Furry Senshi: You Call THIS a Natural Rivalry? (LEMON) [Episode 26738]

by Red Priest of the 17th Order

Jetta couldn't help but smirk as she watched what was going on in the living room from teh safety of the kitchen. She was going to reprimand reprimand and also compliment the jagweres for eating their food with such unseen movement and speed. However, Makoto beat her to the punch, by changing into hybrid form and chasing after the two jagweres.

"COME BACK HERE YOU TWO!" Makoto yelled as she chased after the two petite jagweres. "WHAT YOU TWO DID WASN'T VERY NICE!"

Ranma kept running. "Sorry, Makoto! It was just so good!"

"Really!" Sheila said. "It's not our fault we couldn't get enough of that wonderful cooking!"

Makoto smirked, but kept on chasing the two werecats around the living room. "Flattery will get you nowhere!"

Jetta smirked as she continued to watch. She knew that the anger in the chase about ten minutes ago, and right now they were running around for the fun of it. "After all, they're all smiling." Jetta thought knowingly.

Ranma kept running. While he had been scared for a moment or two, (not that he would admit THAT to anyone) he was now genuinely having fun.

"You won't catch us, werewolf!" Sheila said as she jumped over Makoto's couch with ease. And kept running. She then looked back a moment and see Ranma try the same thing... Only to have his foot hit the top and send him falling.

Ranma knew he was falling, but luckilly, he had been training in martial arts since he was five. So he turned his fall into a roll. "Heh, a couch isn't enough to take me..." Ranma eyes widened. Makoto had tried the same manuever he and Sheila tried, and she had gotten the same result as himself "Out?"


Sheila and Jetta winced as they watched Makoto land on top of Ranma. That HAD to hurt.

Makoto groaned. "Okay, maybe that WASN'T the best idea..." Makoto thought. Opening her eyes, the werewolf saw that she had the jagwere pinned beheath her. Not wasting a moment, she grabbed his wrists while he was stunned. "Got one!"

Ranma shook his head a moment. He felt weight on top of him. Coming to his senses fully, Ranma realized that Makoto was on top of him and had him pinnedm and pretty muched had her chest in his face. "Um... Is there any chance I can have some mercy?"

Makoto smiled. "Nuh-uh! I'm going to hold you hear all... Day?" The werewolf of Jupiter then blinked her eyes. "What's that poking me in the hip?"

Ranma was blushing furiously. "Um... Sorry..."

Before Makoto could voice her thoughts, or even let go of Ranma, Sheila landed on top of Makoto, her fronbt pressed into the werewolf's back. "And now I got you."

Makoto and Ranma both blushed. Mostly because with Sheila's weight, Ranma's hard-on was pressing harder against Makoto's waist.

"Uh, Sheila?" Makoto asked. She turned her head to see Sheila, who had a sly smile on her face. "What are you doing?"

Sheila smiled. "Just showing you that we do care." And with that, she kissed Makoto on the lips.

Jetta blinked from her chair in the kitchen. "Wow. That little jagwere is QUITE forward..." She thought.

Ranma watched the sight before him. Sheila and Makoto were locking lips. And despite himself, Ranma thought it to be quite an erotic sight. Even 'little horse' thought it was great and was making its happiness known. "Eep..."

Makoto was enjoying the kiss quite a bit. Her eyes then widened as she felt more of Ranma press into her. She reluctantly broke the kiss with Sheila and said, "You know, I think Ranma wants to have some fun."

Looking past the werewolf, Sheila purred. "Ranma, is that true?"

Gulping audibly, Ranma said, "Well, yeah..."

Sheila's smile widened. "You liked seeing us kissing?" Seeing Ranma begin to blush even more, Sheila was grinning a Cheshire cat smile from ear-to-ear. "Hey Makoto, want to have some male pussycat?"

Makoto was blushing but rather enjoyed the idea. "Yes. I would like to try that.

Ranma was speechless as Makoto and Sheila got off from him and climbed down his body. He just watched as Sheila literally untired his belt and pulled his pants down enough to uncover his privates. Ranma was surprised as they both started licking thge length of his manhood.

Jetta stared wide eyed at the spectacle. "Holy," The Alpha werewolf though, "This is so damn incredible." Jetta just continued to watch as the two werefolk undressed Ranma. Soon, it came to serious action and Jetta was tugging at the collar of her shirt. "Damn, it's hot in here..." She muttered.

Makoto was murring like a wolf as she sat above Ranma's waist, her legs at either side of him. She massaged his chest, letting her claws run through his fur. She wasted no time and started lowering herself onto him.

Ranma moaned. Makoto was so tight. The velvety inner folds gripped Ranma's shaft like nothing else. He didn't think it could get any better than this.

Sheila was going to prove him wrong.

Ranma was surrpised when Sheila started lowering herself onto Ranma's face. He didn't question her and pushes his mouth into her dripping sex, eating out the petite jagwere.

Makoto was surprised to see Sheila start kneeling above Ranma's head, but didn't think anything against it. There was nothing wrong with wanting a little pelasure.

And then Makoto was given a surpise. Smiling at her, Sheila reached forward and grabbed Makoto's arms gently. Pullung the werewolf closer the two hugged and kissed passionately, tongue dancing in their mouths while Ranma was doing his best to pleasure them.

Jetta's left eye was twitching somewhat irritably as she watched. "Boy, this new generation of weres have no modesty..." She though. The fork she held in her hand was bent out of shape as she tightened her grip, crushing it further.

The menage a trois between Ranma, Sheila, and Makoto continued for quite some time. All reached their release in an almost domino like effect with Ranma, then Makoto, and then Sheila. The three weres lay on the floor in a heap soon after.

"Uh, Sheila..." Makoto said, breathing heavilly.

"Yeah?" Sheila answered.

"I would liek to say... You are a great kisser." Makoto praised.

Ranma, who had done a lot of work, and was sweating heavilly licked at his lips, tasting Sheila in his mouth. Finally, he said "You know Sheila, it's ironic."

Sheila blinked and moved her body so she could look at Ranma. "What is?"

Ranma smirked. "You keep calling Tirga a pervert, and here you go starting a small orgy."

Sheila wapped Ranma lightly on the side of the head.

Jetta, shook her head. "Looks like I didn't need to tell Makoto about her place as a fertile female werewolf." Jetta thought, though it was slightly sarcastic. "At least this means there will definitely be some new werewolves in the next generation." She thought a bit happily.

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(Posted Thu, 06 Feb 2003 00:49)

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