Gina frowned slightly at the lack of response she was getting from Ranma. She felt momentary panic at that fact. Could she have been wrong? He didn't find her attractive like he did her sisters? He didn't care for her in this way like he did the others?
The kiss ended slowly, Ranma never returning the kiss. Gina pulled back, a forced smile on her lips as she mumbled an apology. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."
Ranma watched her for a moment, wondering what on earth he should do concerning this situation. He'd have to be completly blind not to realize what Gina was trying to do, nor could he ignore the well hidden flash of hurt in the young womans eyes. What was he going to do?
Jusenkyo would have snorted, if it could. Instead it opted to cause one of its pools to erupt slightly, its water flinging about the air and landing on a single ant drone.
Said ant quickly morphed into a 'Queen' Ant, and quickly ran for its life. The ant would build its forces, bide its time, breed like mad, and then it would rage war across the three kingdoms! That supreme bitch 'Scratch-Scratch-Pluck' would die for enslaving it to its whims! Now she was the queen! Payback would be slow and sweet, yes it will.
The two had remained silent for a time, Ranma watching Gina's emotions play across her face as the seconds marched on. He tried to think of something to say, but he was confused about his feelings for the girl and thus was stunned into inaction.
After the moments had passed, Gina admitted to herself Ranma wasn't interested in her like she was in him. "Get better soon Ranma. Sorry if I.." she sighed and shook her head, "Get well soon."
She stood up to leave slowly, and as she was leaving Ranma snapped into action instinctually, his hand snapping out and grabbing her by the wrist. "Gina, don't go." he finally spoke, looking at her seriously.
Gina settled herself back down, and was surprised to find Ranma scooting over towards her, quickly wrapping her in his strong warm embrace, "Gina, you wanted to tell me something. What is it?" Gina steeled herself. If the physical action didn't explain what she wanted, then it was time to try words. She only prayed she didn't choke up like she almost did earlier. She grasped his hand, squeezing it firmly as if looking to borrow some of his inner strength.
"It's finny, y'know, the way things turn out." Ranma spoke first, watching Gina's small dainty hand grasp his overly large furry one. "If anyone told me three days ago I'd be here, turned into a were-cheetah, having sex with people I never even realized I had lusted and yearned for, I'd have laughed in their face."
Gina listened intently, leaning on his shoulder and closing her eyes as she tried to gather her nerve and thoughts.
"I love Brianna." Ranma stated firmly, "And I love Brittany." he smiled softly then, reaching over with his free hand to cup Gina's cheek, "And I want you to know, Gina. I do love you, never doubt that."
Gina's eyes popped open, getting caught quickly in his ethereal blue gaze. She looked generally surprised to hear him say that. She was about to say something, but he silenced her with a tender loving kiss.
Asrial pouted, idly flicking through the channels. "Its not fair!" she whimpered out.
Tyr sighed, leaning back and relaxing abit. "Whats not fair? Archon getting lucky with Ranma before either of us, Julia becoming his personal watch dog, or those annoying Peebos dancing in the front lawn singing 'We are the champions'?"
Archon blushed brightly, but kept her eyes riveted on the TV. She was not going to get into another 'details' conversation with those two. Why, she felt lucky to not have fainted when they asked what positions they had been in, and if she could show them.
Brianna grumped. She had spoken with Archon earlier, and had accepted the fact Ranma had seemingly slept with the Empress. She felt a small twinge of hurt over that, but she was a big girl and she couldn't really blame him. She herself had often been known to go on 'nookie'-thons, of that Genn and Seance can attest to. "Leave my Peebo's alone! There just happy about something."
Asrial rolled her eyes, "Yeah yeah." she hmmed softly, "Brianna?"
"What?" Brianna responded as she twiddled her thumbs in sheer boredom. Being grounded sucks! Maybe she could find Ranma for some more... Brianna blinked, realizing something most odd. She didn't feel a shred of.. need.. desire for nookie! Oh boy, had Ranma screwed it out of her?
"Whats up with you're mom? She's been treating Ranma like some escaped convict in need of 'supervision'. How are me and Tyr suppose to seduce him if she's always watching him!" Asrial cried out in dismay. She ignored the singing purple dinosuar who just popped out on screen singing "I love you' or some crap.
Brianna shrugged, "No clue on that. She's just concerned with the accident, and the fact he boinked Ms. Empress of the Kyrn there has something to do with it. Ranma NEVER does stuff like that, so she's concerned."
