Doubly Cursed: A tentacle monster at the discount store (DARK) [Episode 36574]

by Kestral

The store manager threw his cup of cold water on the pair, an expression of disgust on his face.

Contrary to belief systems bandied about by the press, outraged feminists, teenaged boys, and other agenda-driven groups, not every male on the planet thinks that sex should take place everywhere, at any time, at the drop of any article of clothing, and under any condition available. Not all of these objectors could be classified as being "religious nuts" or "right wing extremists" or something similar.

The manager of "Bargain Shoppers" - Hiroyuki Sanada - was a fairly upright businessman and in complete disregard for the novels of Michael Creighton or similar authors - was not evil, stupid, profit-uber-alles or similar stereotypes. Sanada simply had a store where men's and women's clothing - among other things - was bought cheap and sold at significantly lower prices. The clothes were not particularly fashionable, in fact most were discontinued. You didn't come to "Bargain Shoppers" for cutting edge fashion, you came to save money. It was something the owner/manager believed in, and he'd invested years of savings and hard work to bring his business into being. Sanada's store was intended for families on a tight budget, and he kept that atmosphere in mind.

Two people making out in a dressing room was not in the category of "family atmosphere."

Hence splashing the two with a cup of cold water and telling them to get out.

Except that Hiroyuki Sanada had not expected to see what he was now seeing.

The girl screamed in horror and pain as blood fountained out from where she was being penetrated, not the tiny bloom of a broken hymen, but full fledged vaginal hemorraghing as the boy's penis suddenly became this barbed monstrosity (having qualities of eel, yeti, bull, crane, and octopus) that was kind of like packing forty pounds of sugar in a five pound sack. It made a mess.

The store security cameras caught it as he backed away and a tentacle monster slung the girl he'd been raping away from him and advanced on the idiot who had interrupted his fun.

Other shoppers saw this and reacted predictably, screaming in horror as "Bargain Shoppers" became a scene out of a particularly gruesome hentai anime.

"Oh shit," said Happosai quite distinctly as his revenge and fun became something less fun. Not so much for what had happened to Ranma, who had it all coming to him anyway. No, it was the screaming and crying children being exposed to this that took the naughty fun out of the situation. "Tarou! Get control of yourself!"

Tarou brought his hands down on the puny insect that had dared interrupt him, noticing that after the first few hits that the sound of the impacts became less crunchy?! Uh oh.

The security company monitoring the cameras notified the police and an ambulance.

Women with cell phones were calling the police, ambulance, news services, and anyone else they could as a huge tentacle monster came out of the dressing rooms to menace them!

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(Posted Sat, 29 Mar 2003 15:37)

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