her to go a bit overboard on his ass.
If the guide had been young, hung and clean, she might have decided to show her Pop that she didn’t need him to have a good time, but as he was none of those, she wasn’t about to do that with him on her own say so..
The didn’t do anything to assuage her horniness, however. Ranma had discovered sex was a wonderful thing. She’d barely had her curse a few hours and she’d discovered the wonderful potential it possessed for pleasure. Much more so than her male body.
Even when she’d been fingering herself to Orgasm after orgasm, however, she hadn’t considered the implicating of her now possessing ‘slot c’ as in, insert tap ‘D’ into. Or of how much fun that could be. Her father had, however, and had quickly demonstrated same to her. Much to her surprise she’d like it, a lot. Even more to her surprise, her pop was fucking good at fucking. He never failed to make her come like crazy. If he hadn’t insisted on the stupid rule about staying a girl, and acting like a slave, she’d have been happy as hell with the new ‘training’ she was getting on a regular basis. Or at least that she’d been getting regularly up till now.
“Goddamn it! Where is the stupid fucker?” she swore. She was horny, and her stupid Pop was off giving ‘her’ cock to some bimbo. Listening to the other girl cry out in ecstacy over and over had not made Ranma’s temper very sweet, as the guide had found out.
A noise in the doorway caused her to spin around. Just in time to see her father slip into the room. “About time!” she yelled. “Where the hell have you been?”
Genma made shushing noises with his mouth and quite gestures with his hands.
Ranma was having none of it. “Stupid, old man. How can I be a sex slave if I don’t’ have sex? Get those pants off and fuck me!”
“Be quiet, girl,” Genma hissed at her. He clapped a hand over her mouth to shut her up. He looked around for their packs, and saw them laying against a wall, next the crumpled body of the guide. He didn’t even blink at the sight of the guide. He took a step and fell on his face. While he’d been looking for their bags, Ranma had been undoing the ties to his pants, and they’d slid to his ankles tripping him up.
Ranma slipped free of Genma’s hand as he fell and hooked a foot around one of his ankles so that as he fell he twisted and landed on his back. She pounced on top of him and took hold of his balls in one hand and his cock in the other.
Genma who had been about to toss her off him froze as he felt her hand close around his delicate balls. “Now, boy, lets talk this over,” he hissed in a frightened voice, visions of being emasculated filling his head. “Maybe I’ve been a bit roooooooooo,”
Genma’s voice trailed off as Ranma swallowed his limp cock, or at least tried to as she sucked it entirely into her mouth.
“mmmmm, Ranma purred around her mouthful of soft male meat. Pop always tasted pretty good, but he tasted really sweet this time. It didn’t’ take a genius to figure out that it might have something to do with the bimbo he’d been fucking all night, and Ranma’s attitude toward her took a turn for the better. If she tasted this good second hand, she’d be worth keeping around to try out first hand.
The expression on Genma’s face showed that Ranma’s action was giving him a mixture of pain and pleasure, with maybe the pain being in the ascendant. In short, he looked like he was enjoying it a lot less than Ranma was. He’d nearly rubbed himself raw fucking the Amazon into the ground, and his supper sensitive flesh was almost cringing away from Ranma’s eager oral technique.
Ranma didn’t give a damn. All she wanted was to get her ‘master’ into operation condition. Ranma applied every trick she’d learned in the last few days, and even then it took a good ten minutes to get Genma up. It was with great satisfaction that she finally managed to, however. Ranma wasted no time in lowering herself down on top of him. She then began to ride him like a pony, using her hands on his stomach to provide balance. Her hips flashed up and down as she impaled herself on him over and over again. She quickly worked her way to an orgasm, and kept right on riding.
Genma’s eyes were spinning in their sockets as Ranma continued to whip his dead horse with everything she had, and it went on and on. He couldn’t even escape by coming up into her tight little pussy, he was too pooped to pop. Indeed, only Ranma’s superb muscle tone managed to keep him hard at all.
It was nearly an hour later that Ranma gave a last gasp of release, and fell forward on top of her father’s chest, where she slipped off into a contented slumber, purring like a cat with a belly ful of cream.
Genma gave a heartfelt groan, and started to gather himself for the effort it would take to shift Ranma off him and get to his feet. It was then that he noticed.
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See other episodes by T.H. Tiger
(Posted Sun, 11 Jul 2004 16:01)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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