Tyr sighed, casting a scathing glare at Archon, who opted to Ignore her in favor of the Dancing Dinosuar. It was then she noticed something odd.. "Hey Brianna? Where did Gina dissappear off to?"
Brianna shrugged, "Probably down to the Lab or something." then she smirked mischeviously, "Or she figured now was the time to jump Ranma's bones while everyone else was preoccupied.." she giggled jovially at that.
Everyone else, Sans Archon who was still fighting the growing embarrasment, laughed with that. Gina wouldn't do something like that, right? Right!
Gina pulled back from the kiss, feeling much better inside now that Ranma had all but confirmed her own hopes. She knew, on some level, that he didn't really understand what he was saying in words, but his actions spoke on a level mere words could never contend with.
"R,ranma.." Gina struggled to say how she felt, to make sure he knew her own feelings on the matter, but Ranma wouldn't have it. He traced her jaw bone with kisses and soft nibbles. He leaned back on the bed then, dragging Gina with him as he tickled her sides softly.
"H,H,HEY! Stop that!" she giggled and squirmed in his grasp, kicking off her boots and socks as she struggled to free herself of these restrictive clothes.
Julia ducked under Gar's round kick, rolled forward to avoid Luan's heel stomp and roll to her feet, immediatly jumping in a over head flip over Carla's leg sweep.
She landed quickly, the three fanning out defensivly as she flowed towards them. Carla met with her first, she launched into an intricate combo of fast and power punches which totally overwhelmed the girls defenses. A well placed chop to the girls neck took her down.
Julia sneered at her remaining two opponetts in this spar, weaving to the right to avoid Gar's lightning fast combo while defending easily against Luan's fast and furious attacks. "This is pathetic! Ranma by himself gave me more of a hassle than this! Whats wrong with you three!?"
Gar gunted, ignoring the taunts his master was spewing out. Long sparrings with Ranma had practically made him immune to such distractions. He felt compelled to answer, though, "Nothing Sensei." he mumbled out as he led into the woman's defences quickly.
Gar almost whooped in triumph when he managed to Tag Julia on the shoulder slightly, but that victory was cut short when Julia laid into him like a pack of wolves. Punches flew faster than he had ever seen, pain ignited across his form as his master beat him into submission faster than he had seen her ever do before.
Luan frowned greatly, jumping away from the insane melee to take stock of the situation. Carla was down and no moving, Gar himself had just fallen and she herself was tired from this marathon fighting. There was no way she was going to win this combat, not that she ever expected too in either case.
Julia snorted and held up her hand, signalling Luan that the fighting was over. Luan let off a sigh in relief, glad she didn't have to get her ass beaten down. She had just relaxed her stance when she realized Julia was barreling down on her, obviously the call for break had been a ploy.
Luan was soundly beaten to a pulp in record time, her tiredness and lack of defense making sure this was so. As she slumped down, she heard Julia sprout off in lecture, "Never lower you're defense, no matter the circumstances." and then darkness claimed her.
Julia snorted, watching her three unconscious students balefully. They were good, Julia admitted to herself, but they weren't anywhere near her level, or Ranma's for that matter. She realized slowly that she should have gone alittle slower with them, but after the long invigorating fight with Ranma she hadn't yet allowed herself to calm down totally.
Shaking off such thoughts, Julia quickly checked to make sure her students weren't too badly hurt, and then went into the house.
The situation with Ranma was really trying her nerves. She couldn't figure out what was wrong with him, and despite Theo's assurances that nothing could escape his Aural scan she wasn't convinced.
"What could possible fool my Aura scan he says." Julia mumbled out. Her husband was far to stubborn to realize magic couldn't solve everything. Why, just look at his Jusenkyo research. He didn't even get a glimmer of..
"Jusenkyo!" Julia gasped out, already searching for her husband. It made sense. Jusenkyo was thought to be alive, some how possessing a mind of its own. It could be possible Jusenkyo itself was screwing with Ranma's head. Hell, it was Jusenkyo's magic that made it possible for Brianna to infect Ranma with Lycanthropie, so it wasn't a farfetched Theory.
Ranma and Gina tusseled in bed, clothing flying askance as the two sought desperatly to be free of such restricting clothing.
Once freed, Ranma was pleasantly surprised to they had some how ended up in the patented 69 position. Grasping her thighs roughly, Ranma dove into the sensual genius's petals, as she herself began to lick and nip at the head of his bud.
