Cheetah-Ranma & the Princesses: Keeping your Cover (LEMON) [Episode 46393]


Ranma-chan had frozen solid when strong arms had circled her and a large, male, naked body had started pressing against her clothed one.

Ranma wasn't, of course, wearing any panties, since they weren't part of the nurse costume and she wouldn't have accepted anyway.  So, her sex was totally unprotected when an unmistakable cylinder of hot flesh had slid between her legs and was rubbing against her neither lips.  And Stryyp wasn't mistaken; she was indeed wet down there!

Ranma's initial reaction had been a furious need to deck immediately the pervert.  But with his words she realized he was again confusing her for his wife, and this time with reasons.  She was in their room and dressed as a naughty nurse, one disguise Stryyp seemed to be familiar with....

Ranma shivered, her mind in turmoil.  On the one hand she never wanted to expose Britanny's little tryst... having seduced her was bad enough (although the second time she was doing all the work) but ruining her marriage in the process was a big no-no....  Ranma loved her too much to ever think of hurting the cute werecheetah girl.

But on the other hand... how the hell is she supposed to keep Stryyp in the dark now that she dumbly fell in his paws, and that he seemed in the mood for some husband-wife bonding?  She would never find a believable explanation for her ending in these clothes and sneaking into the room... he already detected his wife's scent on her.  The only way for him not to get suspicious would be if he kept believing she was Britanny, but that would mean... that would mean... oh no!

Unfortunately for Ranma-chan, her lack of response had only urged Stripe to explore further his options.  Or more exactly, to make sure his 'wife' was responsive.  His hands roamed over her front and gently cupped the breasts thru the fabric.  His rod stiffened against her sex, almost lifting her of the ground.  His mouth nibbled on a pointy ear, sending sensations that were totally unknown from human.

Ranma-chan gasped.  The desire to bolt out of the room and run like hell was higher than ever, but she didn't, rationalizing that she'll never live it out if everybody saw her in this outfit, and that Julia would kill her if she ever got wind of it and put the clues together.

In truth, it was some other factors that had Ranma rooted on the spot instead of fleeing with her tail between her legs.

Firstly, she was now a werecheetah.  A dying race, that was instinctively inclined to breed, or at least it has been a main subconscious motivation of her male form.  Also, she had now quite heightened senses, especially the touch and smell.  Stryyp's hands stroking her furry body was doing indescribable things to her nerve centers, and her nose was picking the smell of his arousal, along with lots of pheromones.  Those caused terrific chemical reactions in her brain, and she had no idea how to deal with them.

Secondly, thru the 'thrall' effect, she had unknowingly inherited of Brianna's raging libido.  One libido that was constantly starving for nookie... whether the body it was in was male or female.  Or maybe even more when it was female!

And thirdly... Ranma was feeling guilty.  Guilty to have made Britanny cheat on her husband.  Guilty to have smashed Stryyp earlier, while the poor guy was only making and understandable mistake, and so just after having cuckolded him.

That's why Ranma-chan wasn't freaking out or panicking or simply yelling: "I'm a guy!"  The concept of having sex as a girl with a man may have been the substance of her nightmares for a long time, but she never could have avoided... thinking about it.  Or even, sometime, being... curious about it.  And now, her aroused state was taking advantage of this flaw in her subconscious barriers to break thru them.

Ranma moaned incoherently as the hands continued their trek over her furry body, starting to unbutton the front of her blouse.  Her puffy vagina was now almost dripping on the hard rod that rubbed against it.  Slowly and Gently, Stryyp made her turn head and captured her lips with his own.  Her eyes rolled in their orbits, her mind trying to scream: "What the FUCK am I doing?!", but she didn't protest.  Overwhelmed by lust, she gave in and deepened the kiss, letting his tongue invade her mouth.

Stryyp'Gia, on his part, was still a bit out of it after the stunning blow to the head he received, thanks to the sexy kitten he was now holding in his arms.  Else he would probably have realized that this human-feline hybrid was way smaller than the one he got used to warming his bed.  Not to mention plenty other little details that only a husband could know.  But there, in this darkened room and with his fuzzy mind, he hadn't yet added two and two.  He had, after all, already made love to Brittany in human form, and she was around the same size as Ranma-chan.  He just hadn't remembered that 'petite girl + cheetah features' wasn't the usual equation.  Nor were Ranma's hairs giving a hint — they weren't in the usual pigtail after the transformation, and Britanny had the capacity to change their length at will.  He just thought it was part of the role-play.

