Lust Dust: Driving Need (LEMON) [Episode 28589]

by Kender

When she had come into the Nekohaten, Nabiki had merely beeing having a leisurely afternooon. There hadn't been much of a rush, and she had merely strolled inside for a bit to eat. The prices were cheap, and the food was pretty good all the time, so she had merely thought that it would be a nice treat on a lazy day.

But as she found herself being carried into her room via the window, any relaxation was out of her mind. Not even her odd entrance could disturb her from what was ultimately important to her at the moment.

Which was the pigtailed hunk who had her in his arms, and was using the opportunity to press her curves against his hard chest. She could feel his heart thumping against her side and found a wealth of pleasure from the fact that she was doing it to him. After all, the same thing was happening to her, and she couldn't wait for when they got inside.

So when he sat on her bed with her in his lap, she laid a deep kiss onto his mouth. Her tounge clashed with his as she tried to shove all of the heat that was in her body into that kiss. She couldn't match that level, but it did well enough, and allowed her to express some of the need that was rushing through her system.

That was something that she would have tried again, but she found herself being pushed back from him. The action made her make a sound of protest, but it was quickly quieted as he began to tug her blouse off. There was little finesse in the move, but that didn't matter, as it soon exposed her bra clad cleaveage to the relative cool air. Doing so gave a contrast to the heat within her skin which sent more tingles through her body, and gave her the impetus to kiss him again.

He returned the kiss as he yanked off his shirt and undershirt, allowing her too coo over his bare chest. She ran her fingertips over the hard muscle, stroking and pushing against it, but found that she only got a short time to do so, as he became interested in her breasts. There had been previous times when he'd seen a girl's cleavage, yet as he pulled off her bra, the full orbs that bounced on her chest fascinated him. Ranma played with them, squeezing and jiggling them with his hands as he discovered just what he could do with a girl's breasts.

Not that Nabiki was angry or annoyed with him for doing so. Rather, she was finding great pleasure as he began to discover ways for both of them to find deep pleasure from what they were doing. Even as he pinched and rolled the tip of each breast, it seemed that he was breathing as hard as she was. His attentions were just what she wanted, and she pushed her cleavage into his hands so that he could explore them to the fullest of both their satisfactions.

At the same time, she pushed one hand beneath the waist of his pants and slid it beneath the fabric. She stroked and felt the hard lines of his manhood, making him pant, and her smile. Her minstrations had the intended effect, as he dropped her to the bed, and began to pull her pants and panties down her long legs, just after yanking his own pants and boxers off. His hands ran up the silky skin of her shapely lower limbs, and she shivered as his fingers came daringly close to her most sensitive space.

The pigtailed boy knelt between her parted legs and and peered at her lower lips. Almost scientifically, he parted her petals with his fingers and began to feel along the insides of her wet and tight channel. Her eyes widened in shock, and pleasure as he began to 'examine' her slit with great intrest and rolled the hard nub that he found there.

Soon it became a bit too much for her, and she tugged him fowards. His hands splayed across her firm belly, and he was startled for a bit before it became obvious as to what she wanted. Since he wasn't about to refuse her, he moved his hands under her, and slid them to cup her backside. The fingers of each hand took a tight hold of each firm cheek and lifted her waist and hips up from the bed. That allowed him to move her enough so that his manhood could rub against her opening, but it took a few rather pleasureable tries to get it in.

Once he sank into her wetness though, both let out a pleasure filled groan, and she arched up to meet his thrust. Both were left breathless by the level of sensation that their joining was giving them, but instinct quickly took over, and he soon began pumping into her. The brunette began to bounce on the bed as he started to get into their shared rhythm, and she clutched at the sheets as she tried to get as much of him into her as possible.

And one especically powerful thrust sent her shooting from the bed to sit in his lap, with a little help from him. That gave her the chance to bounce upon him as he pounded into her with their shared wealth of need. Her body became crushed upon his as the passion reached levels that made her entire world drawn down to the boy who was doing such wonderful things to her.

When she finally came, it was with an incoherent yell that she let loose upon the room. The simple level of pleasure was so great that she stiffend for a long moment, and then slumped against him as he continued to pump into her for what seemed like forever. But release did come for him, and when it did, he let out a deep groan of satisfaction that ran through his entire being.

Thoroughly wiped by then, they fell to the bed, panting to get their breath back, and found only enough energy to cuddle and stroke each other's sweat slicked forms in the afterglow while:

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(Posted Tue, 30 Dec 2003 20:51)

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