Red Rover Et Al: Escape! Ukyou's Distraction (LEMON) [Episode 38038]

by James M. Zema

Ranma winced as her hand slammed into the ground, unprepared for the hard surface her hand encountered as she shrank dramatically. Looking up as she shook the feeling back into it, she saw Shampoo and Ukyo standing in front of her and Kodachi. Ukyo noticeably wincing as the hot water splashed off her back and to the ground.

Narrowing her eyes, Ranma asked, "What do you guys think you're doing?"

"We can't let you hurt Mistress Kodachi, Ran-moo."

"My name isn't Ran-moo, Ucchan, it's Ranma." Edging around the pair, Ranma made sure to keep Kodachi in view. If someone was going to be able to undo this, it was her. "And Kodachi is the reason I'm like this, probably the reason you're like that...she needs to fix this, and she needs to fix it now!"

Akane and Shampoo seemed frozen, torn between helping Kodachi or Ranma. They shivered as their heads darted between the two who had been their masters before this time. After a minute or so of this standstill, however, Shampoo dropped to her knees and began pulling the loose rubble off of Kodachi's legs to Ranma's disgust.

At the same time, perhaps because Ranma was concentrating so much upon the one she figured to be the only real threat in the room, Ukyou's attack took her by surprise as the bunny girl dived forward, tackling her to the ground. The wind knocked out of her by the impact, Ranma could only struggle weakly as Kodachi scrambled up and out of the room.

"No! NO! NOOO!" she yelled when she finally recovered her breath. "She's getting away!" Leveraging herself up through sheer force of strength, she slowly pushed Ukyou up and then forward onto the floor. Her arms were still held by the persistent girl, but it was only a matter of time until the grip was broken once she was on top and able to use her weight effectively.

However, just as Ranma was sure she was about to get free, Ukyou's head darted forward. Bracing herself for a head butt, Ranma was incredibly startled as Ukyou's mouth pressed against hers in a demanding kiss. Surprised, her struggles continued for a minute, then slowly began to die off as Ukyou's grip shifted off of her arms and up to her shoulders, pulling the transformed girl to her as the kiss deepened.

Ranma's arms, finally free, shifted down to Ukyou's waist, with the firm intent to push herself off of the bunny girl. However, as soon as they brushed the silky fur along her sides, Ukyou's thigh came up between Ranma's legs, and the exquisite sensation made her shiver and convulsively tighten her hold. Her mind fought with her body as Ukyou's leg slowly slid back and forth over the lips of her vagina, and she pushed herself against the source of pleasure, even as Ukyou continued to hold her in an urgent kiss.

Finally, after several minutes of almost uninterrupted kissing, Ranma managed to wrench herself away from Ukyou and rolled off to one side panting. She lay like that for only a few minutes before she heard Ukyou begin moving again, and, concerned that she wouldn't be able to restrain herself, pulled herself to her feet and glared at her fiancees somewhat unsteadily.

Ukyou was just standing up, licking her lips and looking at Ranma with longing eyes. Shampoo and Akane, on the other hand, looked about ready to jump her, occasionally casting jealous glances at Ukyou. Uncertain what they were going to do, Ranma prepared herself for anything, her eyes darting around the chamber looking for a way out.

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(Posted Tue, 05 Aug 2003 23:45)

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