Lust Dust: In A Glen (LEMON) [Episode 46928]

by Kender

Before being hit by the Dust, Ranma would have never even considered going with Ryouga. That would have been totally out of the question, and the pig-boy in question would have been pounded for that attempt. She would have stomped off in a huff, grumbling about the 'perverted pig' or something like that.

However, Ranma had just been in the center of the creation of a rather large cloud of Lust Dust. Which allowed her to be one of those to get one of the largest concentrations the Dust. That had resulted in her being pretty much out of it. Whatever she had been thinking about before Mousse's 'attack' had been forgotten and in its place was an intense need for something very intimate. And all she knew of it was that there was only one thing which would relieve it, and with her sight of Ryouga, only one person who could ever give it to her.

So as Ryouga reached out for her, she went to him. His arms went about her and their lips met in what quickly became a passionate kiss. They stood there, without paying any attention to what was going on around them. But as they paused for breath, they looked into each other's eyes and came to a decision.

Scooping her up into his arms, Ryouga managed to find the door on the first try and as soon as he got out, he began roof hopping for any place that would allow them privacy for what they needed to do. The Dojo, his family's home, the school gym... Any of them would do as long as they were quiet and deserted.

But instead of finding them, he wound up getting them to a clear spot in a wooded area outside of the city limits. That didn't matter much to them however. It only meant that they would be alone for their time together.

Moving Ranma so that she sat on his lap, Ryouga sat himself on the grass and rolled out his sleeping bag while the redhead nuzzled his neck. Once that was out of his way, he returned his attention to her and their shared needs. He began to feel along her body, enjoying each bit of her that he could. At the same time, she was running her hands along his body and placing small kisses along his chin and neck.

The only time that she would stop for her to gasp as his hands found her cloth cover breasts and began to caress them through the fabric. Biting her lip for a moment, she began to return the favor as she lowered her own hand search and began to touch along his thighs. What she really wanted to feel, she instead manipulated by shifting her hips playfully, rubbing her bottom along his lap.

Ryouga groaned in response, and clutched at her harder. That slowed them for a moment, but only so that they could look at each other's faces. Then slowly, he began to pull off her shirt and then her undershirt so that she was nude from the waist up. He moved his head to her cleavage and began to kiss each firm mound before coming to the hard peak of one. Taking it into his mouth, he suckled on it, flicking the nub with his tounge, and then repeated it with the other She gasped and moaned into his hair with pleasure from his minstrations and grabbed at his pants to find something to keep steady.

Then his head came back up, and his hands went lower. Barely lifting her from his lap, he pulled off her pants and boxers, leaving her completely bare to him. This allowed him to move his hands along her shapely legs, allowing his fingertips to trail along the soft skin they found there. Up her curved hip they went, and onto the firm muscles of her stomach where the light stroking sent shivers of pleasure up and down her spine. Never before, not even during overheard conversations over magazines, had she ever heard of the belly being so sensitive, or anything could be as that much.

It also had the maddening way of keeping her in suspense of what was coming. She could tell that he was not doing it intentionally, but she was warring with herself whether or not to demand that he go where she knew that he would, or to revel in what he was already doing to her. Torn between both, she did neither, which allowed him to use her body as his instrument at his leisure. When he did move to the place between her legs, her mind nearly shattered from the pleasure.

He was clumsy at first at it, but she didn't care. This was Ryouga touching her in ways that she had never been before. He was the one she so wanted, and he was learning. As he stroked and fondled the slick petals of her opening, he began to learn how to use her whimpers to guide him to even higher levels of sensation. Those probing fingers manipulated her folds until she had thrown her head back and screamed as she came around his hand.

As she panted from that particular release, she leaned against him for support. She didn't let her need to recover a bit to stop her however. Once she got herself collected enough, she began to work on him. While kissing and stroking him, she began to pull off his shirt and his undershirt just as he had to her. Tossing the clothing to the side, she delighted in exploring his chest with her hands and mouth, making him groan this time as she nibbled along the hard muscles that she found there.

Raising her bottom a bit allowed him to move his legs so that they were straight out from him. That made it easy for her to put her hands below the edge of his pants and boxers, so that she could pull them to his ankles. Reching behind herself, she undid the ties around his legs and he kicked off the articles of clothing. Doing so left her sitting in his lap with his hardened rod laying against her bare leg.

The feel of it distracted her, and made her more aware than ever about what she was about to do, but she held herself back as best that she could. Her small hands found the organ, and began to explore it, stroking the legnth of it, which drew hisses of pleasure from him. Smiling at him, she kept on feeling it, until his teeth were too clenched for him to make a sound.

That was the point at which she let him go a bit. He slid back from the brink enough so that he was not about to go over the edge. Ranma placed the tip of it at her glistening opening, and started him back on the path to release. Sliding foward, she impaled herself on that rod, and despite the slight pain that she felt, she had to let out of puff of breath at the wonderful sensations that brought to her. Placing her hands on his shoulders, she began to bounce upon his lap, moving his organ in and out of her and sending them into moans and groans of growing pleasure. His hands cupped her breasts and moulded the flesh, spurring her on faster. Then he stroked along her sides until he reached her hips and held onto them.

Release came for her a second time and her scream was as loud as the first. Her rear slammed into his hips, pushing him deep into her and over the edge into release as his arms snapped around her and crushed her upper body to his. It was a very tight grip that he had on her, one that even she would not be able to break, but that was not something that she cared about. Instead, she moved her mouth to his and gave him a hard kiss as they began to fall to the ground. His back impacted the grass beneath them, and she lay on top of him still joined, yet that was something that was in its own way just as pleasurable.

They lay there like that, not care of where they were, enjoying the moments of afterglow that they had. Both knew that the need was already growing, and that they would be at it again soon enough. But that was for later, and this was for cuddle time. He simply held his arms around her, a bit looser but still there, as she lay her head against his shoulder. It was a simple moment that was all their own, and one that they could stay in while:

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(Posted Wed, 28 May 2003 06:10)

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