PokeGirls (GD): An After-After Dinner Mint, Pleeaaase?!!? (LEMON) [Episode 26379]

by Silmarilis

Ranma felt incredible, his stomach was full and there hadn't been any crazy martial artist attacks in days. He leaned back onto a tree slowly beginning to doze off to slumber-land...

"Ranma.." came the saddened voice from his left. Cracking his eyes back open, he could tell Asrial was still a little bit more than worried about what had happened earlier. The change in the alien girl was obvious, she had become somewhat less fiercly independant. Was it this world that done that to her? Was it the strange bonding that seemed to affect even him on an emotional level? Ranma just didn't know, but his did know that her being so upset tugged at his concience that just wasn't possible before.

"Come on Asrial," the pig-tailed boy said while motioning her for an embrace. "Damn," he thought I can't remember ever doing that. Not even for Akane.. Akane." His thoughts about his former fiancee dropped off in the distance as he felt Asrial pull herself closer to him still muttering apologies for her actions earlier in the day. Then, in a voice that was barely a whisper, he said, "Asrial, if or when I'm ever ready to try that, you'll be the one. I promise."

He felt her shake her head, too scared to acknowledge what he had just said. With that, he saw her lift the watch-looking thing she had been working on earlier. She had said it would squirt him with a quick mist of warm water whenever he changed forms. Pulling her close, he said, "Thank you, Asrial. It's almost like.. A cure.. A CURE!

As if on que from an old musical, Ranma jumped up, and began to perform his, "I'm cured, I'm cured," dance! After a few moments of his joyous dancing, he noticed the still shy smile worn by his co-trainer.

Ranma dropped to a knee, and pulled her into a deep kiss. Releasing the kiss, he thanked her again; then, he pulled her into his arms. Ranma whispered his offer again, "I really promise whenever I'm ready to share my cursed form--it'll be you that I share it with."

This time, instead of shaking her head, Ranma felt her squeeze him harder. Then, he felt her shudder. Before he could say anything to her, she asked him to let her make it up to him. Ranma felt her hinds slide down his sides, and to the strings of his gi.

Ranma would have stopped her, but he couldn't. Soon, he felt her warm mouth taking in his manhood. The motion was surreal, as held his hips and slowly moved her head up and down making little suckling sounds. Ranma could feel the heat in his face, though, since he knew his entire harem was watching them.

"Asrial," Ranma half moaned, "we have to include Jetta. Jetta needs, well, you know." Ranma heard her mumble something, as released his manhood. Pulling her into a kiss, he was mildly suprised when she sank her body onto him.

Before Ranma could make another plea on the behalf of Jetta, the girl in his arms said, "Lay down, sweetheart, I'm going to share. Hey Jetta, come over here please."

As the girl made the request, he watched her body come over his face, as if he was going to get a sixty-nine. Yet, she didn't lean over him. Instead, he felt another warmness cover him.

Soon, he felt Jetta's moist entrance swallow his manhood. The wolf like girl was a little tight, Ranma noticed, as she began rocking back and forth on him. Ranma heard the girls' moans of pleasure from above him, though they were somehow muffled. He would have inquired about such, but his mouth was busy working Asrials sweet spot.

Ranma felt his eyes begin to cross, as the pleasure became intense beyond his belief. He knew Jetta and Asrial were both losing it as well. His member was being squeezed as Jetta bucked on him.. Asrial started wiggling above him.. Ranma's tongue slipped into Asrials tunnel as this went on trying to satisfy the co-master and "Alpha."

The bucking on his member became almost overwhelming, when he relized that his tongue had wandered somewhere else, and Asrial was cumming loudly because of it.. "Maybe," Ranma tried to think, "I should remember this. When he realized exactly where his tounge had managed to penetrate--he changed his mind, no.. maybe I should forget th... Aaaaaah"

Finally, the moans of exstacy gave way to a shudder of relief, and Ranma--now absolutely satisfied, felt the other pokegirls trying to clean them up.. Or was that tucking them in for the night?

Ranma awoke the next day, to the smell of hot-tea. Lazily looking around, he noticed that Jetta and Shiela had been put in their pokeballs leaving only Brianna and Gina out. Before Ranma could ask what was going on, he realized that the camp had been packed away--save for a few cooking utensils and the fire. Well, there was all of that, and the odd way that Asrial was almost glowing.

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(Posted Tue, 04 Feb 2003 05:41)

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