That was why he didn't hesitate to undress the moaning (and, to her great shame, purring) catgirl and caress her furry body.  He knew from experience all the spots that could make a werecheetah mad with desire, and Ranma was discovering just how potent they were.  Especially when he stroked her wiggling tail or ran his thumb along her spin or scratched behind her ears....  This was incredible!  She was putty under his fingers; she never felt that way before, never imagined she could feel so good under the touch of a male.

The discarded nurse uniform falling to the floor, Stryyp lifted the naked Ranma-chan by grasping her under the knees, and walked to the bed.  She was so excited she barely noticed, throwing her arms around his neck and still smooching his face.  The tiger man idly noted she was lighter than before, but only welcomed the fact, distractedly thinking it was nice from her to stay so small and allow him to be the one in charge — probably a willing turnabout from the earlier night where she acted like the boss all along.

Stripe sat on the bed with Ranma-chan on his lap, before lying on his back and bringing her down on top of him.  She gladly complied, plastering her nude, spotted form on his tiger-striped frame, wanting more of the wondrous feeling his hands brought her.  Stripe just smiled and closed his eyes, enjoying the delicious warmth of his 'wife''s body.  He didn't stay idle, though.  His hands squeezed her tight buttocks, playfully parting the cheeks, before he lifted her a bit to free his manhood (krynhood?) from under her.  The shaft stood straight and slapped her cleft, bringing a surprised gasp to Ranma.

Blinking, she reflexively eyed behind her, but couldn't see much past her butt and waggling tail.  She could feel he was lovingly massaging her ass, and pressing his erection against her crotch.  This brought her down a bit from her hazy, lusty state.  She felt a bit panicked at the idea of what was to come.  She wasn't sure she truly wanted to go that far, but the yearning need in her tummy told her that was what she needed.  Confused, she frantically thought:

"Oh no!  He's gonna... he's gonna stick... he's gonna do it!  What can I do?  I can't... let him... but I can't betray Britanny... though it would still be betraying her...."

Her eyes popped open at the sudden realization.  She had Britanny cheat on her husband... and now she was about to make Stryyp unwittingly unfaithful.  This was downright ironical.  Maybe this was what she deserved for tempting Brit-chan into adultery in the first place.  It made sense in a crazy roundabout way.  She owed this to Stripe, some would say....

Her ponderings were cut short by her lover's ministrations.  Stryyp had taken advantage of her indecision to progress, slightly raising her pert bottom to perfectly align his penis with her virgin sex.  Guiding her down slowly on his mast, the bulbous head parted the engorged labia, female juices dripping on it.

"GAH" exclaimed Ranma-chan in shock, astonished by the sensation.  It was too late to go back now, and she knew it.  The blood-engorged meat was slowly but unerringly sliding inside her folds, stealing her breath with mixed pleasure and pain.  Panting loudly, she grasped Stripe's fur in a tight grip, her small claws leaving marks on his chest.  He didn't care at all, too lost in bliss from the wondrous feeling of his large meat engulfed in hot flesh.

"Oh yeesss.... Britanny, you're so tight..." he mumbled.

Ranma gave no answer.  Her voice would have unmasked her, and anyway she was way past coherent speech.  Only hissing gasps and moans were escaping her drooling mouth.  Stripe was almost as big as her male form, she was certain of it!  She marveled how the heck the other girls could have sheathed 'little Ranma' at the time.  She was starting to fear he was ripping her in two, but at the same time she couldn't be more excited!

Stripe ascertained the grip on her buttocks and pushed her down the rest of the way.  She mewled in ecstasy and instinctively rose herself to better ease the big invader in her love hole.  She ended up sitting on top of Stripe, still impaled on his cock, her breasts gainaxing in the movement.

Stryyp'Gia opened his eyes, but instead of focusing on the face of his 'wife', he only saw those bouncing balloons.  Smirking, he moved his hands from her ass to palm those furry tits, fingers digging into the smooth, pliant flesh.  At the same time he rocked his hips to thrust in and out of his beautiful partner's channel.

Ranma-chan had already forgotten all considerations of manliness or properness or faithfulness at this time.  Only mattered this wonderful moment of carnal satisfaction.  Bouncing her whole body atop her lover, she rammed repeatedly her pussy on his hard asoko.  Her chest pressed into Stripe's groping hands, her unbound hairs waved, her tail lashed madly, her furry skin glistened with sweat (proving werecheetahs could perspire, unlike true cheetahs)....

Her whole word was entirely comprised of bouncing moves, gasping sounds, musky scents, feathery touches, flashing spots of light, and above all the burning-hot rod that was spearing her womb, bringing out an epiphany of sexual pleasure.  She was no longer silent, mixing "Ooooooooooohhhh..." and "Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh..." and "Yeeeeessssss..." with animalistic meows and growls.

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(Posted Mon, 02 Jun 2003 15:06)

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