Asrial's smile faded, as she was gently put back on her own two feet. Apparantly, the yin and yang of life have shifted yet again; because, before her stood that other damned Ichi-Koo.
Ranma was stuck between run, cover-up, and attatch to the ceiling, the result? He was like a deer caught in headlights, of coarse.
The girl who had just barged in tried to regain her voice, "I'm Yumei Ichihononei, Ichi-koo's younger, cuter sister! Dr. Diggers sent me!" After hearing the apparant skunketter sigh, Yumei tried to continue, "I'm here to find a Ranma Sextome, are you him?"
In responce, Ranma managed a squeeky, "Yeah, kinda, but I'm really Saotome Ranma. . It's a long story.."
Yumei nodded, "A long story indeed, uh did I say that out loud?" Her answer came in the form of Ranma desperatly trying to get dressed, and giving her a nice view of his butt. Wait? Wasn't she too young for this? "Oh no," she thought, "maybe I'm starting thresh-hold like my sister did..."
The cheetit, who had been lying quietly on the floor, spoke up, "Well, it's good to see that we weren't forgotten."
"Nope!" the younger girl responded, "The Doctor asked the local PokeCenter for help, and since I'm new there... Uhm, well... The people at the PokeCenter thought I was going to go through a thresh-hold like my sister did, and decided to send me on errends for them. Here I am though! I'm here to bring Ranma and the Diggers back to Dr. Diggers!"
Smiling, Ranma reassured the girl, "Hey, we were already headed that way, so we don't mind if you come along" Grabbing a pokeball, he turned, "Mitsuko, RETURN!"
Ranma led the little group out of the PokeCenter, determined to pick up some extra clothes for his pokegirls, "Hey Britanny, could you run to the store, and pick up an extra set of clothes for everyone then meet us at the cafe?"
Ranma was left staring at the sky, while wearing footprints on his back. Somewhere in the distance, he could hear, "Sorry Masterrrrrrr......."
Ranma accepted Asrial's hand in help to get up, but he felt something out of place... Yumei had her gaze levelled right at his... Private... Area...
Yumei never heard the pokeball open, she was so lost in her own thoughts, "Oh, that looks so big and nice. I bet he could make me feel good with that. I wonder if he would let me.... No! I am on a mission! I can't think about how big his... Yumei is a good girl! No, I am a good girl!"
The angel, Minako, leaned on Ranma's shoulder, and whispered, "You're going to tame me later, promise?" When she saw Ranma's nod, Minako added, "May have to give that little one a taste of it too, ya' know."
Ranma looked at Minako if she had grown an extra head, "What?!!?"
Grinning, Minako leaned towards Ranma and Asrial, "She's getting ready for thresh-hold; I'm sure of it. She was probably ready for taming a couple of days ago. I'm surpised the PokeCenter let her run an errand so close to it. God, if she was any more ready... Let's just say she'de be squishing when she walked."
Ranma sighed, another one? Couldn't he just turn the girl into this PokeCenter?
As if on cue, Minako added, "Seems she's fixaded on you master. She probably hasn't seen a tamer naked before."
"Do you guys like ice-cream? I think Ice-cream is great," Yumei added to the conversation, popping into the group like it was a huddle for a football game.
Before the group could get a full block from the PokeCenter, Yumei lost it. " Uhh," she moaned, as she pulled and tugged on her clothes. Dropping to the ground, the tormented girl started panting.
In an instant, Minako had gently swept the girl up in her arms, "Master, please? Mistress? We've got to go back!"
Ranma couldn't believe his luck, and the NurseJoy at the PokeCenter desk didn't help matters by giggling at him, "Teehee, I should have told y'all ta' stay!"
When they got back into the room, Minako pulled Yumei close, comforting her, "It' s ok. I know you're scared, but Ranma is really sweet. You'll feel much better when this is done."
The blonde angel stood back once the girl started complaining that she was ready for the taming before they ever got to the PokeCenter. Yumei spoke the truth, the thresh-hold itself is the scary part, taming was a relief. The angel watched as Ranma masterfully massaged, caressed, and took the young pokegirl. She felt her own arousal begin to perk up, while watching him. "oh," she thought, "I want to be next."
Her thought was interrupted, as Ranma suddenly stood back up, "Hey! I wasn't finished!"
Minako looked down to see the young pokegirl sleeping away, and decided now was the time to ask, "Mistress Asrial, please get a pokeball for her?"
Before Asrial got out of the room, Minako's robes fell to the floor, "Master, I would like to provide for you"
Ranma was glad that Minako wanted it, because he still didn't know which pokegirl to bring out when, save for the vixxen. He couldn't help but to stare at a perfect breast and a natural blond patch. When the angel, Minako came close he felt as though he was going to choke--she was awesome.
Ranma felt her tug him towards the bed, and he placed his manhood at her opening. Ranma just somehow knew that you don't do anything to kinky with an angel, so he just slowly began to penetrate her.
Minako's canal felt as if it were woven of silk and glazed with the honey of the gods. He continued to pick up his pace, then realised that her pocket of heaven was pulling and massaging his manhood on it's own! Ranma let out a small sigh, as he rammed his manhood all the way into the angel, "Uhm.. MMM."
He saw a sparkle in Minako's eyes, as she held him inside of her, and worked him with her vaginal muscles. Ranma could feel the pressure building for release as the stroking and massaging increased in both force and speed.
The angel was bucking and moaning underneath him, and still managed to caress his member. Withing moments, Ranma whimpered, "Minako.. Minako..."
Ranma moaned, "Do I have to go to school?"
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(Posted Fri, 14 Feb 2003 09:04)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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