Ku Lon was trying everything she could to keep Shan's arrogance and unwillingness to function in any way other than a Amazon in her home villiage from ruining her Honor, but between the drugs, the bending and re-interpreting of Village Law, and her invoking the Kiss of Death on someone for being a fiancee to her target, then NOT killing to compound the shame?
Shan was a lost cause, she'd never be allowed to be Heir, maybe not even a warrior.
Mu Tsu knew of course, but he loved Shan, so he tried everything to Get Ranma, or get him to do something that would make him inadmissible by the Village.
All this was accepted, even with Ku Lon knowing it, for one Reason: Ranma Saotome Was The Best! Skill alone was remarkable, but the main thing was his inherited ability to learn and improvise advanced techniques, on the fly.. By all the Chinese Hells (there's a LOT of them), his worthless thief of a Father dreamt up two complete styles of stunning power just by exploring his thieving ways!
On top of that, Happi wanted him. Anything Happi wanted, he was denied! This attitude was inflexible. Whereas Shan was a arrogant brat and totally without morals in getting what she wanted, she was a submissive in the sack. Why else spurn Mu Tsu for a Ego-ridden boy like Ranma? Ku knew it all too well, as she was the same, a long long time back. Then came Happi. He sweettalked her, screwed her stupider than sex usually left her. That was fine, what she loved, but then he STOLE the TREASURES!
He betrayed her loving feelings, and she did the only thing she could do as a result. She killed her heart, killed her softness, most likely forever, by extensive repression thru the Soul of Ice, which was further perfected by her in so doing.
No, the Anything goes is NOT going to get a Heir like Ranma, a Godslayer, no less! She had carefully made sure Shan did notr awaken to see her splashing in the kiddy pool of Pool of Young Girl water, as after all, the stupid slut deserves her curse, and it would only leave her cursed to be a catgirl.. Frankly, she's catting around enough already, to the romantically burned Matriarch.
Ku sighed, even as she dried herself thoroughly, let the curse solidify, then fell BACK in, leaving her a Young girl cursed to be one with Hot and Cold water. She sighed, as using Jusenkyo to circumvent aging like this not only barred her from the Council, but ensured she would simply be a Warrior for life--never again could she lead in anything but battle.
It was worth it though, as her Ki was now as it was when she was young, had she been as trained then as she was ten seconds ago. In short--she was more dangerous than she had ever dreamt of being, and could likely BEAT the Godslayer, provided she didn;t give him time to train or luck out.
She was on him a mere 4 seconds later, but he was ready for something or other, thanks to the Ki spike of her power when the Youth set in.. his shout of "Cologne! What are ya DOING, Ghoul?" also reminded her he'd seen her way back when as a young lady, thanks to the Nanban mirror incident.. he obviously remembered her appearance, gods dammit! She decided to tell him the stakes, hoping to throw him.
"Not *OLD*, and not a Ghoul either, Airen!" Ranma may be arrogant and uneducated, but in Battle, his tactical innovation is near-legendary already, he got the connection and was thrown a good 5 yards back from her punch, gasping thru the loss of wind "No! ..Th- ..Th'Fhee!" He continued to dodge, catching his breath, but Ku just laughed, a dark sultry UNromantic laugh, while she gloated and kept up the pressure.
"That's right, *AIREN*, the Pheonix Pill incident, the CHALLENGE fight you defeated me in, all those months ago! I didn't want it to go this far, but even if I can't save my slut of a descendent, I WILL make sure my family is the premiere Martial and Ruling family of all time, even if I have to bear your children MYSELF!"
Ranma was gasping, not from exhaustion, he was of far sterner stuff than that, but from the dark secrets currently blowing up in his face! "You *USED her like a pawn, your OWN blood, WHY? WHY, you fucking--"
The combat was hideous, anyone within 50 yards was likely hurt and thrown away just from the force of the blows, no Chi attacks were used, as while Ku could likely win fast, Ranma would doubtless force her to kill him, losing her the point for this fight, and she was too sly and fast to let him even form a attack, much less fire one off. "Curse me all you want, *Airen*, your perverted Art will be absorbed and dismantled, you will be a sperm factory with the willpower of a gnat, finally I will have revenge on Happosai, on your evil gender, on that CUNT of a descendent, too stupid to know that Love is Weakness, that NO AMAZON IS TO BE WEAK!"
That's when Shan came into it, screaming something about Theivery in Cantonese--Ranma was about as good at it after this long as Shan was at Japanese, but Shan was fairly incoherent--and promptly was ejected, with a broken leg, fractured arm, and a MAJOR concussion, all inflicted coldly and precisely by Ku.
"That's IT, Ku Lon.. I challenge you, Winner Takes All!"
Ranma had dropped all concern for preserving Ku's life or his own just about then, as Ku wanted when she set the sleep spot to wear off at the proper moment beforehand. what she did NOT expect was Ranma's download of skills that made him worthy of a Professorial posting for any ninja clan in La Blue Girl's universe.
"Fitting Last Words, meatslab!"
As Ku darted forwards to finish Ranma, knock him out and render him catatonic, a living zombie that could teach techniques, get Ku pregnant, and no more, Ranma's subconscious flipped a switch, as he had against Saffron. No More Mr. Nice Guy. Time to piss her OFF, then shut her DOWN!
