Those Obnoxious Pokegirls: Kikuko's Shocking Encounter (LEMON) [Episode 30526]



Kikuko jolts, then turns to see something that makes her jaw hit the asphalt. "No way..."




Flying towards the extradimensional traveller is a green-haired girl with tiny horn buds on her forehead, she dressed in a torn button shirt and bikini briefs. The panicked look on the poor girl's face -- now up close, Kikuko is able to recognize the newcomer as Lum (or at least this dimension's version of her) -- tells Ranma's sister that the Oni did not, for an instant, want to have anything to do with whoever was chasing her from beyond the bend in the road. Bracing herself, Kikuko clenches her fists as Lum spots the redhead, then tilts herself to land beside her. "Hide Lum!!" the Oni pleads as she ducks behind Kikuko, staying close to the redhead.


Kikuko spins around, then her eyes bug out on seeing the four girls -- could she call these green-skinned creatures "girls?!" -- in string bikinis standing line-abreast five metres away. Behind them is a panting teenage man, rather plain-looking by most people's standards, dressed in a canvas shirt and trousers. He also had a web belt holding four red-and-white spheres the size of softballs, what looked like a child's Gameboy computer game and other instruments which would be vital for those who roughed it a lot in the wilderness. "Now..." he pants several times to catch his breath, then his eyes focus on the woman standing between him and his target. "Eh?!" he yanks out the computer game, then aims it at Kikuko, his thumb tapping a couple buttons as his eyes fleck from the screen to Kikuko, then back to the screen.

"Don't let him ball Lum...! Don't let him ball Lum..."

Kikuko glances at the shivering woman behind her before jolting on hearing the man call out, "You're human?!!"

She spins back on him, then holding out a hand to reassure Lum, takes a step towards the Oni's pursuers. Seeing this, the green-skinned girls -- Kikuko is quick to note the plant bulb-like mound projecting from the small of their backs -- tense, they closing ranks to form a wall between their Tamer and the strange redhead. "Yeah, I'm human!" Kikuko responds, remembering the information she got from her ship's computer about the fact that most females on this planet possessed some sort of genetic modification. "What's this all about?!"

He pauses, wondering if he should answer this odd stranger, then he relaxes. She had no pokeballs, no pokedex -- in fact, she seemed to have nothing which indicated if she was a Tamer or not -- so she clearly wasn't anything of a threat. Besides, even if she was human now, chances were very good that she still had some pokegirl ancestry, so Threshold might become a factor sooner or later. "That Oni behind you ran away from the Mendou Ranch this morning!" he points at Lum. "I'm here to take her back to where she belongs!"

"No!!" Lum snaps back, sparks of electricity dancing over her. "Lum no want to go to Rei! Leave Lum alone!!"

"Not a chance, Oni!" the man snaps. "Mai, Misa, Vine Whip!! Bind her!"

The two girls closest to the sides of the road spring away from their sisters, stalks of grass in their hands growing to form long strands with the same strength as hemp rope. "NO!!!" Lum leaps into the air as her attackers fling their whips. One misses the Oni's legs while the other snares a leg, wrapping hard against her calf and thigh. "NO!!!" Lum screams, bolts of electricity lancing out towards her captor.

Kikuko's jaw drops as the electricity strikes the girl in her very ample chest, then bounces clear. Before Lum could ready another attack, the green-skinned girl yanks her down to smash face-first into the asphalt. "Hey!!" Kikuko runs over to kneel beside the dazed Oni, giving her face a quick look-over to ensure no damage, then she reaches down to rip the Vine Whip off her leg. "What'd you do that for?!!"

"Mai, Lust Dust them!!"

Before Kikuko could react, the girl who failed to snare Lum flings up her hands, an opaque greenish cloud leaping from her palms. Kikuko gasps as the scent of freshly-cut grass floods her nose, then she jolts on hearing Lum painfully wail. Automatically, Ranma's sister scoops the Oni off the asphalf as her free hand locks on Mai. "MOUKO TAKAIBISHA!!!!"

A bolt of ki energy lances into the girl's abdomen, making her double over as she is flung into one of the fence poles lining the road, ripping that in half and allowing thousands of volts of energy to burn into her. "MAI!!!!" the man screams as Kikuko springs high into the air, keeping Lum on her shoulder as she calls up more of her chi.


