(Quick cutscene to Ranma's mother who is puzzled by the strange urge she has to break out victory fans and proclaim her son's manliness for no apparent reason.)
Minako swallowed nervously.
"Guy has no endurance," sarcastically commented Rei. "After wearing out five girls once and two girls a second time, he's ready to collapse."
That got Ranma's pride to work and he drew on his reserves. "Heh heh. No problem. Ready when you are."
"I was being sarcastic," explained Rei, rolling her eyes. Male pride.
"Maybe I ought to wait until he's had a chance to recover," said Makoto who really wasn't all that anxious to do IT like that. She wanted a little romance involved, not just lust-maddened bodies pounding together.
"If you're sure," said Minako, holding her henshin pen up. At Ranma's nod, Minako called out her transformation phrase.
Then there was no thought but for the slaking of the terrible hungry Need radiating from between her legs.
The Senshi transformation was adaptive but absolute. On finding itself corrupted, it began fighting back. Each time one of the Senshi had transformed and become a lust-driven woman, the duration had been a little shorter as the transformation overcame the corruption. The corruption, on the other hand, acted much like an adaptive virus and fought back for its limited duration. It was only supposed to work once, after all, but then it had never been intended for use on magical girls.
As Minako's nails raked Ranma's back and they both bucked and pounded against each other, the transformation and corruption dueled. The result of which was:
(Posted Sun, 23 Feb 2003 13:04)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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