Gina groaned softly, her velvety slim hand running up and down Ranma's impressive length. She loved the way Ranma teased her folds, being oh so gentle at the right moments and becoming rough and harsh just when she wanted it. If she didn't know better she would have sworn Ranma was a pyshic of some sort.
Applying some spittle to the head of Ranma's angry cock, Gina lubricated the monster up slightly, then Ranma felt the head engulfed in a moist heat. There was no way Gina could possibly take his entire length down her throught, but what she managed felt heavenly to the male version of Brianna.
Ranma niped at her flesh breifly, enjoying the tangy tase of her fluids as she began to get wet. He pulled away from her folds slightly and ignored the mew of dissappointment Gina sounded, instead he wetted his finger, then dove right back into her folds, much to Gina's delight. Ranma raised his hand up to her receptive flower, his wet finger tracing teasing rings as he increased the pressure on her folds.
Gina shivered, feeling Ranma so close and teasing her rosebud. Just as she was about to pull off Ranma's cock and warn him not to intrude there, she felt his finger squirm in slowly as his tongue picked up the pace on her folds.
It was too much, Ranma's boldness compiled with the wonderful muff diving broke the damn and had her squeeling in delight as her first orgasm rose up and crashed down.
Ranma slurped up the juices Gina's honey pot was gushing out en mass. He made a mental note to use that trick next time they did this.
"So, you think Jusenkyo could be the cause behind Ranma's sudden.. actions?" Theo asked, amused. Julia really was obsessed with this.
Julia nodded quickly, pacing around the room nervously, "It'd have to be Theo! You said so yourself! The chaotic magic of Jusenkyo caused his changed when it came into contact with Bri's latent power. Ever since then he's been changing Theo, and I'm pretty damn sure it isn't for the better."
Theo hmm'ed, reviewing some tome on his desk as he contemplated Julia's words. A moment passed before hre yeilded to her desire, it made sense in a strange way. "I'll take Seance and Ranma to Jusenkyo later and see if we can find a possible connection. Well that set you're mind at ease, dear?"
Julia nodded gratefully as she slinked up and hugged her husband, kissing him tenderly on the cheek, "Thanks." she nibbled his ear, softly, "Don't go anywhere tonight dear, I want some quality time."
Theo sweated nervously. Truth be told he was dead tired from the last two nights of 'quality time' his dear wife had given him. In this relationship Theo knew he was the bitch, generally the first to tire out. Why, if he wasn't an aura mage he didn't think he could survive his wifes 'attentions'. Theo coughed, chuckling nervously, "Shouldn't you check on Ranma?"
Julia hmm'ed, slinking a hand down Theo's chest and darting it into his pants. "I beat Ranma so bad I doubt he could 'rise' to the occasion, even if it presented itself." she nibbled her way along Theo's jawline, "On second thought.. strip Theo."
Theo gulped, wondering how he was going to survive this next round.
Ranma grunted, pushing Gina forward roughly. Gina's arms collapsed, her butt arched upward as she presented herself to Ranma in all her glory.
Gina whimpered, feeling the huge beast that is Ranma's 'Horse' peice her being, sliding in teasingly slowly only to pull most of the way out, then slide just a tad bit more.
Ranma leaned over, grasping her breasts gently as he whispered, "Gina, what...what" he groaned as Gina's inner folds clamped tightly around his rod. Gina was a tight tight fit in his current form. "... what did.. did you want.. to tell meeee." he nearly roared at the end there as he bucked his hips, burying himself as deep as he could in Gina's ready delta.
Gina swooned, panting as she felt herself filled up to the brim. She clenched tightly at the sheets, grinding her teeth at the absolute feelings of pleasure erupted in her. Oh she had wanted to do this with Ranma for so long, the feeling of finally giving in to her base desires made this oh so special. She heard his question, and in her pleasure filled delirium she spoke from her heart, "I.. I love you Ranma.. GOD AH.. AH.. I've loved you for a long.. AHH AH... time.."
Ranma stopped immediatly, clarity given over passion.
Gina mewwed in dissappointment when he froze up, at least until Gina realized what she had said - then she sobered up lightning fast as well. 'Stupid stupid stupid! I can't believe I just said that!'
The long seconds past by, and Gina just knew Ranma wasn't going to finish this, all because of her stupid mouth and her stupid feelings. Why would he care about her like that? He had so many other woman all after him, not to mention Royalty from beyond the Earth!