Before any of them could react, the Tamer and his Boobisaurs, even the badly-fried Mai, are seized by a vicious tornado, flung from the ground in the general direction of a nearby river filled with Feral Titodiles. As they vanish from view, Kikuko lands on the road, then shifts to the grassy boulevard between the road and the electrified fence bordering it. Lum is boosted off the redhead's shoulder, then laid out on the grass. One glance at the shuddering Oni tells Kikuko a lot. "Oh, shit! What do I do now...?" she hisses.



"Tame Lum..."

Before the surprised redhead could react, the Oni's hands grab her trousers, then with a yank, pulls them down to her knees. "HEY!!!" Kikuko screams out as she stumbles, but before she could fall over, Lum grabs her in a bear-hug, then flings the redhead onto her back. In an instant, Kikuko's shirt is pulled open to reveal her breasts, then Lum lunges in to capture one of the redhead's hardening nipples in her mouth as her hand darts down to jab a couple fingers into the slit between Kikuko's legs. "Ah...!!"

"Tame..." Lum whispers as her fingers begin to dig deep into Kikuko's womanhood, her free hand reaching down to pull her now-damp bikiki briefs away from her dripping vaginal opening. "Like Lum is doing to Mistress..." she pulls her mouth briefly away from Kikuko's nipple, then leans up to swamp the redhead with a wet thank-you kiss.

Kikuko blinks as her mind teeters on the edge of total brain-crash, then she moans as Lum thrusts a third finger deep into her passion box, a tidal wave of warmth triggering long-denied autonomic reactions common to people her age. With that, she gently embraces Lum, then rolls the Oni onto her back before one of her hands slides down to gently venture into the promised land. That exploration makes Lum cry out before she leans up to give the redhead another wet kiss, she drawing back her hand from Kikuko's womanhood to hold her new Tamer close to her.

Feeling herself properly braced against Lum, Kikuko shifts both hands down to gently push and pull against the Oni's nether lips, eliciting a very delighted moan from the girl underneath her. They remain in lip-lock for a moment, then pull apart to gaze into the other's eyes. "Like this?" Kikuko whispers as she pushes three fingers from both hands into Lum's vaginal opening.

The Oni cries out, then jerkily nods. "Yessssss..." she preens, then pulls Kikuko's head closer. "Mistress so good..."

"Well, actually..."

Lum gives her a curious look. Kikuko impishly grins. "It's my first time."


"Mistress no worry," the Oni reaches down to gently shift Kikuko's hips closer to her. "Lum show Mistress what to do..."

A couple minutes later, twin cries of delight echo through the forest...

* * *

Kikuko's eyes flutter as waves of discomfort mixed with gentle pings of pleasure flood her mind. Grunting, she rolls onto her side, then jerks on feeling something nice, soft and very feminine press back against her. Opening her eyes wide, she gapes on seeing a smiling Lum lying against her, positively glowing from the rapid yet sufficient Taming she just received from her new Tamer...


Kikuko blinks, then squeezes her eyes shut as a tsunami of strange, alien -- yet so familiar, so natural -- images bombard her mind. Images of a happy, warm childhood with a pair of doting, loving parents. Many playmates, both boys and girls. School begins, lessons in life that Kikuko (as Ranma) never got to experience thanks to Genma's single-minded desire to create the ultimate martial artist.

Then the warmth turns frigid. The happiness fades. Pain and fever herald the most dreaded time in a young girl's life on this world.


The end of humanity. The start of a new life as a...


Shaking her head clear, Kikuko stares anew at Lum, the growing chill freezing her heart in place making her shiver from head to toe.


Not human.

Less than human.

An intelligent animal.

The perfect sex toy.

The perfect slave.

Kikuko gags on her bile as she rolls away from Lum, then quickly upchucks what little food remained in her stomach before taking several deep breaths in a vain attempt to calm herself. Sobs then steal her voice as the grim reality of Lum's life -- of the lives of almost every woman on this planet, if what the ship's computer had told her and the others was even remotely true -- before comforting hands make her head snap around to let her gaze into a pair of warm, passion-filled, blue-green eyes. "Lum..."

Silence falls as they gaze on each other, then Lum reaches up to tenderly brush the tears away from Kikuko's eyes. "Don't cry, please," she whispers, speaking now with a stronger, more controlled voice. "It's not your fault, Mistress."

Kikuko blinks, then leans in to give Lum a baby-soft kiss. "Lum?"

"Yes, Mistress?"

A pause.

"My name is Kikuko. Call me that instead."

Lum blinks, then smiles. "Your wish is my command, Kikuko."

* * *

Now what?

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(Posted Wed, 26 Feb 2003 03:52)

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