10 Rings (DarkPack): Die A Thousand Little Deaths (LEMON) [Episode 30823]


Saturn's thoughts were lost in a pleasure-filled haze. Her Master, raised up on his elbows above her, kept to a steady rhythm as he claimed her as his own. Over and over again, he pressed her body against the bed. Her legs were wrapped around his waist, urging him on. To go faster. Deeper. Harder. She could no longer vocalize those words; her vocabulary had degenerated to incomprehensible moaning and the occasional "Master!".

Her arms were held in place above her head by the other Genie. She had left several scratches on her Master's back when they had cemented their bond the first time. Then her Master had told the others to hold her down. Lust-filled eyes had turned into ruthless ones. He wasn't through with her yet.

And thus Saturn found herself being swept up in an ever-increasing plateau of pleasure. His movements had started slow, but sure. Then stronger and stronger still. The bed creaked in counterpoint to the little gasps she let out. Her Master kept on his unrelenting pace. Along with the unflinching gaze into her eyes. He impressed unto her his complete dominance over her.

It slowly built up inside of her. That feeling at the pit of her stomach. Despite the small sparks that continuously lit up within her along the way, it had kept on growing. Her Master summoned it. Bigger and bigger, it grew, as her breath grew more and more ragged. She urged her Master on, to hurry, but he kept to the same maddening pace. She struggled to free her arms, but the others held fast. She was so close!

Then, it came. She heaved to and fro, her back arching with the intensity of it, but she was held in place by her Master and the other Genie. After that one long, glorious moment, she crashed back down into the mattress. She gasped several shallow breaths before speaking.


And then, she fell asleep.

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(Posted Wed, 26 Feb 2003 10:58)

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