So you can understand, it came as quiet as surprise when Ranma whispered, "I love you too, Gina. I.. I have for a long time..." his voice, at first questioning, repeated that statement with absolute conviction and confidance. It helped matters he started their tango back up with renewed passion and determination.
Despite the long pause, Gina felt herself brought to another level of pleasure when he not only began to pump so much sensation into her, but also reciporcrated her feelings. That brought the her to a rapture she had never felt.
Brit snuggled contently with her Husband, enjoying the moment while she mentally questioned wether or not to come clean and tell him everything... What would she do?
"Commander Powell, we have finished construction as you requested."
The tough looking Hurtbot nodded, overlooking the specifications and double checking their work to make sure the construction wouldn't fail at an inoprotune moment.
A newbie Hurtbot, still in need of a serious lecture, asked, "Commander Powell, what is the point of this? It serves no purpose I can determine at this time."
Powell growled at the insiginifgant peon, "Master Gina dosen't want anyone 'Hearing' what might be said, or screamed, from this room. We do not question her orders, we simply follow them. Do you understand!"
Newbie eeped, saluted, and ran off. Those old timer Hurtbots were sure scary!
She pushed hard, the pain being intense and beyond what she had initially expected. Still, in the end it would serve her purposes. The pain can be ignored, and it was well worth it.
Queen smiled, cooing at her first of many drones that were to be born under her control. Oh What a wonderful occasion!
The drone came to consciousness quickly, it's beady eyes watching its 'mother' for the breifest of moment. It is only in this one simple instance that it will know the feeling of absolute love and devotion its Queen held for it, for in a few moments it knew it would be off to do her bidding. To build and prepare the war colony in preperation for its brothers and sisters.
As expected, the Queen set it down with orders, and off it went oh so happy to help her achieve her goals.
The Queen spared her first child a loving glance, before the pain of yet another drone coming into this world required all her attention.
Ranma howled, his hips buckling as Gina screamed incoherently though yet another Orgasm, her tight tight muscles clasping and suctioning harshly, demanding his seed.
They had been going at it for hours and hours on end, and both had lost count of the orgasms they both had, of the positions tried, and both had lost all sense of time as they joined as one.
It was late in the night when the two had finally stopped, both too tired and sore to continue on as they simply laid there, holding one another in a gentle embrace.
Ranma cuddled, purring gently as he held the panting woman against his sweaty chest. He was happy, nothing outside of this moment and this woman mattered to him for the time being.
Gina herself couldn't express the inwords what she was feeling. It was like a pain in her heart that she never knew was there had been washed away during the hours of their coupling, replaced by the comforting warmth Ranma's return of her feelings had inspired in her.
She knew she shouldn't stay here, else they be caught embraced as they were. But she was simply to tired, to satiated to even care about the problems tomarrow might bring. She drifted slowly through the haze of completeness she felt. Was this the feeling Brit had tried to explain to her? It didn't matter..
She feel asleep.
Ranma smiled at the girl in her arms, cuddling her comfortable as he used his tail to bring the blanket up and over them. Tomarrow could wait, tonight was all that mattered.
Even if the two lovers had decided to break apart lest people find out, it wouldn't have mattered.
Asrial, Tyr, Archon, and Brianna had long since gone in search of the woman. It was painfully obvious by the army of Hurtbots guarding Ranma's door as to where Gina was, and it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what was most likely happening within that room.
Asrial seethed in jealousy.
Tyr tried to seeth, but couldn't keep from blushing.
Archon wondered if she would get another chance at the impressive were-cheetah.
Brianna had gone through a long range of emotions. At first anger. Ranma wasn't being as faithful as she thought he would be. That quickly degraded to understanding. She wasn't a fool, it was painfully obvious due to various circumstances, sometimes just a starry gaze or a contentful sigh from her sister Gina, that her sister had feelings for the boy. Still, the question remained. What in hell was she going to do about that boy? Hell, he was acting more and more like her! And a despairing thought hit home. Not once the entire day had she desired nookie, from anyone. It was as if her Libido had taken a vacation and no one knew when it was coming back.
"This sucks." Brianna groaned.
(Sorry for the delay on this episode. People kept bugging me in RL. When I finally finished and went to create it I found out some one (or something) had booted me off the 'creation' process and it took me alittle bit to get back in. Anyway, here you go.)
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(Posted Sun, 25 May 2003 20:08)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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