Doubly Cursed: Ryoga to the rescue! (LIME) [Episode 37055]


Sai Taro blinked as he looked at the newcomer standing in the remains of the wall. He overcame the surprise rather quickly, however. His cock was still buried firmly into the tight cunt of his little pleasure slave, and he wasn't about to let someone bursting through the wall spoil his fun.

“Hey Pig boy, get lost. Can't you see we're busy?” Taro said with a smirk. To emphasize what he meant, he pulled out a little before thrusting into the miserable looking redhead again. Aside from a single moan, Ranma remained silent. Taro's command that she stop complaining and only moan still stood, preventing her from even calling out to Ryoga to help her. Ranma looked up at Ryoga from her position, deeply ashamed of her predicament. Of all the people to walk in on her in this situation, Ryoga had been one of the top people she didn't want to see her like this. Hell, she would have preferred her father walking in on the scene than Ryoga.

'Help me, Ryoga!' Ranma thought, unable to voice it because of the collar. She could only look in to Ryoga's eyes with a pleading look and hope he would get the picture.

Taro frowned, seeing that his words went unheeded as Ryoga simply continued to stand there. Aside from the way his body was shaking, he was totally motionless.

“Stay right here and don't move.” Taro ordered Ranma, extracting himself from the redhead and approaching the Lost boy with the intent to get rid of him.

“Hey, I said to get out of he-erk!!!” Taro was unable to finish his sentence as a hand lashed out and closed around his throat, his body lifting into the air. Taro could do little but dangle from the iron grip of the Hibiki boy as his air supply was abruptly halted. When one has the ability to transform into a monster with the strength of 20 men since shortly after birth, strength is never very high on the priority list when it came to physical training. Thus, Taro was significantly weaker than Ryoga in human form. Despite his efforts, he was completely unable to break the grip around his neck, and his struggles were only getting weaker from the lack of oxygen.

“Let....go...” Taro gurgled out, gripping at Ryoga's fingers with all his might. The world was beginning to get hazy and his lungs started to burn, desperate for air. Surprisingly, Ryoga answered his request. Taro managed to take in a single gasp of precious air before Ryoga's opposite hand met his ribcage with all the force of a 10 ton wrecking ball. Forced to relinquish the air he had just obtained, Taro flew across the clothing store and impacted heavily against the opposite wall, visibly cratering the brick construction before slumping to the floor in unconsciousness.

The store manager had a look of absolute horror on his face as he turned tail and ran, not even bothering to put his dick away before making a break for it. Happosai, on the other hand, was hardly impressed. In fact, he was visibly glowing. He had waited a long time for an opportunity like this one and he wasn't about to let some snot nosed upstart take his jollies away from him.

“Get away from Ranma!” Ryoga growled out, lunging at the old pervert who had yet to extract himself from his pigtailed victim. In a flash Happosai was across the room, leaving behind the frozen girl as he produced a series of firecrackers from his clothes.

“Back off, boy. You're a hundred years too young to come between me and my women.” Happosai muttered angrily. Ryoga produced a glow of his own as Happosai lit the bombs with his aura, perfectly willing to blow the upstart to kingdom come.

“Happo Daikarin!”

“Shishi Hokodan!”

The roof and a significant portion of the east and north walls of the small shop were completely obliterated in the resulting explosion. As it turns out, however, Happosai had completely neglected to realize that throwing a series of bombs at a chi blast was a very effective way to get them returned to you. As the smoke cleared, Ryoga was left with the soiled Ranma-chan still standing motionless from Taro's last command, Happosai no where to be seen.

Seeing that the three rapists had been soundly defeated, Ryoga quickly turned to Ranma. He also noticed the odd choker she was wearing and figured that was probably how they had been controlling Ranma. Ryoga promptly removes it and destroys it.

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(Posted Thu, 27 Apr 2006 07:07)

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