Looking up into Ranma's eyes, Grave Digger gave Ranma a rather cute smile. "Well, I would like some nookie and lots of it from my wild stallion. PWEEEEEEEASE!" She said with the cutest voice he could make.
Looking back into her eyes, Ranma couldn't help but admire his wife's right eye-stripe. Smiling, Ranma hugged his petite wife to him tightly, his smile widening as she began to purr against him. He knew that in a way, they were made for each other. Both of them were screwed up, and Grave Digger was literally attracted to him.
In Jade, when Brianna's problems were more or less settled, Grave Digger did not disappear because her energies were sealed into Brianna... They were sealed OUTSIDE! And without a link to Brianna, Grave was lost in the etheral stream as concentrated energy...
And she was like that for a long while... Until she latched onto another curse to give herself a more physical form... And so, she managed to take over Ranma-chan... However, it was not a complete take-over. The host she had gone into was strong-willed, and was able to keep from being taken over by Grave Digger fully.
So Ranma had to go through life with Grave Digger in the back of his head... And he had to be in her body when he was hit with cold water, as he now turned into the small werecheetah instead of his redheaded female form.
But, as to be expected, Grave Digger can't keep quiet about her existence... And she gets put on the news as she was retaliating some attacks from Sailor Sensehi... And that broadcast happened to be seen by the Diggers...
After introductions were made and the Diggers explained the nature of Grave Digger to Ranma and Ranma told them of his experiences having her conencted to him, a decision was made. Using a combination of magic and technology, the Diggers were able to eventually break Grave off from Ranma... But Grave now had feelings for the pig-tailed martial artist. She had spent a long while inside him, knowing his memories, and fully understood him better than anyone ever could.
And on the flip side, Ranma understood Grave as well, also getting to understand her... After they became seperated, Ranma and Grave became friends and Grave was, with Ranma's help, more or less educated to be an acceptable person in society... And, well, she and Ranma eventually got hitched!
Ranma was brought out of his reverie of memories as he felt a piece of his anatomy harden and press against Grave's slick nether-lips. "Eh heh... Sorry about that."
Purring, Grave said, "Don't be, love." She began to rock her hips back and forth, Ranma's manhood was sliding along her slit even more, stimulating them both. "Mmm... You know how much I love your little stallion..."
Ranma smiled and pushed Grave back, surprising the his wife as they fell back onto the bed. "Ooooooooh... Someone's getting a little fresh..." Grave said sensually, liking how she was pinned underneath her husband.
Grave took in intake of breath and moaned as she felt Ranma move his hips back and slide his length into her dripping sex. "Aaaaaaah... Yes..."
Ranma smiled and kissed Grave passionatel, his tongue dancing around in her mouth. He felt his confidence rise as Grave moaned in pleasure and he then started to massage her breasts as well. He always tried to make his wife feel the best.
Grave was purring intently and hugging onto Ranma, her hands running along his spine. She loved Ranma. He saw her not as just a clone of Gina and Britanny, nor did he hold a grudge that she was part of him for awhile, having hijaked his cursed form. He loved her genuinely, and they held a great understanding. "R,Ranmaaaaaaaa..."
A loving smile on his lips, Ranma began to thrust his manhood back and forth faster and faster within Grave's warm channel. He pinched her nipples tightly and kissed her neck, loving the feel of her fur. "Grave..."
Purring to the point where it was the only thing either of them could hear, Grave was also trying to thrust her hips back to meet Ranma's thrusts. She loved the feeling of his shaft filling her to the brim with Ranma-meat.
The two continued to move as one for quite some time. Finally, after some time, Ranma gave a sharp, powerful thrust into Grave and reached his peak. With a cry of his wife's name, Ranma released his load into her.
Locking her legs around her husband's waist, Grave orgasmed and hard, her sex tightening and clenching around her husband's manhood. She continued to purr contently as she felt a pleasingly warm sensation as he filled her with his seed.
Laying down on the bed, Grave and Ranma continued to hold one another, enjoying the presence of one another. "I love you, Grave..." Ranma said as he kissed Grave on the lips.
When Ranma broke the kiss, Grave smiled back at Ranma. "I love you too."
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See other episodes by Red Priest of the 17th Order
(Posted Wed, 14 May 2003 00:13)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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