Ranma's Cute Kryn: Pleasures of the Flesh and Fur. (LEMON) [Episode 44003]


Jalliele'Brea Saotome smiled at her husband and nuzzled his neck. She thanked whatever universal power had delivered this wonderful man into her life.

She mewed gently in pleasure as she felt his hands caress her back, Ranma always knew how to give her pleasure by a simple touch. Thinking back on when they first met, The Archon of Aebra never back then ever imagined she'd find herself married to this man, much less in a relationship beyond friends.

They had met when the Diggers had followed Stryyp'Gia to Aebra. Ranma had met the Diggers sister by chance sometime ago and wanted to help them. During a clam moment in the combat, she and Ranma found themselves both afflicted with the same syndrome....love sickness.

Archon had found herself smitten by Stryyp'Gia, and Ranma had found himself attracted to the Werecheeath Britanny Diggers.

And both were DENIED big time. Britanny & Stryyp had each other and were content with just that. Having someone in the same boat as you proved to be nice as she and Ranma could..'vent' to each other by discussing their woes and what not. It certainly helped them get over their love-sickness in due time.

In between the reconsturction efforts of her homeworld and helping the survivors rebuild. Archon found time to visit Earth to keep in touch with the Diggers, and soon her visits became more solely to see Ranma as time went on.

Neither knew at the time that their feelings for the other were growing rapidly. Until one day Ranma had gotten the guts and asked her out on a date. The said date went well, but nothing major happened, simply dinner, a movie and a midnight stroll.

The next date went almost the same except the platonic air was broken by the first kiss being given here. The third date was experimenting with making out.

By the 3rd month of dating both awoke one morning in the others arms at a nice hotel downtown. By then they had passed the initial 'I love you' confesses and had becoem lovers.

After a blissful year and a half of dating and having been friends for 2 years total, Ranma got on one knee and proposed to the Archon of the Kryn.

And she happily accepted, giving Ranma a hug and kiss to rival any other.

The wedding was a few weeks later, attended by friends and family and without incident. On that day at the alter they had become Man & Wife, forver binding themselves to each other.

" And I couldn't be happier." She thought to herself, and let out a moan as Ranma's hands had left her back and were now caressing her furry breasts. " Mmmmm, someone can't keep their hands to themselves..." She moaned with a teasing wink.

" How can I with such a beautiful, sexy and naked woman that's in my company?" Ranma retorted as he nibbled her neck.

Jalliele smiled wickedly and pressed her butt agasint her husband's manhood her smile widening as she felt him groan from the contact. She gasped in surprise as she felt him lift her up and turn her around so they were face to face and felt his lips mesh with hers in a deep kiss. Which she happily returned, wrapping her arms around him.

She felt her back fall against the bed as he laid her down gently, and moaned loudly as she felt her husband's manhood slide into her hungry sex, filling her fully. How she loved the feeling of him within her, sending such sensations and the primal urge to mate and accept all he had to give her.

Ranma set to work on the pace, starting slow and steady, but with the pace increasing in intensity as each stroke went and gone. He loved the feeling of his wife's wet folds around him as he thrust within her. And her fur...God how the feel of it against his skin as they moved served to stimulate him.

The only sounds in their room were the sounds of soft cries, bedsprings creaking, and the wet-slick sounds of love making.

With the final trust of her husband's manhood within her, Jalliele cried out her husband's name as her inner folds clutched at his member coating it in her womanly fluids and sucking on him demanding his life-seed.

Ranma did not disappoint, throwing his head back and crying out hers, his manhood exploded a gushing flood of his warm seed into her hungry sex, filling her womb.

Jalliele squealed as she held Ranma tightly to her, wrapping her legs tightly around his waist, keeping him inside her. She loved the feeling of his cum flowing inside her. She wondered what kind of children they might have one day. After all..they have been going at it for a while now. Oh well, one thing at a time.

Ranma smiled down at his wife and leaned down to kiss her. " I love you Jalliele."

" I love you too Ranma." She mumured, she blushed but asked anyway. " When we recover our strength...in the shower?"

Ranma grinned lecherously how could he deny his wife? " Anytime dear..anytime."

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(Posted Mon, 26 May 2003 05:35)

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