"Then, " spoke Mercury suddenly, "I'd best complete my bond with the Mistress soon." She smirked as she added, "She'll need someone to balance out your excesses."
"Hmmph," replied Mars with a derisive snort. "You won't be singing the same tune when the Mistress claims you. Excessively." She leered back at Mercury.
"We'll see," said Mercury equivocally, "Won't we?" A pause. "But that'll have to wait. The Mistress needs to get her strength back."
"Excuses, excuses," sneered Mars. But that didn't stop her from returning to her ring. Saturn's sleeping form had long done so.
"Sleep well, Mistress," whispered Mercury, before she, too, disappeared into her ring.
Ranma woke up in a start. Looking all around her, she didn't recognize the room at first. It was covered in shadows; the backlit marble columns were the only things lighting up the room as the sun had yet to announce itself through the curtained windows. Then memories of last night slowly trickled back into her mind. It was a bit much to take in, even if in short flashbacks at a time.
"Mistress," a voice suddenly interrupted, "Are you okay?"
Ranma opened her eyes and saw Mercury looking at her worriedly. Mercury had returned to her adult form, to what she had been when they first met. Except it was different. Her face, her hair, her skin, they had changed. They had all turned blue.
Her hair was much lighter in shade than it had been before. And kind of stiffer in look. It was the color of the sky, when the clouds are gone and the sun shines bright. A paler blue to match her much paler skin. Her entire body was now in various shades of blues and white. It was like her body had been frozen in ice; she seemed like a statue encrusted with frost.
"Mercury?" Ranma ventured to guess. The Genie nodded in confirmation. The girl accepted the new look without qualm.
"What's going on?" she then asked. Ranma was feeling confused by what happened yesterday. "What's happening to me?"
"You have bonded with Mars. Completely. What is hers, is yours. Her powers. Her passions. Her fire. Her Darkness. Everything is now yours. Yours to command."
Ranma remained silent. She remembered something about that yesterday. Something about pain. And hopelessness. And rage. Something. And wanting to make it stop.
Ranma blinked. Mercury was looking at her.
"You have already bonded with Saturn," continued the Genie. "I think it is time you complete your bond with me."
"But how? I'm a girl again. How do I do that?"
"Watch me. And learn."
The two of them had started with a kiss. And caresses with their hands. Touching each other's breasts. Ranma had gotten too enthusiastic and had squeezed too hard. Mercury then taught her how to touch more gently. Mars's influence on her Host was quite strong; she had her work cut out for her.
Right now, Mercury licked all around but not the nipples of her Mistress's breasts, while teasing the sparse curls between her Mistress's legs. The aging spell cast by Mars yesterday had run its course, changing Ranma back from an adult to a teenager. Which suited Mercury's sense of aesthetics. She was the teacher; her Mistress was the student.
Her fingers teasing but never quite venturing in, Mercury finally started stimulating the area near the top. Ranma's moans were increasing in pitch and in volume. After suckling the breasts one last time, the Genie stifled her Mistress's sudden scream with a deep and lusty kiss.
Pausing to allow her Mistress to recover, Mercury watched as Ranma's flushed face and chest returned to their normal pallor. She smiled as her Mistress opened her eyes. Ranma smiled back.
"Thank you, Mercury," began Ranma. "This has been a special experience for me." Her voice was calm and sure.
"I am glad, Mistress," replied Mercury. "It was my pleasure."
It was then that the light of the morning sun filtered through window curtains. Dawn had arrived over the horizon and was slowly brightening the outside world. Their room was located high up in the love hotel, one of the more expensive suites.
Once again, a glow infused Ranma's body. Then disappeared, leaving behind a different gender.
"Oh, it will be," said the now-male Ranma. "It will be."
He started things off with a kiss.
Mercury was now the one laying on the bed, with Ranma partially on top. He was nibbling on her neck while caressing all along the sides of her abdomen and chest. One leg was situated between her legs; she was using his thigh to stimulate herself. The student was showing what he had learned from the teacher.
Feeling she was ready, Ranma gave one last lick and kiss below Mercury's left ear and raised himself from her body. Kneeling in between her legs, he moistened the tip of his member before pushing it in gently. Slowly, slowly he entered. Both Master and Genie groaned in pleasure.
Pulling back but not out, he pushed back in, entering even more deeply. Ranma did so several more times; until finally, he was flush against Mercury. His arms were braced on the bed beside her waist, as her legs had risen and hooked around him.
Leaning forward, Ranma resumed kissing Mercury on the lips. He rested his weight on his elbows as they hugged their bodies closer. Stopping for a moment, he then started moving in and out again before continuing with the kisses. Mercury's ankles locked themselves around Ranma's lower back.
The two devoured each other's faces, as things warmed up. But their passions had reasons; each wanted to enflame the other. They wanted to see who could get to whom first. Mercury's vast knowledge and cool reserve versus Ranma's enthusiasm from Mars and determination from Saturn. They would pause their oral battles from time to time when things were particularly intense.
The both of them were almost there. Ranma had once again raised himself off of Mercury. His arms were braced against the bed while her legs were hooked around his waist. Both of their faces were flushed with exertion. Mercury's hands wrapped themselves up in the bed sheets. Then one hand reached out to tweak the tips of one of the Genie's breasts. Another joined in from the other side.
The mischievous faces of Mars and Saturn appeared next to Mercury's surprised one. When they started teasing her and caressing her with their fingers and tongues, Mercury lost it. A strong gasp and a sudden jerk with her body was soon followed by a muffled grunt from Ranma. He had clampled his mouth shut in his efforts to hold out after Mercury. It had been a close thing, especially after seeing Mars and Saturn join in.
After catching his breath, Ranma attempted to disengage from Mercury, but she wouldn't let him. She pulled him closer to her, his weight resting upon her body. The other two moved in to join the cuddle. The four of them settled down in an intertwined pile on the bed.
"You cheated," spoke Mercury in a soft tone.
"And you liked it," replied Ranma.
"Yes," remarked Mercury with a happy voice, "I did. Master."
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(Posted Sun, 02 Mar 2003 12:20)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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