Ranma 1/3: Purr, Just Relax (LEMON) [Episode 42198]

by Philip Weigel

Ranma was sitting at the edge of Britanny's bed, clad in only his boxers, thinking about all that had happened that day, first he shows up and then Brit's mom and grandmom show up and nearly kill him, not that he blamed them mind you. Then they all sit down and talk a bit, and Julia gets splashed with some water which turns her into a cat-girl, then he has a near relapse of that blasted Neko-ken training when she tried to maul him. After everyone calmed down, they discussed a few things, mainly Brit's future now that she was pregnant, and where he was going to sleep forever. Brit said that while she wouldn't be able to go to school she'd still finish school.

When it came to sleeping arangements, Julia, Mumsey, and Gina all wanted him to sleep outside, so that he wouldn't take advantage of Britanny. Britanny shook her head violently and said in no uncertain terms that he'd be sleeping by her side. This caused Ranma to smile a bit, seeing how much she cared for him, it was something that he craved in life, someone to love and care for him. The rest of the day was just lounging about and relaxing. Julia and Theo had gone somewhere, Ranma didn't know, Mumsey and Gina had disappeared, though he found Mumsey outside in the back yard mulling about, and Britanny took him on a guided tour of the place.

After a late supper (around 11 o'clock) Brit dragged Ranma up to her room and told him to get ready for bed, she had said she was getting ready and disappeared into the bathroom. Closing his eyes Ranma leaned back onto the bed and just waited. A few moments later someone crawled on top of him. "Purr, hey lover." Britanny purred into his ear.

Ranma smiled as he looked at her. "Hey yourself." He was surprised and slightly turned on that she was just wearing her bra and panties.

Britanny smirked as she felt him get exicted, "What are you thinking?"

Ranma just smirked and drew Brit into a hot and steamy kiss. "Mmmmmmmm." They both moaned as they got into it. While they were kissing, Ranma unclasped Brit's bra and discarded it onto the floor. Putting his hands to her breasts he started massage them in a circular pattern. "MMMMMMMMMM!" She moaned even loader as Ranma started to pinch and lightly twist her hardened nipples.

Breaking the kiss they looked at one another and smiled, though Ranma was still massaging Brit's tits. Britanny closed her eyes as she started to feel her body temperature go up even higher than what it was before. Ranma then let go of her breasts and moved his hands down her body, rubbing and sliding all over the place, until he reached her panties and then placed a thumb under the waistband and pulled down and slid her panties off of her.

Britanny was moaning, but she couldn't let Ranma do all the work, she reached down to take his boxers off, but he grabbed her wrists. She was about to say something when Ranma beat her too it, "You did all the work last time, I think it's my turn." Ranma then rolled Brit onto her back, and started to lick at her slit, from the bottom, all the way to her clit.

Britanny arched her back and started moaning even loader, and felt herself shudder, a small part of her was surprised, she had just orgasmed, and Ranma had hardly done anything. Ranma then started licking her love box with long, slow strokes, driving his werecheetah lover into even greater depths of extasy. He moved his hands from her waist up to her breast and started to rub them again, though he paid more attention to her nipples this time.

"Ooohhhh, Ranma, please quit teasing, uh, oooh, me. I, uh, ah, oooooh, need."

Ranma looked up and asked, "Need what?" While twisting and lightly pinching her hardened nipples that were straining.

"I, I, uh, need you, uhh, n-now. Please?"

Ranma then smiled fondly and stood up a bit so that he could remove his boxers. When he did, his manhood sprung free. Ranma then crawled upto Brit's face and kissed her, while guiding his manhood into her. Once he had the head in, he then pushed into her slowly. Britanny underestimated how aroused she was and when their hips met, she wrapped her legs around Ranma, and she reached orgasm again. "AHHHHH! OH YEAH, THAT IS GOOD!"

Their tales wrapped around one another as they started pumping in and out of each other. "Oh, so good Ranma, go faster."

"Uhh, no problem Brit-chan." And go faster he did, each of his thrusts were met by her counter thrusts as the two of them moved to a beat as old as time.

"OOOHHH, YES! YES! YES! THAT FEELS SO GOOD, KEEP IT UP!" Suddenly Brit hit the crest of the wave for the third time, this time when she orgasmed, Ranma closed his eyes as his ass clenched and shot his load deep into her womb. "Ohh, Ran-chan." Brit wrapped her arms around Ranma as he finished spilling his seed into her.

Breathing deeping and inhaling his lovers scents, Ranma could only thank Kami-sama and whoever else for leading him to this woman. Looking into her eyes he smiled fondly and kissed her passionately. When they broke apart he spoke, "That was wonderful."

Britanny could only nod when she realized something, "You're still hard? How's that possible?"

Ranma shrugged, "How can I not be hard, when I'm lying naked with such a beutiful woman?" Brit smiled and kissed him.

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(Posted Tue, 13 May 2003 20:54)

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