Ranma grunted, his slimey seed splashing against Pryor's folds as her petals clenched tightly around his organ in response. Presperation covered their bodies, mingling with each other as Ranma finished taking his new mate.
Ranma's mind, scrambeled greatly due to Pryor's first and subsequent physic attacks began reaffirming its control over itself. Dazeidly Ranma's eyes shifted from opaque darkness to illuminesent blue, focusing nearly instantly on the blithering female flesh beneath him.
Thoughts past in the blink of an eye, and Ranma realized what he had done. He didn't consider it rape out of blissful ignorance, but rather something that naturally occurred. His alien DNA didn't see anything wrong with it, so thus he didnt. After further speculation Pryor was indeed a prize of a mate with her healthy body and supreme telepathic capabilites.
Pulling himself out of her tight sheath, their juices spilling out slightly, Pyror moaned incoherently at the action shortly before succumbing to her exhaustion, finally passing into the land of dreams, a content smile on her features.
Sitting back on his haunches, Ranma once again pondered what had just occurred. He and his mate had been attacked, and some how during the confusion he had managed to escape and claim their attacker as another of his mates, already his spawn could be felt through the abnormal strong bond he held with the woman. His thoughts raged back and forth through the entire ordeal, to Ranma if felt almost like a dream, where thought simply didn't matter and everything was generally done on impulse or through the puissiance of the subconscious mind.
His new mate even asked for it, some one so willing to join him in continuing his species was worthy of his respect.
Shaking his head, Ranma took to his feet to release his other mate, Chun Li, from the bounds his newest mate had placed on her.
Some one or some thing was after his mates. They were threats that had to be dealt with, the first action he needed to take was gather his mates so that he could better protect them and his unborn children. No one would lay their hands on his mates while he was still breathing.
Unbeknowest to Ranma, the auto-pilot had recieved new orders and instead of heading directly for Japan, it was instead headed for America at near top speed. Information streamed across the central computer from some one. It's direction plainly clear
"Collect Rally Vincent - Location XXX-XXXX-XXX. Downloading pertinent information. He will expand upon arrangement two fold if successful in procuring subject unharmed."
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(Posted Thu, 08 May 2003 12:25)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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