Ranma Saotome shredded his clothes and hardened, his cock, a rather nicer one than even Happi's (it was, as he was, rather larger age 20-something than now at 300+) flipping up and bobbing, both as a beckoning crooked finger and as in shooting the Bird, a more literal "Fuck YOU" than has been gestured in any fight in Nerima!
"Like what you see? You sure as fuck NEED one, **You Fucking Broad!**"
Ku went Berserk, trying to hit Impotence spots, she could reverse them later. This did render her predictable, as Ranma planned, allowing him to coldbloodedly hit sensitisation points time and again while acting like they were missed shots at more combative areas.
"I'm gonna ENJOY riding your mindless manhood, you pissant punk!" Ku was losing her Matriarchal composure, which pleased Ranma and the by-then-present Mu Tsu no END.
"Ranma.. I never really blamed you, I was trying to prevent this! TAKE THAT SHE-BEAST OUT, Saotome!" the Blindfighter Hidden Weapons Maestro bellowed. He understood Ranma's strategy, you see.
This whole act, aside from setting up Ku's breaking, was just to set her up and piss her off even more, make her fight on HIS terms, a classic staple of the Anything Goes, and one she should really have seen coming.
As Mu Tsu tended to Shan, hating Ku more than he'd hated anyone in his young life, Ku kept striking to remove Ranma's ability to waggle that dick, to make her feel that tingle, that warmth and dampness where a man is only supposed to put HIS, and ensure a strong girlchild! "Come On, aren't you a AMAZON? You're just another prostitute in a tiny Cheongsam(probably misspelled, forgive)! I got 75 Yen, and if you need more, Nabiki's always experimentive!" Ranma was on a roll, obviously.
Centuries of bitterness and fanatic devotion to repression was not going to be reversed, simply broken. Ku had abandoned honor, family, her position, in order to make this attempt. Ranma knew ALL of this--and he was pleased, grimly, angrily, AGGRESSIVELY pleased, as he intended to take her Pride, her Will, her very Resistance, once and for all!
By this time, Ku was beyond caring if Ranma lived to make it to the villiage, she needed to break him, break and ride, ride the Horse, Break the Stallion.. The touches were setting her on fire, and her entire body moved in a unconscious come-on, the only thing keeping her on-track her furiously battered mind and spirit.
Ranma knew he was using new techniques, doing things he'd NEVER have done before, as he tapped and slapped areas, re-routing her Chi thru her sexual chakras and nerve trunks in 'failed efforts to disrupt it'.
He had adapted similarly in the Saffron battle, so he just accepted this new self-image and set of skills, figuring it was just a breakthru into the Freak's Art--a fitting ending to Ku's bitchy reign.
Seems Nodoka's timing had unwittingly gifted Ranma with far more than Happi EVER knew how to do to a girl, but Ranma'd never believe that anyway, so maybe this is just Kami-Sama's way of easing the battle along.. Or MasterPC's, if it had a agenda that is.
Ku was wearing down, panting, her vision went flat at times, but she kept her eyes on Ranma--his equipment more often than not, but she was as always in denial. "I-- I'll get.. I'll get.." Her clothes were torn into a grotesque parody of the sexually provocative and motion-freeing Chinese getup the Amazons preferred, her sweaty tits were exposed, pussy not only drroling and easily seen by any remaining conscious on the scene (Ranma & Mu Tsu, that's about it), but also the Hair had fallen out after one strike, he'd done that to all but her head hair in various attacks.
"Yeah Yeah, I KNOW you'll get rode hard and put down wet, but what YOU don't know is that you aren't EVER coming back!"
Ranma meant of course that she was going to lose her will and become his Toy, his Doll, that being in his angered mind the only fair punishment, but he let her assume that he was still trying to kill her.
Ku went all-out, her entire Ki available focused in one strike, finally going for the Kill in desperation, though what sort she still would not admit to, even in her shattering innermost mind.
Ranma simply sidestepped--at Amaguriken speed! "Guess those Fighting Games and the Firewalking classes came in handy, neh, Cunt?" Even as he placed the final combo of touches in, making sure her chi flowed to exclusively arouse and addict her to pleasure until he'd put his seed into or onto her, Ranma--being Ranma--couldn't help showing off, this time his having learned to kick/run/dodge with the speed of the Imperial Chestnuts Roasting Over A Open Fire technique, once he trained himself with a path of heated cinders. He'd been Inspired by Chun Li, of course.
Ku had just enough time to start to scream as the reality of her defeat crashed in, but the 'nooo!' turned to "NnnnNNNnNnNNn! N! NN!" and her collapse, thrusting Pelvis the only thing co-ordinated a mere millisecond later as the Lust and her long, long, LONG-denied Submissiveness, each amplified a trillionfold or so, set up housekeeping where her will USED to be. Even as she was losing the ability to think at ALL, Ranma was wrapping her voluptuous body up in sprainwrap he'd bought for his many injuries from Doctor Tofuu months back. She heard, dimly, his final taunt. "So Long, Ku Lon. I'll satisfy you when there's not a speck of 'you' remaining. I've been used all my life. Now I will use! Thanks for the chance!"
Ku Lon knew, WAS no more, after that.
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(Posted Wed, 16 Apr 2003 10:43)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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